WATCH AND ENJOY! Ishay Ribo’s Sold Out Separate Seating Event In NYC

For two nights in a row, Ishay Ribo performed to two sold-out shows in NYC. The second show was a separate seating event.

On the 8th night of Chanukah, Ribo will be performing at Miami’s Fillmore. If you want to buy tickets, YOU CAN’T! That show is ALSO totally sold out!

You can go to Punta del Este, Uruguay, on January 5th for his next show if you want to see him live.

[Watch his first show on YWN here]

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

6 Responses

  1. Let me get something straight.
    Mr. Ribo “also” has seperate-seating concerts? Meaning his standard mode is mixed concerts? And this is the “Star” of today’s Frum crowd and gets promoted by YWN?

    How does a performer who can even entertain the idea of mixed-seating concerts qualify as a proper entertainment for a Frum person?

  2. Nothing compared to the original soul songs of the singer before he made his money.
    Those were good.
    He should just keep those and drop the new ones

  3. To Yankele1: I’ll gladly give them to you, together with a word of wisdom: If you don’t have anything constructive to say, keep quiet – it’ll give others the impression that you’re smart. (not my wisdom – Shlomo Hamelech already said: “גם אויל מחריש חכם ייחשב”)

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