WATCH: Lev Tahor Leader Accused Of Severe Child Abuse Confronted By Survivors

Interpol recently issued an international arrest warrant for Lev Tahor leader Jonathan Emanuel Cardona Castillo on charges of human trafficking, assault, and child abuse.

The Interpol notification was approved by the prosecution in Guatemala and the national civil police. Castillo, who was born in El Salvador and was “megayeir” via the Lev Tahor cult, is accused of severe child abuse. Sources familiar with the matter say that he is known for his cruelty and is essentially the one doing all the dirty work of the cult.

Last August, several survivors of the Lev Tahor cult arrived at the cult’s compound in Guatemala to try to meet their family members still in the cult and were confronted by Castillo and other cult members.

In footage of the scene, one of the survivors can be heard hurling harsh words at Castillo: “My mother is being tortured by you. You’re a fool and a criminal. You’re a Salvadoran criminal, your place is in prison. We know about your crimes.”

Cardona replied: “Get out of here, the whole city will come to throw you out. You’re causing a Chillul Hashem.”

The cult survivor retorted: “A Chillul Hashem is for the goyim. You’re a goy and a criminal.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

19 Responses

  1. Interesting that those who support fake coverts from the Israeli rabbanut, like the masses of Russian goyim in the Israeli army who never kept one Shabbos and never stopped eating treif that Druckman famously waved his magic wand while he was touring Europe declaring those Russian goyim as magical Israeli Jews, as will as those fake coverts by Open “Orthodox”, such as the gentile Mr. “Shmully” Yanklowits and as well as the other fake conversions done by the MO so a Jew can feel good marrying a goy (hello, Ivanka) are the loudest ones calling this fellow a goy.

  2. Joseph,

    Interesting that you always come to the defense of murderers, child molesters and woman abusers like your Lev Tahor besties and Levi Aron.

    Ivanka, whose conversion was overseen by Rabbi Lookstein, z”l, is more Jewish than you are, given what was once posted on this site regarding your highly questionable lineage.

  3. Mr. Lookstein was church-attending so-called Rabbi who even his own left-wing RCA condemned him for going to Christian Church service to lick Obama’s tush.

  4. Joseph,

    I didn’t realize that he was still alive.

    Why are you putting murderers, child molesters and rapists on a pedestal yet criticizing converts who are more Jewish than you are?

  5. You don’t get more Jewish than myself, with my mother a member of the Soloveitchik/Brisk family and my father a member of the Finkel/Mirrer family.

  6. Joseph,

    I and I’m sure others read otherwise. I also don’t recall Soloveitchiks and Finkels defending monsters and casting aspersions on converts.

    As the Kotzker reportedly said, yichus is a bunch of zeros and means nothing if you’re also a zero.

  7. HaDopi: You refused to defend the Geirus of the Ger Tzedek in this story, above. You only defend the fake so-called converts of frauds like the Christian Church service attending Mr. Haskel Lookstein and Israeli raabanut frauds like Mr. Druckman, who was signing masses of so-called conversion certificates that he attested to personally being present to convert these Russian goyim who never kept a single Shabbos neither before nor after their fake conversion, even though it turned out Druckman was vacationing in Europe at the times he signed that he was in Israel conducting the so-called conversions.

    And Reform and Conservative and Reconstructionist so-called conversions that you approve of.

  8. Joseph,

    As usual, I have no idea what you’re ranting on about and you don’t know this mongol-looking dude from a hole in the wall. What we do know is that you always defend murderers, rapists and child molesters, especially if they dress a certain way.

    Why is that? Were you dropped as a baby or do you have serious mommy issues? Or both? Is the story about you that many here read really true? It would explain a great deal, despite your protests that you come from great lineage.

    We all know you’ve fabricated all kinds of lies about yourself over the years.

  9. HaDopi: You are on the record as having admitted in multiple posts on this site as supporting homosexual “marriages” and the “rights” of school boys to having boyfriends and girlfriends, even with children under 13. You’ve said every woman has the right to an abortion through the third trimester. You’ve expressed hopes that Chareidi Rabbonim should be murdered because they oppose the Zionist draft.

    You are on the wrong website. You’d be more suited to post on the sites of the Communist Party USA, Nation of Islam, and Al Jazeera.

  10. Joseph,

    Once again, I have no idea what you’re talking about. Please immediately identify the specific posts where I wrote any of the garbage you’re claiming I did.

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