The Rambam’s 13 Ikkarim

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman

The current situation in Eretz Yisroel and throughout the world is one that is bringing many people toward a stronger connection with Hashem.  But for a number of people, sime are finding the situation very challenging in terms of their emunah Bashem.  A trip back to bsics is in order for both groups.  These are 13 basic beliefs that are the foundation of Torah Judaism that can be divided into 4 groups. . They were written by the Rambam in 1168, and later someone made them into the “Ani Maamin” Tefillah that many say every day after Shacharis – the morning prayers.


  1. ONE CREATOR Hashem created everything and continues to control everything. He created everything in the past, creates things now, and will create everything in the future.
  2. HASHEM IS ONE AND UNIQUE There is only one Hashem, and nothing else is like Him. He has always existed, exists now, and will always exist.
  3. HASHEM HAS NO PHYSICAL FORM Hashem doesn’t have a body and can’t be described in physical terms. We can’t compare Him to anything we know.
  4. HASHEM IS ETERNAL Hashem was here before everything else and will continue to exist forever. He has no beginning and no end.
  5. ONLY PRAY TO HASHEM We should only pray to Hashem and nobody else. Since He controls everything, He’s the only one who can really help us.


  1. PROPHECY IS REAL Hashem sometimes communicates with certain special people called Nevi’im – prophets to give messages to humanity.
  2. MOSHE WAS THE GREATEST NAVI – PROPHET Moshe was the greatest Navi prophet ever. No other prophet before or after him reached his level of understanding Hashem’s messages.
  3. THE TORAH IS FROM HASHEM The Torah we have today is exactly the same Torah that Hashem gave to Moshe. Nothing has been changed.
  4. THE TORAH IS PERMANENT The Torah will never be replaced or changed. There won’t be a different Torah from Hashem.

GROUP 3: OUR ACTIONS MATTER (Principles 10-11)

  1. HASHEM KNOWS EVERYTHING WE DO Hashem knows all our actions and thoughts. Nothing is hidden from Him.
  2. REWARD AND PUNISHMENT Hashem rewards people who follow His commandments and do good and punishes those who don’t. Many of these rewards and punishments happen in the afterlife.

GROUP 4: THE FUTURE (Principles 12-13)

  1. MASHIACH WILL COME We believe that Mashiach will come, even if it takes a long time. Jews wait for him every day.
  2. THE DEAD WILL COME BACK TO LIFE When Hashem decides the time is right, the dead will come back to life. This will happen in a future time when the world will be perfect and everyone will understand Hashem’s truth.

These principles remain central to a Torah life and are considered essential beliefs that guide Torah life and practice.

The author can be reached at [email protected]


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