BD”E: Petirah Of HaRav Chaim Shulem Isaacson Zt”l, Nadvorna Rebbe Of Philadelphia

It is with deep regret that YWN informs you of the petirah of Harav Chaim Shulem Isaacson zt”l, a devoted leader to countless chasidim and admirers who served as the Nadvorna Rebbe of Philadelphia for close to five decades. He was 85 years old.

Rav Chaim Shulem zt”l was renowned for his hasmada, dveykus and kindness to all, leading Congregation Beth Solomon in Philadelphia with incredible warmth for generations of families. His leadership extended far beyond his shul, as he became a guiding light for countless individuals seeking guidance and support.

The levaya will take place on Wednesday at 11:00 AM at Congregation Beth Solomon, 198 Tomlinson Rd., Philadelphia, PA 19152.

Kevura will be held at approximately 2:15 PM at Floral Park Cemetery (Agudath Israel Chelka), 104 Deans Rhode Hall Rd., Monmouth Junction, NJ.

Baruch Dayan Ha’Emes.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

2 Responses

  1. זכר צדיק לברכה.

    How was he related to the Nadvorner Rebbe of Boro Park, and to the old “Brightoner Rebbe” זצ”ל (the Leifer family)?

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