ON THE HEELS OF A POGROM: Muslim Assailants Publish Video Of Jewish Teen Being Attacked In Amsterdam [VIDEO]

Following the violent pogrom in Amsterdam in which a mob attacked Israelis, pro-Palestinian activists in Antwerp have shared videos on social media showing attacks on Orthodox Jews. Although the attacks occurred two weeks ago, the videos were only released on Monday as a show of solidarity with the attackers in Amsterdam, sparking renewed concerns about safety for the Jewish community in Belgium.

One of the videos shows a 14-year-old Orthodox Jewish boy being assaulted by Muslim assailants in an Orthodox neighborhood in Antwerp. The boy’s family had initially refrained from filing a police report, citing the frequency of such incidents. However, seeing the attackers boldly sharing the footage online, the family has now decided to report the assault.

Amid these incidents, Antwerp police confirmed that six Muslim youths were detained over the weekend on suspicion of planning further attacks on Jews as an expression of solidarity with the Amsterdam assailants. They were released after a few hours, which has raised concerns within the Jewish community that they are not being stopped.

Jewish Member of Parliament Michael Freilich, who also serves on Antwerp’s city council, has called for heightened police and military presence in Jewish neighborhoods to ensure public safety. “There have been several recent attacks on Jews, though the footage has only now come to light. It’s crucial to bring these incidents to the public’s attention so authorities can address the anti-Jewish violence,” Freilich told Bechadrei Chareidim. He added that he had spoken with the mayor about deploying additional security forces, including soldiers if necessary, to safeguard Jewish residents.

Freilich noted that while the local police have taken increased security measures, including deploying drones and stationing over 100 additional officers in Jewish neighborhoods, he believes stronger deterrents are needed.

He has also urged authorities to arrest a Muslim preacher in Brussels who recently incited violence against Jews, calling on his followers to “burn Jews.” So far, no action has been taken against the preacher.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

2 Responses

  1. These poor, poor Fakestinian victims of Jewish aggression and the innocent Muslims globally who are simply showing their solidarity with the poor Fakestinians because Muslims love each eather and support each other, and never kill each other ever, its so heartbreaking what these peace-loving people are going through these days.

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