ATTACKED FOR THIRD TIME! Chabad Girls School In Toronto Shot For THIRD TIME

Toronto police have launched a hate crime investigation after Bais Chaya Mushka Girls Elementary School in North York was targeted by gunfire for the third time.

Police responded to reports of gunfire at the Jewish elementary school at approximately 2:33 a.m. on Friday. Officers discovered evidence of a firearm discharge, but no injuries were reported as the school was empty at the time.

This is the third such incident at the school this year. As YWN had reported, gunfire was also reported in October during Yom Kippur and YWN reported about a second shooting in May, both occurring in the early morning hours.

In connection with the October shooting, a 17-year-old boy and a 20-year-old man were arrested and charged with multiple firearms offences. Authorities at the time were investigating potential links between the earlier shootings.

Community leaders and politicians condemned both prior attacks, calling for increased vigilance and support for the Jewish community.

The latest incident comes just days after a Montreal synagogue was targeted in a firebomb attack—the second such attack on the synagogue in just over a year.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

One Response

  1. Yes, yes, we will hear from officials “that there is no room for antisemitism in Canada and blah blah blah” with nothing being done.
    Trudeau was partying at a concert while rioting is happening in Montreal, and the Toronto mayor couldn’t be bothered to show up at a commemoration for the Oct 7th attacks. Palestinazis do as they please in Jewish neighborhoods with Police standing by. (or maybe bringing Tim Horton’s doughnuts and coffee!)
    Let’s just wait for MP Anthony Housefather tell us all again that Canada is safe for Jews. He must know of course cause he’s Jewish!
    Oh, but wait, he’s a Liberal, so don’t expect any objective response!
    All I can say is that Baruch Hashem I left! its about time the rest of you still living there take it under serious consideration!

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