MAILBAG: Joe Biden’s “Presidency” Was a Sham: It’s Time to Erase the Last Four Years – EVEN THE HUNTER PARDON!

Let’s face it: Joe Biden has been a figurehead president, nothing more. The man is clearly suffering from cognitive decline, likely advanced dementia or Alzheimer’s. Anyone who has seen him struggle to form coherent sentences or confuse basic facts can tell something is seriously wrong. Yet, we’ve been told to ignore the obvious and pretend he’s leading the free world. The truth? Biden was not capable of being president. Everything done during his so-called administration was actually carried out by unelected operatives working in the shadows.

This sham presidency is unprecedented and should not be allowed to stand. Every law, executive order, and decision from the past four years must be rolled back. Take his pardon of Hunter Biden—how can we trust that he even understood what he was signing? If the man doesn’t know what day it is, how can he comprehend the gravity of pardoning his own son?

This isn’t just about Hunter. It’s about an administration that was run by who-knows-who while Biden served as a confused puppet. This is bigger than the 2012 controversy over Barack Obama’s birth certificate. If Obama’s legitimacy as president was questioned for where he was born, Biden’s presidency is far more problematic because his mental incapacity is undeniable.

Donald Trump, a man of sound mind and body, is about to take office. He shouldn’t be forced to carry the burden of Biden’s disastrous four years. It’s time for a clean slate. Investigations must reveal who truly wielded power during Biden’s term. Everything done under this illegitimate presidency should be invalidated—no exceptions.

America deserves better than this charade. The Biden years should be wiped clean from history, and the nation must move forward under real leadership.

Boe Jiden – D.C.

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(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

11 Responses

  1. You obviously do not know (and never should personally know) what advanced [stage] Alzheimer’s or dementia even looks like. At the most this is early stage Alzheimer’s or dementia. But your point is still true. He likely is (and for some time has been) not very aware of the implications of his actions and likely does not fully grasp what he is signing.

  2. He is the worst president this country ever had by a long shot. Polk, Coolidge, Carter and Obama, as awful as they were, are a dream when compared to this demented moron. Besides all the corruption, inflation, sky-high gas prices, open borders, climate bs and a litany of foreign policy disasters, the man literally enriched America’s enemies and impoverished every-day Americans (while DT actually did the opposite: he enriched this country and drained Iran and other rouge regimes of their resources). And he was on vacation most of the time! Trump, by contrast, did more for this country in the past 3 weeks than Biden did in four years. Jan. 20th can’t come quick enough!

  3. “Unprecedented”? I beg to differ.
    “Edith Bolling Galt Wilson was second wife of the 28th President, Woodrow Wilson. She served as First Lady from 1915 to 1921. After the President suffered a severe stroke, she pre-screened all matters of state, functionally running the Executive branch of government for the remainder of Wilson’s second term.”

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