WATCH: Rav Moshe Weinberger’s Funny And Inspiring Story Of Meeting A Jewish Santa Claus

“Ma, this Santa is a Yid!”

Watch below as HaRav Moshe Weinberger, the Mora D’asra of Aish Kodesh in Woodmere, recounts the time he met Santa Claus.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

5 Responses

  1. I don’t think it’s inspiring to Tattys per say, but to
    pre teen kinderlach it certainly is.

    We have no idea how left out they could feel surrounded by billboards and print and radio ads for “the season”. (Kal vachomer if they’re on even kosher parts of the internet. Sales and sales everywhere.).

    This ma’aseh can inspire them that alef the whole kratzmach inyan these days is narishkeit and totally revolves around silly gashmiyus and is meaningless so they’re not really left out of anything, and bais also that hkbh can even be found in “a Santa”, and gimmel that a boychick with those kind of netiyos is totally normal and they should not feel ashamed.

  2. anchuldiks, it’s inspiring to see choshuve Rabbonim who are real, not hiding behind the kapote and beard with an air of heiligkeit. Yes, he went to Santa, but he can tell his talmidim about it because he’s secure in who he is, and doesn’t need some kind of purist image to bolster him. Don’t worry, acher meiah v’esrim the artscroll biography will clean it all up…

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