Speculation Swirls Around High-Profile Visit To Lubavitcher Rebbe’s Ohel Following Trump’s Inauguration

In the wake of Donald Trump’s inauguration for a historic second term as President of the United States, reports suggest preparations are underway for a high-profile visit to the Ohel, a site of profound spiritual significance to the Chabad-Lubavitch community.

Ariel Kahana, Diplomatic and White House Correspondent for Israel Hayom, reported from Washington, D.C., that President Trump is expected to visit the Ohel in the coming days. This visit would fulfill a promise he made during a campaign trip to the site on October 7, coinciding with the Aseres Yemei Teshuva and the Gregorian calendar anniversary of the Simchas Torah massacre in Israel.

During his October visit, Trump was accompanied by families of hostages, Chabad leaders, and commentator Ben Shapiro. At the time, his campaign faced steep challenges, with polls favoring his opponent. Trump reportedly pledged to return to the Ohel to thank the Rebbe if he secured victory. Following the visit, his campaign saw a dramatic turnaround, with polls swinging decisively in his favor, ultimately leading to his re-election.

While preparations near the Ohel have been observed, the nature of the visit remains uncertain. Ariel Kahana shared an updated message with Anash.org, saying, “Preparations are being made for a high-profile visit to the Ohel, but it does not necessarily involve the President.” Trump himself announced travel plans to North Carolina, Los Angeles, and Nevada later this week.

Speculation has shifted toward the possibility of Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump visiting the Ohel, with reports also mentioning Vice President J.D. Vance and Secretary of State Marco Rubio as potential visitors.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

25 Responses

  1. chazal have told us that davening to Hashem in holy places such as the Avos and Ztadikim is helpful that Hashem will answer our requests. But I never heard of going back to these places to thank Hashem for answering them. Perhaps someone knows the source for this!

  2. I love the idea of spreading monotheism throughout the world but I’m not sure this is it. At least jews should do better. Maybe it’s a step in the right direction

  3. The Lubavitcher sect it seems has really infiltrated the highest places in the US government and it seems they have the power to actively promote a campaign for more exposure of their religion.

  4. Philosopher, I guess you would rather the president pay homage in a church or mosque, which is more in line to your religion. You simply hate Jews and Judaism like any other Jew hater – they all say exactly what you say, that the Jews infiltrated the highest places in the US government, control the banks and media etc. Your future is shared by all sonei yisroel of the past – as they heat up Gehenim for you speedy arrival. Are you finished reading Elders of Zion? Share your wise thoughts with your parents. They should be shamed by whom they produced.

  5. Jersey Jew, define normal? If the majority of your peers are insane, does that normalize insanity. You say “us normal people are afraid of”, because you are part of a paranoid group. Know, that you kind is but a few. Fear not, my child, for a new day has arrived. Your “normal” has been rejected. It is now abnormal.

  6. ahavas_yisroel, it says on seforim
    “בת ק כבת כ” – at the same place you cried and said תהלים פרק כ, asking יענך…ביום צרה you should say תהלים פרק ק, joyful מזמור לתודה, thanking Hashem. As Chana returned the the Mishkon and said אל הנער הזה תהפללתי, this is what I prayed for.

  7. rt, I am sorry for you that you get triggered each time you see the works Chabad or Lubavitch. The symptoms of your psychosis is seeing avoda zara. It must be difficult to live with such an ailment. I wish you a refuah shleima. Please provide your Hebrew name and mithers name for Mi She’beirach.

  8. As a Xtian, President Trump has no problem with the Lubavitcher belief in a deceased messiah, his beliefs mesh with the Chabad faith.

  9. Lemayseh, I guess you practice the Xtian faith, and your comment is based on your intimate knowledge of the Xtian faith, to know what beliefs mesh with it. But you certainly have no clue about the beliefs of Chabad and general Judaism. Maybe join the Jewish faith with a minor surgery and a dunking in water, after acceptance of all mitzvos, including the great mitzva of loving your fellow Jews (which begins by removal of your sinas yisroel).

  10. Lemayseh, you write “as a Xtian”, you have personal knowledge that Trump has no problem with the Lubavitcher belief. Because you are a Xtian, you can know the Xtian beliefs. However you have no clue about the beliefs of Chabad or the general beliefs of Judaism. You howl whenever you see the word Chabad or Lubavitch, foaming at the mouth with spital running down your
    chin. Nebech.

  11. Lemayseh, there are many areas that Judaism and Xtianity mesh together, especially since the Tanach is part of their Scripture. Indeed, both religions believe in a Moshiach, an After-life and many of the Yud Gimmel Ikrim. But please do not confuse them to think that they are the same in any way. Your comment, in your haste to troll Chabad, implies that Judaism and Xtianity are interchangeable, making you sound like a kofer.

  12. tzedikis, would you make such a comment if the article replaced Lubavitch with any other kehilah (like, suppose Trump was visiting the Satmar resting place or any other kever of a tzaddik)? Obviously, you wouldn’t make your comment! Because it is you that resides in the sewer. How are things going in the sewer of your life? Any interesting sewage?

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