Baltimore: Early Morning Blaze at Tov Pizza

baltfd.jpgA fire broke out at at “Tov Pizza” in Baltimore Wednesday morning causing property damage but Boruch Hashem no injuries, officials said.

The Baltimore Fire Department was dispatched to the fire which started in the pizza shop located at 6313 Reisterstown Road at approximately 4:45AM. Firefighters placed the fire under control in roughly 45 minutes. There was no immediate information on the fire’s cause, or how much damage was caused.

(Yehuda Drudgestein – YWN / YW-MD03)

9 Responses

  1. AmazingDrei – Big time, and some aren’t even reported. Growing up these kids spray painted swastikas, and very derogatory words towards the Jews all over the block. Some kids beat up my brothers calling them dirty Jews. These things happened all the time, although I didn’t exactly live on the safest block (which by the way used to all be Jewish). This was some years back, not sure how things are going now.

  2. Why MUST it always be a hate crime? Why can’t it just be an electrical fire (which it was)? Or that someone forgot to turn off the oven and there was a crust in there? Why all the derogatory discussion and immediate suspicion?


  3. oy duvdl, so sweet and naive sounding. Why is it a hate crime? B/c we live in a ghetto dude! This is baltimore city, it’s a hood! In this heroin/ crack capital, the teens are BORED- and do all sorts of dumb stuff. Gangs are rampant here, and they recruit 12 and 13 year olds to do their dirty work, b/c nothing happens to “these poor boys from such underprivaledged backgrounds” even if they do get caught. Sorry duvdl, I didn’t mean to invade your happy space. If it makes you feel better, it was an electrical fire, k?

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