The White House revealed Wednesday that at least eight major telecom networks have been infiltrated, with the attacks described as “ongoing and likely larger in scale than previously understood.” Cybersecurity experts are urging Americans to adopt more secure communication methods, such as encrypted messaging and voice services.
“Encryption is your friend,” said Jeff Greene, executive assistant director for cybersecurity at the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA). “Even if the adversary intercepts the data, encryption makes it inaccessible.”
The breached data reportedly includes call records, metadata, live calls, and law enforcement tracking systems, according to NBC News. Officials recommend using encrypted apps like WhatsApp or Signal, as standard texts between iPhones and Android devices remain vulnerable.
Sen. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) highlighted the risks, warning that unless using specialized encryption apps, “anyone could be subject to review” by malicious actors. Investigations are ongoing, but authorities admit the full scope of the breach remains unclear.
(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
7 Responses
My understanding is that texts from android to android or from iPhone to iPhone are encrypted and safe. You should clarify this.
What I find interesting here is that as Ehtjujitsu42 pointed out both Apple and Android have some form of end to end encryption native for their respective messaging.
This means that without the key from either the sender or the recipient you cannot read the message.
The fact that they are saying the breach reaches as far as your messaging would indicate that either they have some means of backdoor access in these messaging protocols, or they have a means of obtaining the message and the key while they are in transit.
Yet the “security experts” are recommending everyone use end to end encryption platforms such as WhatsApp or signal as though such an issue cannot be replicated there.
I don’t get it.
Something didn’t sound right.
Breaching law enforcement tracking systems is a good thing.
Not JUST Rabbanim ?
So NOW we should consider limiting our use of Social Media etc.?
I see.
Like saying , “it’s only an issur di’Rabbonon” is chayav misah?
Lol. Stop texting but use WhatsApp. Exactly like the Rabbonim say.
A) Rabbanim: In what way are phone calls halachically better than texts?
B) The “experts” suggest using WhatsApp over text, or only texting between iPhones and iPhones, or Androids and Androids.
C) Does anyone really think that they’re lives will be ruined because their information is being monitored by the Chinese?
We all know that we’re constantly being monitored by the FBI, and that doesn’t bother us, unless you’re plotting some major crime.