BREAKING STORY: Boro Park Shomrim Bust Counterfeit Money Gang

bp shomrim2.jpgFIRST REPORT 5:45PM EST: Four people have just been taken into custody after using counterfeit money in Boro Park stores, YWN has learned.

Sources tell YWN that four Israeli men have been going into many stores on 13th and 16th Avenues in the past few days using counterfeit $100 bills. The men would enter a store and purchase an item for $10, give the cashier a $100 counterfeit bill, and receive $90 in real currency.

Boro Park Shomrim were contacted with the descriptions of the suspects, and members were on high alert.

On Friday afternoon, the 4 suspects were caught red-handed, and apprehended by Shomrim units on 16th Avenue and 50th Street – with thousands of phony dollars in their possession. Officers from the 66th Pct responded to the scene and arrested the suspects.

They are currently in the 66th Pct awaiting the arrival of US Secret Service Agents.

Highly credible sources confirm to YWN that the men are part of a larger network involving counterfeit money.

A spokesperson for Boro Park Shomrim spoke with YWN briefly about the incident. “We urge all store owners to check the bills properly with a machine – no matter what the ethnicity of the person is,” he said.

YWN will post any further developments in this breaking story.

(Yehuda Drudgestein – YWN)

13 Responses

  1. #2 , you seem to forget that although it is may be wrong for one jew to get another one arrested, it iswrong for one jew to steal from another as well. Using fake money is a major crime.

  2. #2 What would you say if you are the store owner and they are stole $100’s, would you like to see them arrested? would you go out of your way to arrest them? sure you would.

    Who knows how many other Jewish business owners could have lost tons of money.

    I give full credit to the shomrim, way to go!

  3. The issur of being a moser is because the government punishes beyond the halachically acceptable punishment. As long as they stop them from continuing to commit the crime, there’s no mosser issue. (I was once “mosser” after discussing the issue with two prominent poskim)

  4. Also, the chazon ish said that sometimes chareidim lose out because they don’t want to make a chillul hashem. That’s a mistake, he said. You don’t want to fight with the cab driver, so you give in to his outrageous price – that’s a chillul hashem, said the chazon ish, because you make chareidim look like foolish easy prey.

  5. you have a lawed understanding of explained to me by hagaon rav zalman nechemia goldberg shlita son in law of the late rav shlomo zalman ztl,a ganav ha sto be put in jail and that is not also has nothing to do with the issur of arkaos.btw,according to you rreasoning,is that why all these pedophiles are running loose?a crime being perpetuated against you isnt mesirah.a whistle blower who turns someone into th eirs is mesirah

  6. Speak to a Rov for the exact Halacha, but if a person is a continuing criminal, meaning that he didn’t just do a one-time crime, he may be reported to the cops so as to prevent the continuation of the crime.
    There is also something about being a threat, even financial to the Tzibbur.
    Again, I’m not paskening, just being me’orer.

  7. this is the main point

    To # 2 – there are a number of Poskim who hold that the Halacha of Meseira applied only in a situation where the arresting authority was manifestly unfair or discriminatory against Jews – something that the US government clearly is not.

    and if people would actually look at the halacha instead of just quoting one liners one would fund out that musser do not apply in these cases.

    It is amazing how many people quote halacha and do not know the reason or why the halacha was made and in what situation

  8. #

    What is happening to us????

    Comment by JOLI — September 15, 2008 @ 5:17 am

    you are sheep who follow blindly and never question anything. also if a halacha (rabbinic) was made because of a certain reasons and even if it is stated why it was made, and those reason do not apply, and now the halacha might even be hinderring yiddish lives no one has the guts to change it.

    For example metziza pei, (spelled wrong) The gemura states clearly that one should do it for medical reasons, look it up men. And at that time that was the medical,scientific believe.

    However, we know more and metziza pei it detrimental mental my guess would be the tanuem would say, of course now one does not do it, can’t you read and see what i said, i said it beacuse the doctors in my time said is enabled healing. Now that the doctors are saying it can cause harm, I would ban it and if one does it he is putting his son in danger of i can’t believe you people are so dense and to think my halacha has put so many babies in danger hurts me to no end.

    Times change, situation changes, knowledge changes, and so should halacha

    FYI mosser was made since at that time a jew could not get even a remotely get a fair court day. also it was not (check it out) made to protect Jewish criminals that prey on Jews.

    many are distorting halacha, maybe usefull in the ghetto but not in the USA

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