Watch and enjoy the attached videos from Ishay Ribo’s performance last night, the 5th night of Chanukah.
Ribo’s second New York performance on Chanukah’s 6th night (tonight!), December 30th, will feature separate seating for men and women, enabling every segment of the Jewish community to enjoy the record-breaking artist’s signature evenings of unifying music.
There are still some tickets available – (men only) so buy them now by clicking here!
Ribo’s tour culminates with performances at Miami’s Fillmore on the 8th night and Punta del Este, Uruguay on January 5th.
(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
6 Responses
Pls find a Heter for this mixed seating and concert and the promote it….
How can I be a religious crowd when his mixed dancing mix running around mixed dancing and singing what’s going on?
Ywn was one of the sponsors I think to represent the olam Hatorah
Moderators Response: Straight up Sheker.
The only thing Jewish about is the man holding the guitar is wearing Tzitzis…. with techeiles I’m sure
if you have no sense of humor it’s straight up sheker