Chicago River Floods Area Near Telshe Yeshiva

flood.jpg10:18AM EST: [UPDATE IN EXTENDED STORY] A record downpour lasting more than 24 hours dumped more than 7 inches of rain on parts of the Chicago area, sending rivers and creeks surging over their banks, flooding streets and basements throughout the city and suburbs and briefly cutting off access to O’Hare Airport on Saturday.

The rain, which set a one-day record of 6.81 inches at O’Hare, was expected to continue though this evening with another 2 to 3 inches of precipitation expected — thanks to a boost from remnants of Hurricane Ike.

In Chicago’s Albany Park neighborhood (where the Telshe Yeshiva is located), the North Branch of the Chicago River surged over its banks, flooding streets and basements in a four square-block area between Ridgeway and St. Louis, and south to Argyle. Police currently have the he surrounding streets to the Yeshiva blocked off to traffic.

YWN spoke with our correspondent living in Albany Park who said that the water is just 10 feet from his home. “Today forecasters are predicting another 4-6 inches of rain, and I hope my home won’t get flooded”, he said.

On Motzei Shabbos local residents and Yeshiva Bochrim assisted one elderly woman evacuate from her home, and led her to safe location.

10:15PM EST: YWN has been informed that the Telshe Yeshiva has been evacuated. All electricity and gas has been shut down by the utility companies. Buses arrived and transported the Bochrim to the nearby “Shteeble” for night Seder.

Further details will be posted as they become available to us. 

(Yehuda Drudgestein – YWN)

16 Responses

  1. How is this news? Almost the entire city of Galveston and parts of Houston were destroyed and this is the only headline you can come up with? Basements in Chicago flood! Its not news.

  2. Telshe yeshiva in Chicago is בלי עין הרע glowing while producing many חשובע young men. The ראשי ישיבה and רמי”ם are מוסר נפש unbelievably on behalf of the תלמידים, both in Bais Medrash and Mechina.
    May הקב”ה continue to shower כוחות and ברכות to the many wonderful people associated with this incredible מקום תורה in America.

    YES !!! – believe it or not – there is תורה outside of Lakewood!!!

  3. shaitelmacher, herztu , the only news you wanna hear is people dying? how many people do you know in galvestone texas that where sitting in the bais medrasdh and took time out of there learning to help people evacuate? didnt think so, if YOU have nothing smart to say dont say it, maybe your shaitel is too tight?!!!!!

  4. It is news, because, like most bodies of water, the north branch of the Chicago river does not typically surge over its banks and flood the surrounding homes.

  5. Yisoidisdik,

    We already had the news about Texas so if you missed it, please check the archives. Granted there is a very good kollel in Houston and perhaps there was damage there, but alas no one from Houston reported it.

    As far as, “Almost the entire city of Galveston and parts of Houston were destroyed,” I didnt see that, perhaps enlighten me? Sounds like you are still in N’awleans. Heavy damage, no doubt. ENTIRE CITY DESTROYED … no.

  6. Now that the evacuation order has been given to the families surrounding the Yeshiva (and possibly the Yeshiva bochurim as well), I guess it may indeed be deemed “news”. Basements are flooded in the other neighborhoods, which actually may make it difficult for people to offer space to those that need it.

  7. There has been no evacuation order by the Yeshiva. Electricity is out, and the yeshiva is moving supper and night seder to Khal Ohr Yisocher-Chodorov. The city has told neighborhood residents that they are considering shutting off the water, and if they do they will demand evacuation. So far this has not happened. Rav Avrohom Friedman, Rosh Yeshiva of Skokie Yeshiva, has called Telshe and offered space in his dormitory, if necessary. Hopefully, it won’t be necessary.

  8. There was a record amount of rain in the area (the most in over 100 years) & a state of emergency has been declared. This is probably the worst flood in the area since the Loop flood in the spring of 1992.

  9. shmoozer99, I totally agree with you. Who cares about anyone not in bais medrash. Goyim, eh who cares. Non-observant Jews, they get what they deserve.

    BTW, I can tell you are a good bais medrash yid, because your spelling and grammar leave much to be desired.

  10. -left brklyn- i could be wrong BUT i didnt take that kind of attitude when I read what shmoozer99 wrote and i’m usually critical. i’m pretty sure your making something out of nothing!

  11. to those that are senseless and don’t care about our fellow Jews in Chicago please get a life.

    I lived in Albany Park on the south side of the river with my grandmother for elementery grade school and we always went over the Chicago River via the walkway bridge to learn in Yeshiva on the North Side at night. Its unbelievable that it would crest over the banks. They supposedly fixed this problem back in the 80’s – so we thought.

    Telshe Yeshiva is about the only thing left Jewish in Albany Park. They are the last piece to prove that Judaism was once vibrant in Albany Park. Most of the Shuls have been given over to churches with The “Aseres Hadibros” covered now by across.

    For us former Midwesterners who still consider ourselves out of towners this IS important news.

    Was The Rosh Yeshivas Houses affected as they are down the block and much closer to the river?

    Anyone know?

  12. It seems that while in was in Milwaukee enjoying Big Z’s No Hitter i started a groiyse tumult. My comment is about the story near Telshe prior to the update. I think the story at the time was not newsworthy in context of the destruction of Galveston and the tremendous damage to Houston. Perhaps the Yeshiva World Oiylam would know what I was referring to if they would have seen the coverage on CNN. Major damage to downtown Houston, major damage to the roof of Reliant Stadium, no power to 150,000 plus.

    “On Motzei Shabbos local residents and Yeshiva Bochrim assisted one elderly woman evacuate from her home, and led her to safe location.”
    This is not still not news, but the update about the evacuation of Telshe is.

  13. I just spoke to Reb Avrohom Chaim Shlita and he wants this bittul Toirah to end now. Every one back in the boat and get back to seder.

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