Minyan To Mark 80th Yahrzeit of HaGaon Rav Shlomo Heiman Zt”l At His Kever

Today marks the 80th yahrzeit of HaGaon Rav Shlomo Heiman zt”l, and to mark it, a group is organizing a special minyan at his kever at the Mt. Judah Cemetery in Ridgewood, Queens. The minyan is set to take place at 2:45 p.m. Wednesday, and organizers are encouraging anyone who can attend to join.

Visitors to Rav Heiman’s kever have often reported tremendous yeshuos after davening there, making this minyan a unique opportunity for personal tefillos.

Rav Shlomo Heiman’s kever can be found at Section 1, Block T, Gate 5, along Judah Road, in the last section before Sinai Avenue. Those searching for the kever should note his name in the cemetery database is listed as “Heyman, Solomon.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

One Response

  1. R’ Shlomo Heiman ZTL deserves multitudes at his kever because כל יומא שמעתתי’ בפומין בי מדרשא without having to come on to reports of yeshuos.

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