A rabbi was denied boarding on a Kenya Airways flight from Johannesburg to Nairobi, allegedly due to his visibly Jewish appearance. While other members of his travel group were allowed to board, the rabbi was singled out and turned away. A Kenya Airways staff member reportedly confirmed that his religious attire was the issue, stating, “That’s it, it’s not good.”
In response to public outcry, Kenya Airways issued a statement on social media claiming the group had been “behaving disruptively and appeared to be intoxicated.” However, video footage from the incident does not appear to support this claim. The airline also argued that since some members of the group were allowed to board, the decision was not based on religious discrimination.
The incident echoes past controversies. Lufthansa was fined $4 million last year after it barred Jewish passengers from a connecting flight over mask rule violations—despite non-Jewish passengers being permitted to continue their journey. British Airways also faced backlash last year for removing a Jewish sitcom from its in-flight entertainment, allegedly to remain “neutral” on Israel and Hamas.
(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
9 Responses
It’s their own fault for not planning properly. Whenever the Rebbitzen and I fly Kenya Airways she always makes sure to have several bananas on hand to placate the staff. Works like a charm.
“The airline also argued that since some members of the group were allowed to board, the decision was not based on religious discrimination.”
They claim that “the group was behaving disruptively,” yet they allowed most of the group to board?
Right. Not religious discrimination…
there is certainly a camera by the boarding gate let them produce the footage of the intoxication or be sued for discrimination.
the video that is circulating puts the onus of proof on them
YWN cries “Antisemitism!” again, without proper research first. Second time in the last 24 hours.
Why is an official news platform constantly parroting everything that’s going around on WhatsApp!?
Vadim, I rarely laugh out loud at a comment….
The clip shown here doesn’t give the whole story. Comments at the Chabadsker website COLLive talk about a Habad farbrengen going on there, which led to trouble. As an aside, it should be noted that a major holiday of the Lubavitch, Yud Shevat, is this coming Shabbos, so maybe they were making hachonos for it.
Oh stop with the whining already. You people want to go to the ends of the earth to spread your “message,” well, there are consequences. Not everyone likes us.
And frankly, your whiny, bratty reactions to this reality does nothing at all but affect the rest of us who understand that we’re in golus.
its not antisemitism, theyre chabad
Kenya can rot