MAILBAG: The Vape You’re Puffing On Is Most Likely Treif

When Pesach comes around, many of us are very machmir – meticulously checking for every crumb of chametz and insisting on hand-made chabura matzah with all the chumros. But when it comes to the rest of the year, do we apply the same rigorous standards to what goes into our bodies? Or do we turn a blind eye when it’s inconvenient?

Here’s a hard truth – if you’re vaping without doing your homework, you might be inhaling treif.

Let me exain. E-cigarettes and vapes contain four base ingredients:

1. Propylene Glycol – Derived from propane, it’s safe, kosher, no issues here.

2. Nicotine – Not a kashrus concern.

3. Flavoring – Natural and artificial, case-by-case basis.

4. Glycerin – Here’s the kicker.

Glycerin can be kosher. But it can also be made by spinning animal fat until it separates – the exact same process used for extracting blood. The top layer is fat, and the bottom layer is glycerin. And yes, that glycerin, straight from the animal fat, is in your vape.

“But it’s vegetable glycerin,” you say. Maybe. Maybe not. There’s no way to test the source of glycerin once it’s in the product. Look it up. Research it. You’ll find that the machinery used to produce animal-based glycerin is often the same as for vegetable glycerin. That alone should make you pause.

Let’s talk about the so-called heterim.

“It’s batul b’shishim.” Wrong. When up to 70% of the liquid in your vape is glycerin, it’s not batul. In fact, glycerin might be the majority ingredient. Batul b’shishim? Not even close.

“It burns off like a cigarette.” Wrong again. Vapes don’t burn. They evaporate – hence the name. If the liquid actually touched fire, your vape would explode. Baruch Hashem, that doesn’t happen.

“It’s not eating.” Think again. Ask yourself – is drinking treif mutar? Is sucking on treif candy mutar? Vaping is no different.

But don’t take my word for it. Rav Yochanan Wosner, Skver Av Beis Din and one of the world’s leading poskim, has pasekend that a vape needs a hechsher.

Don’t like Skver? Ask a litvishe posek. Ask the posek you trust. But ask.

Both the Eida Chareidis and the Chicago Rabbinical Council (cRc) have also addressed the necessity of kosher certification for vape liquids:

Eida Chareidis: Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch, a leading authority within the Eida Chareidis, has ruled that e-cigarettes require a hechsher (kosher certification). He reasons that since the vapor contains flavorings that are tasted during inhalation, it is akin to consumption, thereby necessitating kosher supervision.

Chicago Rabbinical Council (cRc): The cRc has issued guidelines stating that electronic cigarette liquids, which typically include kosher-sensitive ingredients such as glycerin and flavors, must have kosher certification. They note that even if manufacturers claim to use only kosher raw materials, without independent certification, these products cannot be recommended.

Here’s the bottom line – kosher vaping options exist. Plenty of companies produce vapes with proper hechsherim. Off the top of my head: Vape X, Vapisto, 10X, and לילקע.

This isn’t about pushing a brand or making anyone feel guilty. It’s about being honest with ourselves and living by the standards we want to uphold. If we’re serious about halacha, we can’t ignore the inconvenient truths.

May our commitment to keeping kashrus in every aspect of our lives bring the geulah b’mehaira b’yameinu amen.


H. Levy

The views expressed in this letter are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of YWN. Have an opinion you would like to share? Send it to us for review. 

Editorial Note from YWN:

Yeshiva World News does not—and will never—condone vaping, smoking, or any activity involving nicotine in any form. These habits are dangerous, addictive, and entirely against the values we promote. The U.S. Surgeon General has made it clear: vaping poses serious health risks, especially to young people, with harmful effects on brain development, respiratory health, and long-term addiction.

We strongly urge our readers to prioritize their health and avoid these harmful substances entirely. There is no excuse, no justification, and no tolerance for engaging in such destructive behaviors. Your life and well-being are too precious to risk.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

15 Responses

  1. I can’t think of anything more important than this most serious issue in Klal Yisrael.
    Forget about the amount of Jews being lost to intermarriage, the amount of Chillul Shabbos or Chillul Hashem in the world, the threat of Torah’s future in EY, the amount of infighting in our Nation…forget all that nonsense.
    Vaping! THIS is what needs to be addressed!

  2. @Chuchim Fin Ma Nishtanu I don’t understand why addressing one issue will take away from addressing the others. Silly argument.

    PS. I’m vape myself, asked one of the leading poskim in lakewood who told me it does NOT need a hechsher.

  3. Ard who wrote the first comment above is absolutely correct

    WHAT ABOUT THE ISSUR MIN HATORAH OF “v’nishmartem meod le’nafshoseichem which is the commandment of every Jew to watch out over their health. What about that????? And that’s a mitzvah de’oreisa not de’rabbanan

  4. Is this the most critical issue facing Orthodox Jewry? The frum community should become more genuine and less superficial. Donning a filthy black suit and white shirt all week long with tzitzis flying out of one’s pants till the knees is NOT Torah Yiddishkeit.

  5. Glycerin is an old shayla. Reb chaim ozer was maatir it I believe. Coka Cola used to have glycerin in it and it was a big controversie back in the 1930’s.

  6. Rav Asher Weiss and others hold that vaping does not require a Hechsher.

    Rav Moshe Shternbuch holds that glycerin in regular cigarettes pose a kashrus problem – תשובות והנהגות ח”ג סי’ שנ”ד – as did Rav Belsky.

    Contrary to what this article implies, glycerin is not combusted in regular cigarettes either. It remains 99% intact in the inhaled smoke and it also intended to enhance flavor, see: “Glycerol transfer in cigarette mainstream smoke.” Contributions to Tobacco & Nicotine Research (2004)

    However, the overwhelming majority of glycerin today is from vegetable sources – especially the pharmaceutical grade glycerin preferred in e-cigarettes. In Halacha we follow רוב.

    Discouraging people from vaping is endangering their life. Vaping is a lifesaving smoking alternative that should be encouraged.

    The UK government estimates vaping to be at least 95% safer than smoking. According to the NHS, nicotine vaping is “one of the most effective stop smoking aids.”

    Reb Akiva Eiger (מהדו”ק סי’ ס) says that where there’s a distant possibility of סכנה – even if it’s not פיקוח נפש – we often rely on the מיקל. We should not be pushing a chumra that may cause almanos and yesomim.

  7. I’m no Rabbi but this author makes a comparison to drinking vaping is inhalation the vapor enters the lungs making it not derech achilah and there is plenty of room to differentiate. Additionally there are those that are of the opinion that if you are just sucking something it doesn’t require a hechsher. I mean really are your plastic spoons also kosher you put those in your mouth? While the need for a hechsher is a valid discussion many of the points in the article miss the mark as to what the question involves.

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