Rav Malkiel Kotler Visits Los Angeles, Delivers Shiur at Valley Kollel [VIDEOS]

Rav Malkiel Kotler, rosh yeshiva of Bais Medrash Govoha (BMG) in Lakewood, made a special visit to Los Angeles on Monday, where he delivered a shiur at the Valley Kollel in Valley Village. The event drew dozens of attendees, including the Kollel’s avreichim—many of whom are alumni of BMG—and members of the local community.

During his address, Rav Malkiel focused on the upcoming yom tov of Chanukah, highlighting not just the physical symbolism of the flickering flames, but the deeper message of the ohr of Torah. Chanukah’s light is more than just candles, was the rosh yeshiva’s message; it’s a reminder of the eternal flame of Torah that forever illuminates our lives and our kehillos.

The shiur served both as chizzuk and inspiration ahead of Chanukah and as an opportunity for many local bnei Torah to reconnect with Lakewood’s premier yeshiva. Attendees described the event as a powerful source of chizzuk, with one bochur who had been planning to go to Yeshiva University dropping his application and immediately signing up for BMG.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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