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Iran Working to Outfit Rockets with Nuclear Warheads

achm1.jpgThe (IAEA) International Atomic Energy Agency is concerned over recent evidence showing Iran is working to alter its long-range rockets to enable them to accommodate non-conventional warheads. Officials report the Iranian effort is being concentrated primarily on the Shihab-3 rockets.

An American representative on the IAEA stated the recent evidence is proof that the Iranians are working diligently towards obtaining nuclear independence. Israeli officials report the missile currently has a range of 2,000kg and can strike Israel.

IAEA officials turned to the Iranian delegate, asking for explanations of photos and other documentation, and were told “no country would agree to reveal its most classified military secrets.”

He added, “Who could have believed that American spy agencies found information pertaining to the ‘Manhattan Project’ on a laptop computer, referring to America’s nuclear program during WWII.

The meeting of the agency on Tuesday included a report that Iran continues its nuclear program, including stepped up nuclear enrichment efforts, despite numerous rounds of varying levels of sanctions by the international community.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

3 Responses

  1. With seyata d’shmaya, Ahmadinnerjacket will launch one of these puppies, the booster will fail, and the warhead will fall and detonate on his house.

  2. I can’t believe anyone would joke over this. These warheads couples with the trajectory device could cholila lead to millions and millions of casualities! We are in need of a yeshua gedola! We are in need of divine mercy more than any other time of our lives!

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