OUTRAGE: 11-Year-Old Jewish Boy’s Peyos Shaved Off Despite Pleas Not To In Barber Shop Hate

A Jewish mother has shared her harrowing account of antisemitism at Broadway Barber Shop in Fair Lawn, New Jersey, where her 11-year-old son’s peyos were forcibly shaved off against explicit instructions.

The mother, who initially selected the barber shop based on its stellar online reviews, described the incident in a heartfelt and deeply disturbing Facebook post that has since gone viral.

According to the mother, she carefully explained to the barber how she wanted her son’s haircut, stressing that his peyos should not be trimmed or touched. She even provided a picture for clarity. However, moments after the haircut began, the barber reportedly ignored her instructions, cutting off one peyah entirely while her son began to cry.

Horrified, the mother shouted for the barber to stop, but her pleas were ignored. Desperate, she turned to the shop owner for help. Speaking in Arabic to the barber, the owner did nothing to stop the actions. Instead, the barber reportedly proceeded to shave off the other peyah, leaving the boy in tears and his mother devastated.

“They were smiling at each other,” the mother wrote. “My son was crying and feeling violated. I yelled at the barber to just stop, but he kept going.”

The mother and her son left the barber shop in tears, with his haircut unfinished and his peyos completely removed.

The mother likened the incident to the humiliation tactics used by Nazis during the Holocaust, when Jewish men were forced to shave their peyos as a means of dehumanization.

“I never dreamed I’d be in this situation in a safe NJ town in the USA,” she wrote. “FOR GOD’S SAKE, MY SON IS 11 YEARS OLD, A CHILD!”

The emotional toll on her son has been profound. He was too embarrassed to attend school the next day, grappling with the shame of having his peyos shaved off for the first time in his life.

“This is antisemitism,” the mother wrote. “Antisemitism is still happening. It cannot be tolerated, not even in the smallest acts of hate.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

53 Responses

  1. This is “harrowing?” Look, I feel bad for the kid. But this has also happened to my kids with Jewish barbers. Sometimes they’re not thinking, and they just do things mechanically.
    I’m not looking to be melamed zechus for lowlifes, but then again, when I think of “harrowing,” I think of car rammings and stabbings.

  2. It is truly upsetting. I certainly understand 100%. But what I don’t understand is why go to a non-Jewish barber shop? Any idea how often these things happen? The thing is that usually the people who go to these places aren’t even aware whatsoever that there are issues with cutting peyos or where they should be! There are so many halochos to be cognizant of. You’re not innocent because you’re sitting in someone else’s barber shop.

    This should be a lesson to everybody, not to go to goyishe or non frum barbers. If you don’t have an option, find an option!

  3. Everyone can flood the store with calls complaining. (201) 300- 6199. Everyone can post negative reviews and help to take this down

  4. She should sue them out of business. But also, what the heck is she doing going to a non-Jewish barber? Cut your own kid’s hair, it’s not that hard.

  5. This shouldn’t happen but what do you expect from Arab?! Don’t go to any Arab business they hate Jews. Do not be naive.

  6. Don’t you think it would be prudent to hear from the other side before publishing stories?

    This whole story is a sad indictment of American Jews. I’m not happy that this 13 year old boy had his payes cut off but a 12 year old boy in Israel experienced actual anti semitism yesterday. Grow up.

  7. Chuchim Fin Ma Nishtanu: yes, harrowing. It’s one thing to do something while not paying attention. It’s completely different to disregard instructions and to cut off the second side while the boy is crying and mother protesting. Obviously the mother felt it was done intentionally and not “mechanically”. Dehumanizing a child is quite harrowing.

  8. I hope this serves as a very positive and meaningful step toward raising awareness about the halacha regarding peyos (sideburns). In some circles, it’s common that observant man shave their heads completely including the peyos area, and then the mushroom-style / bowl-cut haircuts seems to be very in style.

    It is puzzling why some Jews choose to go entirely devoid of sideburns – resembling the style of Catholic priests.

  9. Please, stop the “you shouldn’t have gone to a non-Jewish barber” comments. Keep those thoughts to yourselves. They are the victims of a hate crime.

  10. In response to one of the ma nishtana children, the term “harrowing” is entirely appropriate in this antisemetic assault. Comparing it in its entire context to a Jewish barbers slip is not just wrong, but displays a simplistic view personified by another of the four sons.

  11. Been to this barber in the past year, and had no problem. I have brisker payis and just told the guy not to touch from the corner, down to the side of my cheek. I always make sure to remind the guy when he gets near where my payis start.

    Seems really tough for the kid, but very hard to establish malicious intent.

    I know plenty of yidden who have been there and no one had any complaints. If you look in the google reviews you can see many 5-star reviews from other Jews.

  12. Not going to a Non-Jewish/Non-Frum Barber is ridiculous. I’ve had 2 Non-Jewish barbers over the past few DECADES. The 1st was frequented by the Rebbeim of a major Charedi Yeshiva (the barber, an Italian Catholic, refused to charge Rabbis so the Rebbeim would leave a large tip to make up for not being charged).
    The 2nd Non-Jewish barber was very well liked & used by a lot of the Heimish community.
    We don’t like when people say “The Jews” as if one Jew represents “All Jews” (especially when negative) so let’s not do the same to All Non-Jews. Plenty of Non-Jewish barbers are honest businesses that just want to make their customers happy so they come back.

  13. @ anchuldiks

    Your comment is a perfect example of people shooting off their mouth without knowing facts. thisishamas dot com is NOT a pro hamas website. It’s a collection of pics and videos from Oct 7 showing the brutality of what they did. As in, to make sure people are aware. (Warning – it is graphic). More than likely that someone else (not owners) somehow managed to attach it to their Google profile in response to what they did.

  14. to whom do non-Jewish businesses give their charity? when we support each other the Maaser goes to Yeshivas, needy Yidden and Jewish institutes
    would you want your money to land up in Hammas hands?
    think about it
    וחי אחיך עמך means we should support Jewish Businesses

  15. Wow, so much Ahavas Yisroel here. I’m guessing all the people blaming the victim for using a non-Jewish barber all have Jewish barbers conveniently located in their neighborhood and lots of money to pay them with. Maybe instead of passing judgment, you should be Don lechaf z’chus that this person isn’t so lucky. And I’m guessing most of the people saying it’s not a big deal don’t wear payos themselves, or if they do, they see it is a just a fashion statement instead of a mitzvah or holy minhag. In any case, the fact that there are Jews in the world today being subject to much more horrendous acts of antisemitism doesn’t mean what happened here was okay or no big deal.

  16. Barbers must be licensed in New Jersey. If you believe it was intentional, you can file a complaint with the board or call the Consumer Action Hot Line at (800) 242-5846.
    One can also sue, perhaps even under the NJ Consumer Fraud Act, which provides for legal fees and treble damages.

  17. Something doesn’t add up. Their website linked to their business is anti-Hamas, highlighting crimes the terrorists committed. And on the bottom of the page there’s a link to the hostages. They appear to be pro-Israel and anti-terrorists.

  18. Guys! You’re leaving 1-star reviews on the wrong barber shop!
    The one this story happened in was in Fairlawn NJ, but you’re all leaving 1-star reviews on the one in the Five Towns, which seems to be Jewish-owned.
    (And, LOL, it seems that an anti-Semitic Arab who heard this story also left a comment on the wrong barber shop’s page. Check it out.)

  19. Crazy doesn’t the Gemara say clearly not to use a non jewish barber, for crying out loud, unless certain circumstances. Was once by Barber and saw how they made sure to give kid a hair cut that would make him a chosen lchuppah for that is better a goy

  20. ““I never dreamed I’d be in this situation in a safe NJ town in the USA,” she wrote. “FOR GOD’S SAKE, MY SON IS 11 YEARS OLD, A CHILD!””

    I hope they deal with the savage who did this to her child, but I find her statement concerning. Everyone knows the Rashi on ViHu yihye pereh adam. So, why should his location change his nature?

    This is also yet another illustration of the danger of the Zionist big lie that their “State” is Jewish and that they represent Jews. Jews around the world have suffered every time the Zionists waged one of their endless military campaigns specifically because of that Zionist big lie. But almost nobody of prominence announces loudly and clearly to the gentiles that the Zionists were always lying (and the enemies of G-d, the Torah and the Jew), and that the Zionists represent nobody other than themselves, and not Jews.

  21. Why wasn’t she going to a frum barber? If the barber was a goy, how did she know that he knew what pe’os were? Did she even have a common language with the barber? It seems the Mother has herself to blame for going to a cheap barber! There is enough real anti-Semitism (such as the goyim deliberately cutting throats) to worry about rather than perhaps accidentally cutting hair)

  22. My goodness!! everyone is outraging over a little boy’s peyos getting buzzed. Why do people make such a big deal out of literally nothing? a mother takes her little child for a haircut, his peyos get buzzed most likely by mistake, (even if it was intentional, nu nu) and the story makes it’s way to YWN in a heartbeat, calling for “OUTRAGE”, and everyone rushing to flood the barber’s page with bad reviews without verifying facts first. What is going on with people? there is no reason to get outraged and overreact over something so minor. There are so many far more serious problems many Yidden going through, just look at how many Yidden in EY are suffering, hostages, misplaced people, almost daily terror attacks, just to mention a few, just yesterday a 10yr old boy was shot and killed on a bus, everyone is so numb to that, but a spoiled mother that her son got buzzed immediately becomes national news and everyone is outraged. Seriously, what is wrong with people? I’m sorry for this mother and her son, it’s an unfortunate situation, and I do feel bad for her and her son, but instead of her rushing to publicize it on the media to get people outraged and overreact, she should’ve taken a chill pill and move on with her day, it’s nothing major that needs to make it to the news. we have far greater things to worry about. From the mother down to everyone, please stop making a big deal out of nothing. Thank you

  23. Why is this not in the news?
    In a world of university scholars on “hair justice” and racism.
    In a world where if a bakery doesn’t bake you a proper cake it becomes national discourse.
    This event is a perfect example of something that should be in the national news. It follows precedent for what is news exactly!

  24. All the people with the stupid comments should cut it out. the agenda over here is not to bash the mother and nor the child for what happened, they were targeted because of their religion.
    Now all ideots that said stupid comments should be ashamed of themselves. they went through enough and don’t need your stupid comments of “why did you go to a Arab barber” and all other dumb comments. Now if you really wanted to help out go do some research on how to get this place shut down. There are many laws regarding barber shops. Every shop needs a licensed guy in order to operate and if you look at the sign on the wall in any barbershop there is a number to call for complaints about the barber. And you can make them lose their licenses. So if you are here to help then you should be doing just that. And if your not here to help get lost.

  25. Yelp:

    Unusual Activity Alert

    This business recently received increased public attention, which often means people come to this page to post their views on the news rather than actual consumer experiences with the business. We’ve temporarily disabled the posting of content to this page as we work to investigate the content you see here reflects actual consumer experiences rather than the recent events (even if that means disabling the ability for users to express points of view we might agree with). Please note that we apply this same policy regardless of the business and regardless of the topic at issue. Read more on Yelp Support.

    If you’re here to leave a review based on a first-hand experience with the business, please check back at a later date.

  26. You should absolutely sue to the full extent of the law get a good attorney and make a big case out of it.
    It is forbidden for a Jew to go to a non-Jewish barber according to the halocha

  27. The halachik issue of a non Jewish barber is only if there is no mirror. As long as there is a mirror that you can see what he is doing it is okay. so all those that say it’s an issue to go to a non Jewish barber go learn halacha again.
    And it doesn’t make a difference if what this lady and her kid did was according to halacha or not, we are not her rav or rabbi and it doesn’t make her feel better by saying what she did was wrong. And nor does it justify what this antisemite did.

  28. @G.maps.reviewers

    Your comment is typical of someone spoiled who walks around with a sense of self privilege and entitlement. When someone intentionally goes and publicizes a personal matter about a bad service they received, they should be open to accepting what the public says too. The public isn’t a tool to advance someone’s agenda to close a store down because they had a bad experience. If the incident was so severe she could’ve called the police or file a complaint against the shop through legal means, not go around and rally the public to hurt the store. That’s an abhorrent behavior, stemming from too much self pride and entitlement. She should have kept her matters private, learn from the incident not to use the barber again, and move on with life, and the peyos will grow back in no time. The public has better things to worry about than to worry about an ego ridden individual and their petty encounters.

  29. The fairlawn police and rabbi put out a joint statement saying this was a misunderstanding.

    Everyone should immediately stop harassing them and if you posted a fake review should remove it

  30. It does not seem like a good idea to post bad reviews for this business based on a story posted online unless you have personal knowledge of the story. Otherwise, if it turns out the story is different than what was posted, it could be a serious chillul Hashem.

  31. This wasn’t “mechanical” or a “misunderstanding.”

    The 2nd peyote was like the 2nd Tower on 9/11. Intentional. Hate. Islamic Terrorism.

  32. what is with u guys SHUT DOWN THE STORE were talking about ANTISEMITISIM leave all the reviews and make new ones make the barber regret he opened up the shop what happened to mikamcha yisrael stick up for another yis and btw it wasnt a mistake for 2 reasons he didnt stop and he bragged about it on yelp

  33. For all the big zionists and outright jerks who criticize this mother for getting upset at what happened to her kid because yidden are suffering in Israel: I live in Israel my son was in miluim in and around Gaza for months and yet when I was a young kid with payos behind my ears the same thing happened to me at a barber in a city where there were no Jewish barbers where I was visiting family. I still remember the outrage, hurt and embarrassment that I felt for a really long time. I am now a grandfather and still remember the feeling, so people on this thread should have a little compassion and remember there was a little neshama that was hurt by this and don’t minimize it.

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