Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, Champion Of Terrorists, Dies At 100

The following are parts of a previous article from the Washington Examiner:

Who can forget the late President Jimmy Carter imploring the United States to “give Hamas a chance”? That was back in 2006. It wasn’t the first or last time Carter vouched for the theocratic death cult. He was a longtime fan.

Forgotten in the deluge of anti-Israel propaganda is the fact that Hamas was given a chance. In 2005, as a test run for a new state, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon evicted thousands of Jews from the Gaza Strip and handed the Palestinians autonomy for the first time in their history. When mobs of Palestinians in Gaza found no Israelis to murder, they destroyed millions of dollars in farming equipment left to them by American Jewish donors.

In any event, within a year, Hamas won a significant majority in the “Palestinian Parliament,” and Carter began imploring the U.S. to treat the group with the legitimacy it might the Swiss or Japanese governments. Soon enough, Hamas was defenestrating rival Fatah officials and smuggling weapons from the Islamic terrorism regime in Iran, ensuring war and destabilizing the region.

Carter likely first met with Hamas leaders in January 1996. In March and February of that year, Hamas participated in a string of suicide bombings, murdering 65 people, including three U.S. citizens. Dead Americans did not move Carter to admonish his friends in Gaza.

Carter again met with Hamas in April 2008 as it was launching hundreds of missiles every month at civilian targets within Israel, promising that the group wouldn’t undermine peace. After Hamas first attempted to launch an Oct. 7-style attack in 2014, Carter called on Israel and the U.S. to recognize the offshoot of the jihadist Muslim Brotherhood as the “legitimate political actor” that represents the “Palestinian population.” If our former president were sentient today, it is almost surely the case he would call for the U.S. to make peace with Hamas and castigate the Jewish state.

It should be said that Carter’s admiration of antisemitic terrorists did not begin with Hamas. The former president harbored a deep “fondness” for Yasser Arafat, the godfather of all modern terrorism, a relationship that “transcended politics” and was “based on their emotional connection and the shared belief that they were both ordained to be peacemakers by God,” according to historian Douglas Brinkley. (Carter tried to cram Arafat into the Camp David peace talks after Israel and Egypt had already cut a deal, which the president had very little to do with.)

To understand his motivations, one could read Carter’s demented book The Blood of Abraham or Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid, which historian Kenneth W. Stein, a former longtime Carter adviser, noted was “replete with factual errors, copied materials not cited, superficialities, glaring omissions, and simply invented segments” and Michael Kinsley called “moronic.” Carter is a religious zealot with a messianic complex and a distorted understanding of history.

26 Responses

  1. 1) Almost 5 months older than Prince Philip lived to be.
    2) Since the sitting President usually gives the eulogy on a past President & crooked Joe is too senile, he is spared by the prohibition of Hespedim during Chanukah
    3) Missed best date to paCarter for tax purposes by just 3 days
    4) With secular R”H this week, we shan’t be able to consume peanuts לזכר נשמת carter.

  2. Shocking that you would be so callous and reckless to post this at this time. Is the purpose of this supposed “frum” site in order to stir up antisemitism? Disgustingly careless, foolish and shameless to do so.

  3. By living such a long life he used up every possible zechus he might have accidentally acquired along the way. Lucky for him he’ll get to spend eternity with his Pal Arafat and his ilk.

  4. Reading postelnik (one more galach for the demonrat religion) and cholent beans (obviously not capable of reading English) makes me reflect: If I post on this site, does that mean I also have an IQ below 30? Gets me real worried…

  5. Carter was a half-decent man at one point (before he began coddling terrorists), but an awful president, as he was in way over his head. Biden, though, is an indecent amoral thug as well as an atrocious president.

  6. Former USA President Jimmy Carter blamed THE JEWS for his failure to be re-elected to a second 4-year term, even though 85% of American Jews voted for him, in that election. Only African-Americans were more likely to vote for Jimmy Carter.

    He took revenge against Jews by publishing a book in which he falsely accused Israel of being an apartheid state, while ignoring many Arab counties that really are apartheid states.

    When Jimmy Carter was President, the USA was losing its struggle against both inflation and the Soviet Union (USSR).

    When Israel refused to make suicidal concessions in negotiations with their genocidal terrorist enemies, Jimmy Carter publicly accused Israel of being “intransigent”.
    The problems were never blamed on Arabs, only in Israel.

    Barack Hussein Obama said that Jimmy Carter was his role model.

  7. Former USA President Jimmy Carter blamed THE JEWS for his failure to be re-elected to a second 4-year term, even though 85% of American Jews voted for him, in that election.
    Only African-Americans were more likely to vote for Jimmy Carter, in that election.

    He took revenge against Jews by publishing a book in which he falsely accused Israel of being an apartheid state, while ignoring many Arab counties that really are apartheid states.

    When Jimmy Carter was President, the USA was losing its struggle against both inflation and the Soviet Union (USSR).

    When Israel refused to make suicidal concessions in negotiations with their genocidal terrorist enemies, Jimmy Carter publicly accused Israel of being “intransigent”.
    The problems were never blamed on Arabs, only on Israel.

    President Barack Hussein Obama said that Jimmy Carter was his role model.

  8. Your headline is typically pathetic and gross. Carter should be criticized for much of his approach towards Israel but you are being dishonest when you ignore the good things he did for Jews such as the Camp David Accords, providing special entry and asylum to Jews fleeing Iran, fighting to free Gilad Shalit and other Israeli POWs and his fight to help Anatoly Sharansky and Russian Jewry.

  9. crazy,

    Carter spent the past 45 years urinating on Jews. You and the other three woke quislings on this site opened your mouths, drank it and are angry that we don’t all thank this hell-bound peanut farmer for making it rain.

    What a pitiful bunch of mah-yafis kapos you are!

  10. He’s better known as an incompetent fool rather than a champion of terrorists, though at least he did set the stage for the Reagan Revolution (albeit that wasn’t his intention, but incompetent fools rarely accomplish what they intend).

  11. Dofi: Take your eyes off of Infowars for a moment and read some of the new articles about Carter on YWN. It may serve to enlighten you.

  12. Crazy – as you know Carter had nothing to do with camp David and the peace between Egypt and Israel. Begin and Sadat did that by themselves. They needed someone to pay for it. That was carters involvement. Which of course you already know.

  13. crazy,

    I and many others on this site survived the failed presidency of this dimwitted peasant whose regime has been surpassed in incompetence only by that of your woke hero, Brandon. Double-digit unemployment, inflation and interest rates. Allowing the insane ayatollah to take over Iran and Americans to be held hostage for 444 days by a bunch of smelly kids. Then blaming everyone but himself for the “malaise” he caused.

    What a vile scum you are to defend this useless anti-Semite!

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