Mazel Tov Lomdei Oraysa!

Oraysa wishes a heartfelt Mazel Tov to the thousands of lomdim the world over who have reached another meaningful milestone in their voyage through Shas. 

Monday January 13th, י”ג טבת is a Yom Tov for Lomdei Oraysa, for having completed the Masechta of Yom Tov – מסכת ביצה. This simcha will reverberate in shuls, office buildings, kollelim, yeshivos and private homes across the globe; in testimony to the quiet revolution that is taking the world by storm.  

For Lomdei Oraysa, ‘Yom Tov continues’ was the tagline in a recent Oraysa ad, encouraging people to join as thousands of lomdim relished the feeling of being connected to Yom Tov long after the Tishrei season was over. Maseches Beitzah deals with the sugyos and halachos of Yom Tov, and by delving into its complexities, lomdei Oraysa held on to that connection for more than four months.

Now, as the glowing embers of the neiros Chanukah fade away, leaving us with the warmth of the Yom Tov of light, lomdei Oraysa are preparing to start learning the sugyos of Purim in Maseches Megillah.

While the natural order of the Masechtos in the Vilna Shas places Taanis after Beitzah, upon the advice of Gedolei Yisroel in Eretz Yisroel and the USA, Oraysa will be learning Megillah right after Beitzah, with Taanis following Megillah. This adjustment will give lomdei Oraysa the benefit and geshmak of דבר בעתו מה טוב, delving into the sugyos of Maseches Megillah as they head into Purim.

This decision has created ripples of excitement throughout the world of Oraysa lomdim, as learning a Masechta during its most relevant time is always so rewarding.

With every passing Masechta, Oraysa sees bs”d extraordinary growth, with more chaburos and hundreds of individuals joining all over the world.

Oraysa is a worldwide initiative designed to unite and empower lomdei Torah through a structured daily seder limud. It provides a daily framework to learn, review, and retain Shas while delving into its sugyos, at a pace that works.

The Oraysa Amud V’Chazara program was developed in collaboration with leading Roshei Yeshiva and Gedolei Yisroel to address the growing demand for a Gemara learning framework that balances consistent progression with meaningful review.

The program’s structured yet flexible approach makes it accessible to lomdei Torah across the spectrum, from kollel yungeleit to baalebatim and mechanchim. With Oraysa, every participant, regardless of their background or schedule, has the ability to grow in their limud haTorah and deepen their connection to their learning.

Oraysa has become a global movement, connecting approximately 30,000 lomdim in 370 chaburos across 100 cities worldwide.  Participants are currently finishing Maseches Beitzah, ready to begin Maseches Megillah on January 14th, י״ד טבת.

Join thousands of lomdei Oraysa as they embark on their journey into the sugyos of Megillah in the months leading up to Purim. Savor the satisfaction of learning the sugyos of a Yom Tov and come to Purim having studied almost the entire Masechta of Megillah, elevating your simcha on this special Yom Tov to new heights.

To join the program, for more information, or to help establish a chaburah in your community, contact Oraysa at 914.8.ORAYSA or email [email protected].

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