MAILBAG: Trump’s Deportation Plans Would Devastate Jewish Households, Businesses, And Communities

I am deeply concerned about President-elect Donald Trump’s plan to deport millions of undocumented immigrants. While the broader economic implications of such a move are staggering, the specific impact on Jewish households, schools, and businesses could be crippling. This is not just a political issue; it’s one that strikes at the heart of how our communities function on a daily basis.

For many Jewish families, particularly large ones, undocumented workers are essential. These workers are not a luxury—they are the backbone of our homes. Managing large households and paying even for the basics, often with both parents working or one parent in kollel, is already a financial juggling act. Affordable help allows families to keep things running, ensuring homes are clean and children are cared for.

Take away this affordable labor, and the burden on families, particularly on mothers, will become overwhelming. Who will step in to fill this void? Certainly not the local workforce, which isn’t eager to take on these roles—and even if they were, the costs would skyrocket, pushing many families into financial hardship.

Our schools and shuls face an equally dire situation. Yeshivos and shuls often rely on undocumented workers for maintenance, cleaning, and kitchen services. These roles are critical to keeping operations running smoothly and within budget. If these workers are deported, the financial strain on schools will ripple down to parents, who are already stretched thin by tuition costs.

Losing these workers doesn’t just mean scrambling to fill their roles; it could mean cutting programs, reducing staff, and/or increasing tuition, which is already at unaffordable levels. It’s a no-win scenario for schools, students, and families.

Small businesses in our community, from kosher food manufacturers to construction companies to retail shops, also depend on undocumented labor. These are not jobs that American citizens or legal residents are clamoring for—they are often physically demanding and low-paying, roles that undocumented workers fill with reliability and dedication.

Without these workers, many businesses will face hard choices: scale back operations, increase prices, or close altogether. This isn’t just bad for the businesses—it’s bad for the community as a whole, which relies on these businesses for jobs, services, and products.

The idea that deportations will free up jobs for American workers is simply unrealistic. In reality, most of the jobs these workers fill are not ones that locals are willing to take. And even if they were, the disruption caused by suddenly losing such a large portion of the workforce would have devastating consequences—not just for the Jewish community, but for the entire economy.

Economists have pointed out that industries like construction and caregiving would be crippled by mass deportations. Our Jewish communities may not be building skyscrapers, but we rely on these same workers for the infrastructure of our daily lives. Deporting them doesn’t solve a problem; it creates new, much larger ones.

What frustrates me most is the lack of recognition of the symbiotic relationship between undocumented workers and the communities they serve. These individuals are not just workers; they are integral to the fabric of our society – whether you are willing to admit it or not. They provide services that make our lives possible while supporting their own families. Deporting them disrupts lives on both sides of the equation.

If Trump’s administration truly wants to fix the immigration system, there are better ways to do it. A guest-worker program or a pathway to legal status for those already here would ensure that these workers can continue contributing to the economy while also addressing national security concerns. It’s a solution that benefits everyone.

Mass deportations, on the other hand, are utterly impractical – not to mention cruel to those who have built law-abiding lives. They ignore the reality of how deeply these workers are embedded in our communities and how essential they are to our lives.

As members of Jewish communities, we should speak out against these plans—not just for the sake of the workers who would be uprooted, but for the sake of our families, schools, and businesses that would suffer in their absence. We are stronger together, and breaking apart this delicate system will harm us all.



The views expressed in this letter do not necessarily represent those of YWN. Have an opinion you would like to share? Send it to us for review. 

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

70 Responses

  1. This bleeding heart “tearjerker” letter should not be dignified with a rebuttal. As for the writer, she needs some hot cocoa with marshmallows, a coloring book, crayons, and professional counseling.

  2. 1. Many Jews, particularly Israelis, often arrive on tourist visas and then look for jobs or arrange to study (especially in yeshivos) and therefore become deportable illegal aliens.

    2. Many frum Jews hire illegal aliens (such as for cleaning), but very few frum Jews are in career tracks that will benefit from the higher wage level that will result from deporting illegal aliens. On the bright side, most frum businesses have very few customers who are illegal aliens so they won’t be as badly impacted as non-Jewish companies who have many illegal aliens as customers.

  3. You have a point. It is exactly as if the Administration wipes out crime. That would put thousands of police officers out of work! The judges in the courts would sit idle. What would the lawyers do? The District Attornies? Court clerks, secretaries. security? Millions become unemployed. And all the alarm and security companies – bankrupt! Crime keeps our economy alive. Stamping out crime is terrible for America…just like deporting illegals.

    But here is how it works in other countries: Foreigners apply for a special domestic (and farm) work permit for a limited time. They work on-the-books for a salary at least at minimum wage. They pay in taxes! They are not exploited. And they do not leach off government benefits. This applies to jobs that the locals refuse to do because it is hard with very little pay.

  4. I understand where you are coming from in regards to how much we rely on people who are undocumented for cheap labor but I do think that this is a larger issue of undocumented migrants bringing in drugs and gangs/killing people because they aren’t vetted out through properly. You may not think this applies to you directly but it has a lot to do of compromising the safety of the citizens of America

  5. Yeah, I agree but for 2 totally different reasons. OFor one, if we deport the Mexicans, and the rest of the Latino illegals, then, for domestic help, we’ll be stuck with Uzbeks and arabs! Do we need those? Secondly, it will likely affect Yidden from Israel and elsewhere, who are similarly here illegally.

  6. Goytas are an improper presence in Jewish homes anyway, with improper dress (read: cling film clothing), smartphones, and lacking our religious ideals and sensitivities. Jewish children should be raised by their Jewish parents. Moreover, the cleaning lady phenomenon in the last several decades allows for an unfortunate decline in peoples capacity to manage independently and clean up after themselves. Not to mention that poor border control (or a complete lack thereof, on top of taxpayer funding to provide illegals with cellphones and supportive programs etc) signifies a decrepit government. Do you really feel comfortable with undocumented self-interested foreigners invading our country and walking the streets with your children?

  7. I am left wondering, is this letter serious? Yes, it may cost more money to hire employees who are legally permitted to work.
    But if it’s really true that the Jewish community is so entrenched in breaking the law by illegally hiring undocumented workers, we may be saving money but it is at the risk of a HUGE chillul Hashem, no less than people “gaming the system” and taking money from the government when they really are not entitled to do so.
    I find it mind-boggling that a person is actually using as an argument against the possible mass deportation of undocumented immigrants.
    All the money in the world (that could possibly have been saved along the way) wouldn’t be enough to undo the damage to the reputation of the Jewish community!

  8. Oh my gosh are you sick in the head why do you need these people clean your Rich big huge houses let the wives do some works let the husband do some work in the house or higher legal people and pay them right. This is so silly to think that all you need your illegal aliens or undocumented people to work in your houses, schools or shuls. Get legal people that came in here the right way pay them what they deserve.

  9. Sorry that you might lose your nanny, but employing illegal aliens is in itself illegal. It will help straighten up the economy in the long term because with the millions of people here illegally gone, demand for everything from homes to food will drop, which should ease supply and lower costs. It will also bring back an era where teenagers didn’t have to compete with low skill, low wage labor, which should be good for our youth and provide them with opportunities.

  10. A very similar point was made in a YWN letter posted on election day entitled “Torah and Trumpism: Respect the Right to Vote Your Conscience.” However the vast majority of our community enthusiastically voted Trump. Ultimately you reap what you sow. Trump will also likely cut SNAP benefits and just wait until all the tariffs kick in and the financial burden that they will add to large frum families.

  11. Why is this posted? Are you claiming that illegal hiring would devastate Jewish people? Please keep your illegal hiring practices private, and don’t assume other Jews follow your terrible habit. Why implicate not just yourself but others too in a crime? I only hire legal workers, and I assume most people do the same.

  12. Dear Chana,
    As a fellow frum housewife, i understand your panic. But i want to tell you, this might be the necessary push that from women nowadays need-the push to empower themselves to stop being so reliant on cleaning ladies.
    I dont have a cleaning lady.
    My husband pitches in, my children all have chores and responsibilities, and believe it or not, the house gets cleaned.
    Do you know how many thousands of dollars you’ll save annually, from not being beholden to cleaning help?
    It is possible.
    It may be hard in the beginning, but it can work.

  13. Are you freaking kidding me?? Get a life and bring up your own kids!! Your kids probably speak a better Spanish than English or Hebrew. I feel so bad for your kids.

  14. If your lifestyle requires – systematic – violation of dina d’machusa, maybe you should change your lifestyle and stop creating hillul Hashem. You can also train your husband and children to clean after themselves.

    Also, if you hire someone, regardless of their status, you should pay them a respectful wage. I saw this done not only to non-Jews, but also to elderly Russian Jewish babushkas who worked as amatei knaani

  15. It’s amazing to me that a Frum Jew has no qualms (or shame) about publicly declaring that our community can only (& does) function by breaking the law. Hiring undocumented people is ILLEGAL!!!
    Only US citizens (or those with permission from the govt to work here) may be employed by law abiding people.
    There’s also the issue of pretty much all of these workers are considered “Employees” requiring you to report to the IRS. Which since almost no Frum families do are breaking another law.

    You make very good points about Chillul Hashem & damage to our reputation.
    But we have a tried & true antidote to these claims. If anyone brings them up we will immediately shut them down by calling them an “Antisemite”

  16. For many decades, people who entered the USA illegally were “ILLEGAL ALIENS”.

    Then Barack Hussein Obama became President, and the people who are correctly known as “ILLEGAL ALIENS” were euphemistically [and wrongly] referred to as “undocumented immigrants”.

    This change in vocabulary succeeded, with lots of help from the Marxist/Socialist news media and Marxist/Socialist academic world and the Marxist/Socialist part of the Democratic Party.

  17. Some ILLEGAL ALIENS are members of Muslim terrorist organizations.

    Some ILLEGAL ALIENS are members of very violent gangs that sell illegal drugs.

    Some ILLEGAL ALIENS are shoplifters, thieves, spies, prostitutes and pimps.

    Some ILLEGAL ALIENS have criminal records in their native countries.

  18. What nonsense! No excuse for hiring people who may not legally work in the USA… that goes for households, businesses and schools.

    Hire legally eligible employees, pay them on the books. Enough pretending to be frum while breaking the law.

  19. Whatever happens happens, I think it’s pretty naive to think that anyone in New York has what to worry about when it comes to this given that the city and state authorities automatically aren’t cooperating, which means it’s highly unlikely you’ll be losing your cleaning lady or the Mexican stocking the shelves. Worst case it will open up new labor opportunities and I could charge $300 a day to clean someone’s house. And they’ll be happy to pay

  20. Frum Jews only wanted Trump and didn’t even care for what he stood. People were calling him shlita and celebrated when he won as though Mashiach came! Well, you didn’t think this through before! He said he was going to but we didn’t care; all we wanted was TrumpTrumpTrump, so now we got him.

  21. The author should do some basic research before publicly embarrassing herself. They will be going after illegal Allen’s who have committed a second (violent) crime (the first crime being entering illegally). These violent illegals should be found and deported immediately. The ones sitting in our jails should also be deported.

  22. There are about ten million illegals who came in this year.. and not all of them are Latinos
    Many are Arabs Haitians Asians etc
    There’s already tens of millions of illegals here from previous years. There is no shortage.
    Yes, this year has been a little cheaper for Spanish maids because there’s so many of them desperately seeking work… but in general there’s never been a shortage. Trump isn’t deporting all of them. He’s gonna start with the criminals and the recent arrivals and the homeless ones….

  23. Relax. This isn’t going to happen. Period. All the hock about “mass deportation” will maybe amount to a few thousand criminal illegals that are known to law enforcement. They aren’t coming into your house and demanding papers from your cleaning help. Not gonna happen. Never. There are roughly 20million undocumented immigrants in the US. The amount of money, logistics, man-power, legal battles it would take to deport them would take decades. It’s simply not possible. It’s not just Jews that rely on them, entire industries in the country rely on them. Your fear is understandable, but completely unfounded. Stop allowing the news media to scare you. They specialize in sewing fear to generate views. Shame on YWN for participating in this by printing this article. I sincerely hope they print a new article that will allay the fears of those that blindly trust the news media’s twisted fear-mongering tactics

    Stay calm. Trust Hashem, not the news.

  24. He is not talking about your precious cleaning lady. He is talking about all those
    who crossed the border illegally and are taking housing away from our own
    homeless people. The criminals who have come into our country as our crime
    rates have gone through the roof.

  25. I mamish don’t understand all this panic.
    We had enough illegals 5 years ago. So even if we deport all those who came in the last few years we’ll manage just fine.
    Also, Trump won’t deport ALL illegals. Let’s not forget “The Art of a Deal”, you ask for way more than you want….

  26. Laken Riley’s life was more important than you having a cleaning lady. Deport Them All! Btw there are plenty of LEGAL hardworking janitors in Yeshivas.

  27. Aokay nailed it. It’s a spoof on spoiled folks who quake at the implications of being deprived of their (davka)-undocumented servants.

  28. This article illustrates why the fundamental schizophrenia of western countries to illegal immigration exists. As a collective we make laws against free immigration but as individuals we (not just Jews) benefit from it, so we ignore the laws that we, ourselves, make!

  29. The word is not “undocumented”. It’s ILLEGAL.

    And there aren’t going to be 30-40 million deportations all at once. The highest priority will be those who are already listed as high security risks. Next will be those who have been convicted of violent crimes. Next will be those who already have final orders of deportation against them. Those three categories alone add up to almost TWO MILLION people, and it will take more than a year, almost two years to round them up and deport them. Then they’ll turn to those who are not working and are living off welfare and/or crime. Deporting them will take at least another two years. Meanwhile many will self-deport to avoid being arrested and having a record. So by the time they come for your cleaning lady you will have had plenty of time to figure something out. And in the meantime our community will be safer because all these violent criminals will no longer be here to threaten us.

    Plus, once the border is sealed and secure, and we no longer have literally millions of criminals a year streaming over it unhindered, it will be a containable problem, and once the worst have been deported there will probably be public support for allowing those who’ve kept their nose clean and not been a burden on the public to stay.

  30. First of all the increase in illegal aliens means longer waits in hospitals. It means an additional overload in patients in emergency rooms. I watch many of today’s kids won’t put a plate into the sink. They are trained to expect the cleaning ladies to do it. The kids become spoiled rotten. Besides Trump is talking about criminal Aliens who prey on everyone including their own.

  31. This letter is a case for allowing undocumented labor. Undocumented labor is illegal labor. “They have to come in legally.” It is not only illegal but unsafe. There is no case to justify illegality especially for the Jewish community. Pleading for allowing illegality for our community is an embarrassment and a chilul Hashem. Somebody invented this Chana just to tease the readers. There is no case.

  32. I am proudly in favor of kicking out and getting rid of all illegal and undocumented migrants. And if this impacts adversely on Jewish mothers who need an extra hand in the house while they are out Chanel and Gucci shopping, then these mothers can move to these South American countries and have all the help they desire.

  33. @WiseSage58

    You mean the Jewish mothers who are working full time, running a home, having and raising children.

    I happen to agree with your post, but this part just stood out at me. Do most women in your life shop at Gucci all day? The ones I know are busy working plus plus plus.

    Yeah we’ll manage without cleaning ladies but let’s not get carried away here.

  34. This will be a minor impact. The largest burden on Frum families (and all Americans) are the ill thought out tariffs. If this woman is yelling this loudly because she thinks she may be unable to get cleaning help, just wait until the tariffs begin. The cost of things like those plastics used in every home, or an oil filter for your Sienna will more than triple. Oh and that cheap sweatshop fashion from Shein and Temu will go by the wayside, and forget about buying Borsalinos those prices will be sky high.

  35. Reading all these comments makes me sad.
    When did we forget how to disagree while still making sure to talk with respect?
    When did we forget how to disagree without deriding and denigrating the other person?
    When did we lose the ability to disagree without exaggerating the other position to a ridiculous degree.

    Unfortunately, it seems that many people feel that the way Mr. Trump speaks to people, speaks about people, and disagrees with people, is something to emulate. That’s sad.

    We should still be רחמים ביישנים וגומלי חסדים not only in our actions but also in our way of speaking.

  36. I could safely assume that most people commenting here are men or are a bunch of bachurim who know nothing about running a large Jewish home. That being said, before you go on a tangent about the author of this post that she should learn how to clean herself, I would love to see you working full time, cooking supper, putting kids to bed, packing up knapsacks in the morning, shopping for food and cloths for weekday and Shabbos, and on top of all that cleaning up the house which entails washing dishes, laundry, shopping, etc. which takes hours every day. There aren’t enough hours in a day to do this. And yes, cleaning help in 2024 is essential. Not because we are spoiled. Your bubby, or your older mother-in-law who rolls her eyes about today’s need for cleaning help, didn’t need to work nearly as much as a young mother today. This woman has every reason why to be concerned, whether you think that it’s not probable that there will be a shortage or not. Before reacting on your impulse to rip on Chana, maybe put yourself in her shoes for a minute and think about it. And no, I’m not a liberal baal haabos that makes a half a million a year. Nor am I a therapist that sympathizes with every person’s mishigas. I learned in Kollel for 10 years and just went out to work and struggle to pay my bills every month, but I still think that cleaning help is essential. I welcome all responses without the rips and the attitude. Civil discourse please.

  37. @ maskildoresh, I agree with you 100%. What’s up with the ripping on someone who posts an innocent, non-provoking post? Talk like a mentch. Would you comment this way on a non-Jewish thread where people know you are Jewish? There is nothing wrong with expressing your opinion strongly, but just don’t wipe the floor with the author. I think this alone deserves a mailbag.

  38. Like anyone with half a brain realizes, it seems that since right before Election Day, YWN must have realized that they will have a post-election decline in site engagement so they feel the need to post these ludicrous letters which are obviously written by YWN themselves to grab your attention.

  39. Did you not have a “lady” help you before Biden came? Did opening the borders to millions of people make it any easier for you to find help, or did the cleaning ladies prices go down?

    THe answer is, you always had help, you will always have help (if teva remains) and prices of cleaning ladies will not get cheaper whether or not they are sent back.

    “President Trump, send them back. No community will suffer. Instead we will have less crime. People who talk like the author of this article are most certainly Democrats. Just ignore them”.

    Sorry Channa. Please cheer up. Your cleaning lady will come back tomorrow. I promise.

  40. He’s only deporting people who have criminal records and your average cleaning lady does make minimum wage… calm down people

  41. Maybe our Property taxes will go down, if the illegals and their familes are deported. maybe our medical bills will be lowered, as they won’t flood the ER and not pay a thing. The costs of these undocumented are a burden to society. I don’t have a maid. Why should i bear additional taxes for these law breakers??!! Whether, they are in jail, our Society stilll has to bear those costs. It is cheaper to send them home!! Sorry, maybe if welfare is cut, there will be people who will be available. There are many folks who need jobs. There are such things as Jewish cleaning ladies, and it is not something to be ashamed of!!

  42. My how far we have fallen. A Holocaust Survivor was asked to describe his town prior to WWII. This is what he wrote about the Jewish mother’s.

    “And how could one forget about the work of the Jewish mothers who lived here? If I say that each house was a cook shop, bakery, sewing shop, laundromat and animal feeding place, I am surely not exaggerating. The Jewish mother did all the chores of the household on her own. She milked the cow, shopped for food, carried water, cleaned, washed up the dishes, and worked a great deal more than her Christian counterpart. She participated in social work, visited the sick, and prepared for the Sabbath and other holidays with a sparkling clean house and splendor in the heart.”

  43. This is so ridiculous I can’t believe the person who wrote it is serious (rather than writing it as satire) and such a chillul Hashem that I can’t believe YWN published it unless it is intended as satire and social criticism.
    Find a way to manage your home without relying on paying people (illegal or not) an amount your teenage daughter wouldn’t accept for babysitting.
    And find a way to manage your institutions in such a way that you don’t need massive breaches in the law, crime, and an epidemic of life-ruining drugs, and terrorists entering the country undetected to underwrite your lifestyle.
    Finally, don’t be so selfish and callous about the lives of Americans who are killed and robbed, women who are assaulted, kids recruited into gangs, and people who become addicts, just because you don’t think these issues affect the frum community.

  44. *********NEWSFLASH********

    These mailbags have shown me one thing: Jews are the most non-tolerant obnoxious people on the globe. Oh, and stop bashing liberals and look in the mirror. THE MOST TRIGGERED PEOPLE EVER.

    One stupid pathetic letter and everyone goes crazy.

    Since when can’t someone write a respectful letter without getting you all triggered like a bunch of whining leftists?

    What a pathetic bunch of losers.

    Like the way letter on election day which trolled every single last person when it said everyone should vote for Kamala Harris.

    You are supposed to be so smart. Yidden. Quite the opposite. Low IQ losers triggered by NOTHING.


  45. 40 years ago, I was a single (divorced) mother working full-time and raising a houseful of kids. I had no cleaning lady and no money for a cleaning lady. So I taught my kids to pitch in. Today they all know how to run a household. As for babysitters, my frum friends and neighbors did that for me, and of course I paid them what they asked. None of this was easy but I managed without any illegal help.

  46. Ferd,
    Talking about how the entire community engages in illegal behavior by hiring illegals is not “Respectful”
    You want to know why many kids go OTD?
    Because they see the hypocrisy of so many “Frum” Yidden.
    Chas V’Shalom allow a man with the wrong type of hat or no hat at all Daven as a Chiyuv. But we scoff at the laws of a country that has never been better to Jews & given us the most opportunities & wealth because we refuse to shake off our Shtetl mentality that the govt is out to get us (which very often in Europe it was) so it’s ok to pick & choose which laws we follow & if you think you can get away with Shtik, it’d almost be wrong not to.


    Deport illegal immigrants = less workers and higher wages for those willing to work resulting in higher prices for all.

    Tariffs = import tax passed on to consumers resulting in higher prices on Canadian oil and gas imports, lumber and building supplies and higher prices on imported clothing and goods which disproportionately effect large families

    Cutting SNAP, Head Start, Medicaid & Medicare = loss of benefits to large lower income families

    This was all promised in advance. This is what people chose to vote for. This is the reality we will need to live with.

  48. Oh no, you’ll have to actually hire real Americans instead of breaking the law and being part of the problem.

    Wages will go up and there will be more jobs for Americans. What’s good for America is good for the Jews living in America. If rich people have to pay a little more to hire a real legal cleaning lady that sounds like a benefit, not a drawback.

  49. Our mothers and grandmothers didn’t have cleaning ladies. Plus there was no washing machines and dryers back then. They did everything by hand and still had time to finish tehillim. They didn’t shop for thirty thousand dollar pocketbooks. They lived simple and happy. Today with all the technology they are less happy.

  50. I read this letter twice. I was APPALLED at the total disregard of the legalities of this country.

    Paying below minimum wage

    Not paying taxes

    Paying under the table.

    We are Jews, Frum Jews, this is the antithesis of our values, our Halacha, our way of life!!!

    How dare you suggest that this is okay?

    The double standard you perpetuate is shameful, a Chillul Hashem. This is the example you set for your children !!

  51. May Hashem BLESS TRUMP! BH!!!! Why don’t you clean
    your own damn house
    and cook your own meals

    I am thrilled we’re going to be getting rid of these pieces of trash
    that don’t let Jewish students on campus though

    they shouldn’t even be on campus but that are pro Ham assss monsters on campuses and all over the place stopping traffic with a stupid parade and marching for who knows what for a country
    that doesn’t exist call Pali or Fakesteen.
    he’s right get them out of this country. Get all these savages out.

  52. I don’t know where you’re finding these minimum wage cleaning ladies. In Chicago, you’re lucky if you can find for $20/hr and the price increases from there.

  53. Chana’s letter should never have been published. She is advocating for people to violate the law. Besides the fact that the people she is referring to are not the one’s working in your home and business. If they are you are in big trouble

  54. Chana – first of all, I understand that you most likely did not request this article to be posted. Regardless, I think you have to understand that your opinion on the subject borders on bias and selfishness.
    We have to consider first that hundreds of thousands (literally) have died as a result of Biden/Harris allowing millions of aliens to illegally come into the country unvetted. This allowed thousands of criminals (drug pushers, rapists, and murderers) to enter the country.
    Trump’s intention is not to depart them for good, but rather to send them back and allow those without any prior criminal backgrounds to come into the country LEGALLY.
    Furthermore, you must understand that hiring illegals is a crime in itself and you could be prosecuted. I understand that we, as Jews, don’t go out of our way to hire illegals, but even myself have hired maids that later I found out that they were in America illegally. Even though they may be very good people, that does not mean that coming into the country illegally is excusable.
    As far as our pocket books, would you buy products from people off the streets that you know were stolen just because you could get a better deal? Trust that Hashem will give you the finances necessary to get the help you need without having to break the law.
    Also note, the multitude of illegals that Biden/Harris allowed in and are supporting with your taxes are actually trinkling down to you by higher taxes placed on all products as a result. So in the long run, you are losing money with their presence. The Democratic cities that were Pro-illegal immigration turned around crying once the burden was placed on them. That includes Mayor Adams.
    Deportation of illegals is good for Americans. As far as those claiming Israelis being deported, if they came in legally, it’s workable for them to stay under the right conditions. Trump is, to my knowledge, only looking to deport those that ENTERED the country illegally.
    Also, keep in mind that Trump is good for the Jews and for Israel, which is definitely much MORE important right now!

  55. We should refrain from name calling and misogyny.

    All of us know that she’s right, there will not be enough workers for houses, for construction for groceries.

    It’s fair to respond that it’s a trade-off you’re willing to take, but the point is still valid.

    About all the messages that we’re employing illegal workers, that’s not true, no need to libel כלל ישראל for political purposes.

    Most of these workers currently have work permits, while their asylum claims go they the court system, yes we all know that most of them don’t deserve asylum, but their working legally in the interim

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