1,000 Days to the War in Ukraine: Jewish Community Launches New Initiative for Soldiers

Last week, Ukraine marked 1,000 days of the war with Russia, and to commemorate this symbolic day, the printing of 100,000 copies of pocket-sized Tehillims for distribution across the country has been completed. What makes these Tehillims special, beyond being portable booklets, is the fact that they have been printed in Ukrainian for the first time ever.

Rabbi Levi Engelsman, from the publishing team based in Dnipro, ‘the capital of Ukrainian Jewry,’ says that “this is a special initiative by the Federation of Jewish Communities of Ukraine (FJCU) designed to bring personal protection to as many Jews as possible. The ‘pocket-sized Tehillim’ they can carry everywhere, are meant to serve as protection, and the chapters of Psalms they read from these books will certainly ascend before G-d and fulfill their purpose.”

Alongside distribution to the country’s Jews, in cooperation with Chabad emissaries in all cities, tens of thousands of additional copies are being distributed to soldiers, both Jewish and non-Jewish, across all fronts. This distribution, similar to holiday supplies distribution, is conducted through Federation representatives working with the Ukrainian military.

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