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Israel: Hundreds Planning to Visit the Kever of Pele Yoetz Remain Home

py.jpgMany people who planned to leave during the predawn hours on Tuesday to the kever of the Pele Yoetz, Rabbi Eliezer Papo, remained home in Israel. During recent days, rumors circulated that El Al flights to the kever were being canceled due to security concerns. The flight is an annual event, arranged on his yahrzeit by Rabbi Yeshayahu Yosef Pinto.

Rav Pinto’s Shuva Yisrael organization ordered three flights to Bulgaria for the event, with a fourth flight ordered after more requests came into travel agents but it was canceled a short time after when it was realized it was not necessary.

According to a Hamodia report, based on conversations with Shuva Yisrael officials, travel organizers received word that “security concerns” may complicate matters for this year’s event and this was not open to discussion. The flights come at a time when Israel’s Counter-Terrorism Bureau has issued a terror alert for Sinai, and advises Israelis to use caution regarding travel to Muslim countries, added to warnings that Jews worldwide must be vigilant against a Hizbullah attack.

As a result, notification was made to hundreds of people who planned to take part in the event, and their payments were returned by travel agents.

According to El Al operations chief, Lior Yavur, the airline never canceled any flight due to security concerns, not to Bulgaria of any other location.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

3 Responses

  1. Shlepper; obviously these people were preparing flights for 20 Tishrei, which is not far away.

    The “Pele Yoetz” wrote:
    טרם הסתלקותו בשנת ה’תקכ”ח הודיע כי כל המשתטח על קברו אחר טבילה אמירת תהילים ותפילה בכוונה יפקד בדבר ישועה ורחמים.

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