FRAGILE LIBS: State Department Hosting Therapy Sessions For Employees After Trump Victory

In the wake of President-elect Donald Trump’s election victory, the Biden-Harris State Department has reportedly gone into emotional triage mode, hosting a therapy session for staff to cope with the election outcome. According to sources familiar with the session who spoke to the Washington Free Beacon, an internal email sent across the department invited employees to “Managing Stress During Change”—a one-hour gathering where they could process their feelings about Trump’s win.

The Employee Consultation Services in the Bureau of Medical Services organized the session, promising participants “tips and practical strategies for managing stress.” A licensed therapist led the session, and a second one is already lined up for next week. The email encouraged employees to brace for the new political climate with “effective stress management techniques.”

Meanwhile, the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs held its own cry session, led by Assistant Secretary of State Barbara Leaf and Acting Undersecretary for Political Affairs John Bass, where staff reportedly vented their concerns over the changes Trump’s victory might bring to U.S. policy in the Middle East. According to a source, these discussions included laments about anticipated shifts in U.S. support for Israel, a far cry from the prior administration’s policies.

One official summed up the gathering as “a final cry session for the era of hyper-focus on feelings over American interests,” suggesting that employees in some quarters may struggle to adjust to a new mandate at Foggy Bottom. “There is a lot to untangle after four years of Biden’s DEI-heavy focus,” the official added, hinting at a culture shift to come in the State Department under Trump’s leadership.

The State Department, under Secretary Antony Blinken’s tenure, has made diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives a centerpiece of its agenda, even establishing an Office of Diversity and Inclusion in 2021. While DEI’s champions were well-compensated for their efforts, recent election outcomes indicate that some of these priorities may be taking a backseat.

This isn’t the first time the State Department has turned to its mental health services for internal crises. Last spring, the agency offered emotional support after an email glitch misassigned pronouns, with officials advising affected employees to seek assistance “if hurt or upset” by the incident. As employees brace for new leadership, it seems Foggy Bottom may have seen its last DEI-fueled therapy session for some time.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

15 Responses

  1. I work for the Dept of State, this ECM meeting was posted BEFORE ELECTION reading the announcement internally right now. If you don’t want to deal with Diplomatic Security inquiring why you are disclosing information protected by Federal privacy laws, I would advise you to take this down ASAP.

    Moderators Note: YWN would love to “deal with Diplomatic Security”. Be a great story! Send them our way please!

  2. A Nurenberg trial for the Biden administration and all the globalist war criminals will make them feel better.
    Keep Sadams scaffold warm for them

  3. @ qsman I saw this on here and it really upsets me . This comes out of our pockets . So many hard working Americans can’t afford or get adequate funding for mental illness nor have access to mental health recourses . You guys make enough money to see a therapist in private practice but many in America don’t have the financial means . Go take your WOKE A … money and process your emotions with your therapist. I want my money going to human beings that are really suffering with the Finacial strain of paying for therapy and their mental health needs !! This is not cool .

  4. The price of freedom is not always getting what you want. If you can’t live with that, find a different country to live in … maybe Russia where they imprison and murder their opponents (oh right, they’re trying to do that here) maybe North Korea….
    Stop being babies. You don’t always win. Welcome to life.

  5. @qsman see the problem with you WOKE entitled dog poop she / her he/ hims is you think the grass is greener on the other side . The thing with us Jews we lived with the KGB in Russsia and we waited hours in line just to get stale bread , we had a card that was punched for food rations , we spent jail time in Siberia because we practiced our religion freely and so much more . You libs would not last a day in Russia / North Korea. I actually use to be a liberal and raised in a liberal home . I marched in BLM protest and my husband a biracial Jew also did then BLM became tainted and we both don’t want to have anything to do with it . But you progressive liberals are not what we grew up . You have lost all morals and ethics you want to defund the police but if the noise is to loud in your apartment building who the hell do you call for noise control: the police ! Do your self a favor and stopping being a troll and get the heck off of yeshivaworld and other orthodox news sites . We went through so much in history you guys don’t scare us one bit !!!

  6. I am sure next administration will find a list of those who came for counseling handy.

    What is wrong here that we provide our servants with such exquisite benefits, instead of spending funds on deserving poor and fighting enemies.

  7. They aren’t fragile. They are “civil servants” who acted as if they were political appointees. Patronage employees carry out the will of the ruling party, and lose their jobs. Civil servants are supposed to stay out of politics and obey their elected masters. These people got confused and just realized they probably wrecked their careers.

  8. Please provide therapy for all the emotional and economic hardship the Briben administration caused in the last 4 years especially with lockdowns and mandates.

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