HEAR IT! Rare Carlebach Song Unearthed After 30 Years

The timeless music of Reb Shlomo Carlebach Z”L resonates in shuls, homes, and yeshivas worldwide. But fans were treated to something extraordinary last Thursday—a previously unreleased “Carlebach song” composed over 30 years ago.

Titled “Niggun Vayigash,” the song was discovered on an old cassette and sent to Yehuda Solomon and Shlomo Katz, who unveiled it for the first time.

Watch, listen, and enjoy this rare treasure!

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

6 Responses

  1. beautiful, wonderful. Shlomo ZZL continues to live amongst us. May his Torah and his holy spirit continue to live amongst us.

  2. Why would yeshiva world promote someone who has had multiple inappropriate allegations brought against him.
    Seems like he was a earlier Berland.

  3. My Thoughts After 450 Days without Music

    How can I enjoy music when more than 800 of our soldiers – the very best of our people – have been killed? With more being killed every week?

    How can I enjoy music when our Orthodox Rabbis and Poskim are literally crying because they received Halachic questions from our precious soldiers, who no longer know to put on tefillin, because they lost their right hand or lost their left hand?

    How can I enjoy music when our people, including innocent children, live in more fear than they know how to cope with?

    How can I enjoy music when our people, who live in our Holy Land, are moving to the Diaspora, because they sincerely feel that they (and their innocent children) can no longer cope with life in Holy Land?

    But you still have no problem getting on this website and arguing with every person who has an opinion or belief that you disagree with

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