Turned Away from Voting Yesterday? Greenfield Launches Probe into Election Day Irregularities

vote1.jpgEXCLUSIVE TO YWN – David Greenfield, an attorney and community advocate, has launched an investigation into dozens of complaints that he received from registered voters who were denied the opportunity to vote in yesterday’s Primary Election.

Mr. Greenfield spent Primary Election Day as a volunteer election lawyer working from 5am to 10pm to make sure that every single registered voter could vote and that every vote was counted. “A basic principle of our democracy is that every single vote should count,” said Greenfield, “While going from poll site to poll site yesterday to ensure that our community’s votes were counted, I received an unprecedented number of complaints from community voters who were denied the opportunity to vote,” Greenfield explained.

Based on initial reports, it appears that in yesterday’s election hundreds of people were not allowed to vote on voting machines and instead were forced to use “affidavit ballots.” Still hundreds more were turned away from the polling sites, not allowed to vote, without even the courtesy of an explanation.

As a result, David Greenfield is launching an investigation to make certain that every single vote is counted. Based on the results of his investigation, Greenfield will take all necessary action, including legal action, to ensure that our community’s voters are not disenfranchised.

“Hundreds of people took their children with them to the polls yesterday and were turned away. What kind of message is that sending to our children?” Greenfield asked. “The polls have closed and these election results will not change, however, we can not stand silently by while our community members are denied their very basic right to vote in an election.” Greenfield continued. “With the presidential election only weeks away, we need to be absolutely sure that every eligible voter has the opportunity to make their voice heard and their vote count.”

If you had a problem voting yesterday that you would like Greenfield to investigate, please email your name, address and specific voting complaint to David Greenfield at [email protected] or call the disenfranchised voter hotline at (347) 562-1224.

(Dov Gordon – YWN Desk)

6 Responses

  1. Many poll sites were closed due to the simple fact no one was competing in the primary. Many frum yidden assumed Felder was running in the entire neighborhoods of boro park and/or flatbush, but was in fact running in only a portion thereof, and the rest of the frum neighborhoods had no election yesterday.

  2. Thank you, Joseph.

    But if there was no primary voting in my district, could someone please explain why we’ve been bombarded with political fliers and mailings on a daily basis for the past 5 weeks?????

  3. Boruch Hashem !

    When I went to my poll site yesterday in Boro Park, it was TOTAL chaos. The poll workers didn’t know what was going on and it was a scene to behold. I was told that I could not vote there, even though I have lived in the area for many years and have voted many times.

    I was very discouraged, and I left without voting, even though I KNEW that I was in Simcha’s Council and Senate District.

    I hear Mr. Greenfield on the radio all the time and he seems very knowledgeable. It’s wonderful that he is going to apply his knowledge to this issue.

    Our votes are very important and it is great that Greenfield is protecting our community.

  4. It was a DEMOCRAT primary and some people thought that ANY registered voter could vote. You have to be a Democrat to vote in that primary.

  5. I am a registered democrat and when I went to vote they insisted I fill out an affidavit because they claimed they could not find my name. After I insisted they check again they found it. There were many people there having to fill out the affidavits. In 30 years of voting I have never seen such chaos. They only had 2 voting booths open when they usually have 8.

  6. oh please!! i went out with my husband at our lunch hour we gave our name and address and we were ready to vote simcha felder WELL the two polling workers looked at each other and said “OH NOT AGAIN”
    they told us that through out the day so many people came to vote BUT ARE NOT IN SIMCHAS DISTICT!! we were so shocked we live in the 12-49 area,
    we asked the same question as so many residence of boro park diffrent district???!!!

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