It is with deep regret that YWN informs you of the petirah of Harav Refoel Yehoshua Halevi Kalish zt”l, a mammoth talmid chochom, beloved rav of the Harborview Bais Medrash in Lawrence, NY, and longtime R”M at Yeshiva Derech Ayson in Far Rockaway. He was around 80 years old.
A musmach of Bais Medrash Govoha, Rav Yehoshua zt”l, inspired countless others simply by his example. An extraordinary masmid – known for finishing Shas yearly and a gemara being with him at every waking moment – he exuded the air of a true ben torah, thereby influencing those around him to increase their limud hatorah and maximize every moment they had.
He also delivered many shiurim every week, including daf yomi at Shaarei Tefillah of Lawrence.
The Levaya will be at the Harborview Shul at 10:30am
214 Harborview South
Lawrence, NY 11559
Kevurah will be in Eretz Yisrael,
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.
(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
15 Responses
Rafael Yehoshua
BDE. The name Refoel was only added a few days ago so I believe it didn’t stay.
He completed Shas at least 5o times.
what a sweet sweet talmid chochim. bde
I watched him at a wedding the entire chuppa he was learning in depth
His shiurim were Lomdish and clear
He was Friendly Beyond
Was extremely proud of his holy son Rav Daniel shlita
i learned with him in lakewood – a ghon-adir – and bahl chesed – i ate by him Shabbos a lot, the sweetest person around – “enough sugar to kill an army of diabetics”
what a great loss
where is the levia?
Bais Medrash of Harborview
214 Harborview S, Lawrence, NY 11559
I stand corrected on Rafael
Did he learn in RJJ?
Is the a number to call in or a hookuo?
Yes He learned in RJJ
There is a recording of the Shul levaya livestream of the Achezer organization online at
The Levaya will be at 1pm today At Eretz Hachaim. Near Beit Shemesh