WATCH: 10,000 Attend Dirshu Siuym Mesechta Shabbos In London [VIDEOS]

Over 10,000 people gathered in on Sunday night to celebrate the completion of Mesechta Shabbos and the start of Mesechta Eiruvin as part of Dirshu’s Daf HaYomi B’Amud program.

People traveled from across the UK and Europe. The event was held under heavy security is expected.

The massive event was held at the Copper Box Arena.

A full article will be published shortly, but here is a taste of the beautiful singing and dancing at the event.

A moving performance by Zanvil Weinberger singing the hit by the late Dedi Graucher, Z”L “Ratzah HaKadosh Baruch Hu” – performed at the Dirshu event in London.

A stunning performance featuring Motty Steinmetz, Zanvil, Hershy Weinberg, and Baruch Levine, accompanied by the Malchus Choir.

A moving medley in memory of R’ Yigal Calek Z”L of the London School of Jewish Song, who was Niftar over Sukkos, was performed at the Dirshu event in London. On stage: Mona with the accordion, Motty Steinmetz, Zanvil, Hershy Weinberger, Baruch Levine, and the Malchus Choir.

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