MAILBAG: Torah And Trumpism: Respect The Right To Vote Your Conscience

Over the past number of years, MAGA ideology has seeped into our oilam hatorah and impacted our hashkafas hachaim. Much of the frum media has become a mouthpiece for this ideology. The standard reading material available to the chareidi consumer presents a one-sided approach to the day’s issues. Instead of articles addressing issues with chochmah and nuance, it becomes brash and divisive. Sadly, this trickles down and affects middos and how people deal with others of legitimate divergent opinions.

Loyalty to Donald Trump and his ideology has become a litmus test of acceptable hashkafa for many. Those who dissent are called leftists, self-hating Jews, enemies of klal yisrael, not true bnei Torah, kapos, and worse. This type of over the top rhetoric and passion is indicative of an unhealthy obsession with a human being. Let us vote, but let us recognize that there is a legitimate case for those who approach Donald Trump with fear and concern and will therefore not support him. Respect the right that Senator Ted Cruz proclaimed from the 2016 RNC convention floor to “vote your conscience.”

1) Donald Trump’s rise to power came about through mocking others. His name-calling, such as “low-energy Jeb,” “little Marco,” etc., has been a staple of his campaigns. This type of demeaning behavior is now accepted by many as silly and fun. Worse yet is his demonization of immigrants and people of color. Trump has accused asylum seekers and migrants of being the worst types of criminals and subhuman. Many, if not all, in our community, have benefitted from immigrants, many of them illegally in capacities such as baby nurses, gardeners, handymen, and cleaning help. I am not aware of any in our community who immigrants have harmed, but the anti-immigrant vitriol and hatred are parroted by so many in our community. The Ramban points out that Sedom had a system of legal entry. Lot was allowed to enter because either he was a man of financial means, had Avrohom as a relative, or entered through a legal process. The actions of Sedom were geared against the “illegal” visitors, yet Sedom was punished harshly because everyone was expected to do chesed with those who needed it. The Trump policy of separating children from parents at the border as a means of deterrence is midas Sedom, and yet it has now somehow become acceptable to bnei Torah.

2) Donald Trump has built his campaign on pitting people against each other in rage and anger. He has peddled racism. He recently accused hardworking legal Haitian immigrants of eating cats and dogs. This is a blatant falsehood, yet he has never retracted it. Such racism is wrong and should be anathema to a frum Yid. Furthermore, Yidden do not do well in societies that tolerate racism, where people are demonized and constantly pitted against each other. Donald Trump himself recently dined with Kanye and Nick Fuentes, two of the worst antisemites in America at his private residence and never apologized. He has also said that Jews would bear responsibility if he loses. Trump may not be an antisemite, but he tolerates it when it serves his political needs. Trump has been vocal in condemning antisemitism on the left, yet he has never issued any condemnation of antisemitism emanating from the right. He continues to support antisemites such as Mark Robinson in North Carolina, Eric Hovde in Wisconsin, Royce White in Minnesota, and Marjorie Taylor Greene in Georgia. He has given Tucker Carlson, who promotes Holocaust denial, prime speaking slots at the RNC and his event in Madison Square Garden.

3) Donald Trump undermined the very foundations of American democracy. He attempted to seat fake electors, pressured his vice president to violate the Constitution, pressured the Georgia attorney general to “find him the votes,” unleashed a mob on the capitol on January 6th, and continues to lie about stolen election baselessly. Such actions are unprecedented in the history of the United States and cannot be accepted. Yidden are safe in America because the Ribono Shel Oilam placed them in a medinah shel chesed that adheres to the rule of law. We are not dependent on the whims of an individual president because there is a rule of law. When democratic norms are undermined, and political discourse is one of hate and vitriol, we are at risk. Furthermore, we are American citizens and have a duty to make sure our system of democracy endures.

4) Donald Trump’s first administration had many capable individuals, such as Jared Kushner, who are no longer affiliated with his campaign. Many of his previous cabinet members, such as Mike Pence, John Kelly, John Bolton, Jim Mattis, Mark Esper, Rex Tillerson, and General Mark Milley, have all warned that Trump is a danger to America and its traditional allies. When outstanding public servants who know him best and worked closely with him issue such stark warnings, any chochom should pay attention; additionally, Trump now says he will appoint people like RFK, who said COVID was genetically modified so as not to affect Jews, to lead positions in the department of Health and Human Services. His former National Security Advisor Micahel Flynn, who said America should have only one religion, is also a MAGA favorite.

5) The Sefer Hachinuch and other rishonim explain the mitzvah of shiluach hakan and osoh ves bnoh to be conveying the message that the Ribono Shel Oilam is doeg for kiyum hamin and does not allow us to destroy a species. Yet, due to the strong influence of conservative values in our community, legislation that seeks to protect animal species or mitigate the factors of climate change is usually reflexively dismissed as a bunch of crazy liberal ideas. Somehow, wanton disregard for the briah of the Ribono Shel Oilam has become a tenet of faith for many.

6) Donald Trump has expressed admiration for dictators such as Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un. Both of these figures are close allies of Iran and have aided Iran in its battle with Israel. He has gone so far as to say that he “fell in love” with Kim Jong Un because Kim wrote him nice letters. Trump has expressed admiration for the strong arm tactics of these despots. According to his former chief of staff, Trump praised Hitler on repeated occasions and said he wants his generals to be obedient to him like German generals were to Hitler. Trump’s first wife testified that Trump kept copies of Hitler’s speeches on his nightstand.

7) Some will argue that a vote for Trump is warranted because the ideology of the GOP is more aligned with conservative family values. It must be noted that Trump removed the wording of support for traditional marriage from the 2024 Republican platform. Furthermore, same-gender marriage is the law of the land, and no party advocates for changing that. The entire area of the argument rests primarily regarding the application of laws barring discrimination against people of such lifestyles—no party advocates for positions that adhere to the Zayin mitzvos.

8) Some will argue that having conservative justices on the Supreme Court is essential. However, the court already has a substantial six to three conservative majority. Furthermore, on many issues, such as the death penalty (opposed by Rav Moshe), school prayer (opposed as per Agudah policy paper), abortion (NY ban opposed), personhood legislation (opposed as per Agudah policy paper) gun rights, etc., the opinion of Christian conservatives is hardly aligned with hashkafas hatorah. It is hard to believe that a monolithic court composed of nine conservative justices would be good for America or Yidden. Furthermore, all appointments to the Supreme Court require Senate confirmation, and all indications are that the GOP will control the Senate after this election. Any appointee would have to be qualified and somewhat centrist.

9) Some will argue that Trump’s record on Israel means that he deserves our vote. Undoubtedly, President Trump deserves our hakoras hatov for moving the US embassy to Yerushalayim and the implementation of the Abraham Accords. However, the current composition of his new advisors and team includes many isolationists, and it is doubtful if they would expend money or deploy US armed forces in support of Israel. JD Vance has already stated that fighting Iran would be a waste of US resources and that the interests of America and Israel are not always aligned. For all the flaws of the Biden-Harris administration, they have sent unprecedented aid and weaponry to Eretz Yisrael. They have deployed US forces to shoot down and intercept incoming missiles. The Biden administration is the only US administration to ever deploy US forces in defense of Israel. Furthermore, according to multiple reports from reliable media sources, Donald Trump has demanded that Netanyahu bring Israel’s current wars to an end before his inauguration.

10) Some will say that Trump’s economic policies are reason enough to vote for him. While increased import tariffs may help those who work on production lines, it is highly doubtful that they will benefit the many who work in our community. It is more likely that increased tariffs will have a more significant adverse effect on large families that purchase imported items such as food, clothing, and appliances. Leading economists have argued that tariffs and planned deportations of millions of illegal immigrants will cause inflation to rise again. Furthermore, Harris advocates for expanding the Affordable Care Act, increasing child tax credits, and for new childcare tax credits that can significantly help many in our community. Today under the Biden administration, the stock market is at record highs, unemployment is at rerecord lows and COVID triggered inflation has been tamed and brought down to the Fed’s target levels.

As bnei Torah, we are always on guard for the creep of foreign ideas into our worldview and hashkafa. Boruch Hashem, our homes, shuls, and schools have been a bulwark against the worst of progressive liberalism’s ideas. However, our walls have been breached with regard to the infiltration of right-wing populist ideology. The ideas and values of MAGAism have sadly become conflated with a Torah worldview. The over-identification with a non-Jewish ideology in the form of flags, bumper stickers, rhetoric, hatred, and tolerance – and even celebration of – of middos raos has already heavily affected the one-time pristine hashkafa of our kehillos. When you vote, hold your nose, choose wisely and respect that your neighbor who is also a Shomer Torah Umitzvos may vote for the opposing candidate.


Respectfully Anonymous

The views expressed in this letter do not necessarily represent those of YWN. Have an opinion you would like to share? Send it to us for review.

39 Responses

  1. So basicly you are saying you know better than every single gadol in klal yisroel with zero exceptions that agree with you

  2. So basicly you are saying that you know better than every single gadol in klal yisroel this is a topic that there is actualy zero machlokes amongst gedolim wether satmar, skver yeshivishe, chassidish, sefardy, lakewood flatbush, five towns, eretz yisroel, more yeshivishe and less yeshivish………. Every single gadol says to vote trump.

  3. Trump is a horrible person. I’ve yet to meet any supporter of Trump who considers themself to be a Ben Torah who thinks otherwise. His Democrat opponents are also frequently horrible people. And frequently being rodef him as well. His Democrat opponents even those , or particularly those, who considers themselves to be Bnei Torah seem to be clueless about that.

    Trump is individually bad ; the Democrats are institutionally bad.(I’m not implying the Republicans are institutionally good) Those who give us musser about why do people support Trump seem oblivious to that

  4. Anyone who advocates voting for Harris, a complete zero in every respect who also is guilty of severe dereliction of duty at the border, over Trump, who killed inflation, had low gas prices, low interest rates, was tough on crime, protected the border, was good for Israel, demanded respect on world stage, and so on, needs their head examined! If He does not secure a landslide victory tomorrow, there is something very wrong with this country.

  5. There a basically three types of voters.
    Voter #1 is Don’t confuse me with the facts. My mind is made up and even if I’m wrong I’m right
    Voter # is Go against the grain. The whole world thinks one way but my mind is made up. This writer fits into this category. A good comparison is: the Shabbos after Rubashkin was freed a mispallel in my Shul was all upset because his sons rebbi sang Chasdei Hashem with the class This guy felt if Rubashkin was in jail ( even if it was antisemetic) you shouldn’t give him kovod. Most would disagree.The third type of voter is the apathetic voter. This voter typically has his head in the sand Either he doesn’t care or he doesn’t think it pertains to him.

  6. The every gadol argument is simply false. The Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva made no presidential endorsement on their enforcements list. Many other Roshei Yeshiva and rabbonim have also chosen not to endorse any candidate. Ask your own rov or moreh derech for advice.

  7. 2) Not only are there many news reports of horrific violent crimes by illegal immigrants in the community at large, our community was indeed harmed by an illegal West African immigrant who was allowed across the border due to Democratic policies, released from ICE custody due to Democratic policies, and not re-arrested due to Democratic “sanctuary city” policies. He then came to our neighborhood and tried to murder a man walking to shul as well as many paramedics and police officers who responded to the scene. The fact that you seem oblivious of this is very telling, because the mainstream Democratic media glossed over the entire story.

    Regarding your conclusion “Boruch Hashem, our homes, shuls, and schools have been a bulwark against the worst of progressive liberalism’s ideas”: if you don’t understand they progressive liberalism is a totalitarian philosophy that is determined to overwhelm any “bulwark” against it, you really haven’t been paying attention to what is happening, more quickly in European and Commonwealth countries and more slowly but still steadily in the United States. Progressive liberals have no tolerance for those who don’t share those ideas and certainly don’t believe you have a right to parent and educate your children without teaching them those ideas. Again, it’s astonishing and disturbing that you are oblivious to this.

  8. Can someone please name actual names of “Every gadol says to vote for Trump”? Actual names of gedolim, please.

    I came on this site to get the frum Yidden’s perspective on who to vote for. I will vote for whoever the gedolim say, but if no one can list a single gadol, it sounds like they’re making it up and I will just make my own decision, I guess. And my decision right now is between intelligently-written pieces for Harris and misspelled yelling arguments for Trump. Those same yelling people are screaming “Every gadol!” and I have not actually seen them list one gadol.

    I don’t need an argument here. You’ll win me over if you actually list gedolim. (And make sure it’s gedolim who, if someone were to ask them in person, would say, “Yes, I did say that.” I need to be able to say, “Yeah, but this rav says to vote for Trump, so that’s what I did.”

  9. The “every gadol supports Trump” argument is false. Many rabbonim and Roshei Yeshiva have chosen to only endorse local candidates and have chosen not to endorse any presidential candidate. They have left the decision to each individual voter.

  10. I thank the writer for taking the time to articulate beautifully that which real Bnei Torah – including the vast majority of Gedolim – have realized for a very long time. The enthusiastic embrace given to Trump by so many misguided members of our community is a massive Chillul Hashem.

  11. Many didnt endorse in public for president as they never do for reasons self understood in private discussions with many there hasnt been even one thats not voting for trump.

  12. Even if everything you say negatively about Mr Trump is true, you have not weighed it against the evils of his opponent.
    She promises Jews she is pro Israel, while promising an arms embargo against Israel when speaking to others. The current administration hindered the war against Hamas, Certainly the deaths of many hostages. They pushed humanitarian aid for Hamas which extends the war.

    Mr trump is far from perfect, however to think the other are closer to perfection, to think they are GOOD people is pure insanity.

    And while most gedoilim did not publicly endorse any one candidate, there are many very valid reasons for that. I would be surprised if any of them vote Democratic

  13. There are several gedolim who have openly said to vote for Trump: Harav Hagoan Rav Shmuel Kamenetzky, Harav Hagoan, Rav Feldman, Harav Hagoan Rav Masuz from Eretz Yisroel, the Skverer Rebbe, the Satmar Rebbe. I am sure there are more but these are the ones I heard speak or read about.

  14. Crazykanoiy,
    The Rabbanim in Baltimore (wisely) NEVER endorse a candidate.
    Today Rav Feldman, the President of the Vaad HaRabbanim & the Exec Director of the Agudah all put out videos encouraging Jews to vote without naming or even “implying” anyone.
    Besides other reasons there’s one most important reason. That is to avoid Machlokes in the community. Where do you stand if the Vaad endorsed the candidate you don’t support? What happens if a Ruv on the Vaad prefers a candidate opposite of what the Vaad is pushing?
    B’H The Rabbanim from across the Orthodox spectrum from far left to far right understand that community Achdus is more important than getting a few extra votes for a candidate.

  15. @David Barry R Shmuel Kamenetzky Gave A Bracha for Trump to win, He is as great as any Rabbi living today. There is another site called Matzav where you can see it.

    Maran Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky Gives Bracha to Donald Trump to Win the Election

    In a unique development just days before the U.S. presidential election, the zekan roshei hayeshivos in America, Maran Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky, rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva of Philadelphia and senior member of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of Agudas Yisroel of America, extended his bracha for the re-election of President Donald Trump.

    In a recording first obtained by Belaaz News, Rav Shmuel is heard offering his bracha during a conversation with his close talmid and gabbai, Rav Leizer Weinman.

    “Blessing to President Trump that he’ll win the election,” Rav Shmuel is heard saying.


    “President Trump.”

  16. “MAILBAG: Torah And Trumpism: Respect The Right To Vote Your Conscience”

    YOUR Conscience?
    what are we, Baal Peor worshippers?
    do what I FEEL is best??

    what has happened to our generation?

  17. Every Rebbe that has spoken on the topic in my Yeshiva has unequivocally said to vote for trump.
    One of the senior Rabbeim said that he normally doesn’t advise to daven that someone should win, as in our mesorah, that shows a lack of Bitachon, since lev milachim biyad Hashem. However, he said, this time he would say it’s fine to daven that SHE shouldn’t win. (that’s how awful of a candidate she is)

  18. Remember: Living in a country which pays for our Tuition is more important than living in a country which doesn’t kill babies. and has a border. and isn’t stealing from their unborn grandchildren to pay for Venezuelan gang’s wellfare. and PRETENDS to care about Jews. (at least he tries to act friendly to Israel. She tried to impose an arms embargo. and don’t even mention paying for loony-tune criminal’s gender-surgeries.) she’s actually dangerous, not only for our current host country in golus, but for yidden all over the world.

  19. There was no question posed to Reb Shmuel. The gabbai was the one who initiated the beracha. Reb Shmuel did not say that people should go out and vote for Trump either. Watch the video yourself and it is quite clear.

  20. There are rabbeim and rabbonim in my community who have said one should not vote for Trump. A leading gadol said something similar as well. Bottom line is that unless you live in PA or GA or Michigan your vote will not make a difference.

  21. @Crazykanoiy You are wrong and spreading lies he said in 2020 clearly to vote for trump now things are way worse and yes the gabbai initiated it but R Shmuel clearly said to vote for Trump and you keep saying there are rabbeim and rabbonim that said not to vote for trump name them and stop hiding behind a screen, if you can’t you everyone know you are lying!

  22. If there are rabbonim who say not to vote for Trump, I would need names of those too. Both candidates are assumed treif unless there’s a rav hamachshir.

  23. @yaakov4523 Reb Shmuel did not say to vote for Trump. This is not my word vs your word. You can listen to the recording yourself. He says no such thing. As for your extrapolation from 2020 that is your own view please stop projecting it on others especially gedolei yisrael. Sadly the rabbonim who oppose Trump must do so quietly because of rampant MAGA fanaticism in our community. Last week a leading NY Rosh Yeshiva and Gadol Hador told his Talmidim that one should not vote for Trump and implied that they should abstain. A leading Rebbi at my son’s yeshiva is also strongly opposed to Trump. Many local rabbonim as well. By all means ask your rov by stop being mevatel all that disagree with you.

  24. Wow, Respectfully Anonymous.

    That was very well and carefully written. Thank you for being a voice of Torah reason. I would be interested to hear more people actually disagree, with evidence, with some of the numerous excellent points you made, instead of the persistent personal attacks that seem to arise when many people today feel that their beliefs are threatened but are unwilling to consider them deeply.

  25. @crazykanoiy You keep saying these things, R shmuel did endorse Trump in 2020

    @dave barry is asking for rabbonim that said not to vote for trump, say their names we are waiting, Just because you vote for trump doesn’t mean you worship him stop with this none sense I will call them personally and ask them if what you are saying is true if you don’t post them you are not to be believed!

    Leading Orthodox rabbi endorses Trump for reelection
    Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky calls on followers to vote for president out of ‘gratitude’ and cites rising secularism as a threat

    JTA — Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky, a major leader of the US ultra-Orthodox community, said his followers should vote for Donald Trump in November.

    The reason? Gratitude.

    “Yes, I think people should vote for him. He’s done a good job. It’s ‘hakaras hatov,’” he told Mishpacha, a weekly magazine aimed at an Orthodox Jewish audience, using the Hebrew words for gratitude. The 95-year-old rabbi said it would be “worrisome” if the president loses, citing rising secularism as a threat.

    “You see the matzav [situation], the anarchy … it’s frightening,” Kamenetsky said. “God has become a dirty word in much of America, religion and religious institutions are their enemy.”

    While the majority of American Jews vote for Democrats, the Orthodox community has increasingly favored Republican candidates in recent years. The Pew Research Center’s 2013 survey of American Jews found that 64% of ultra-Orthodox Jews considered themselves to be politically conservative.
    Kamenetsky, who heads the Talmudical Yeshiva of Philadelphia and sits on the rabbinical advisory board of Agudath Israel, an organization representing the haredi Orthodox, had encouraged his students to vote for Trump in 2016, too, according to the Orthodox news site At the time, Kamenetsky told the Israeli publication Yated Ne’eman that those who were not honest would not enjoy success in the long term, referring to Hillary Clinton, according to Yeshiva World News.

  26. Trump seems like a good guy. He seems to genuinely trys to help his friends and the people who ask him for help. He want people around the world to live safely without war. Hes smart and capable. And he likes jews. What else do you want?
    I think people should vote for him because he is a good person while Harris is an evil Marxist who hates white people and by extension jews

  27. @Yaakov4523 – I do not deny that Rav Shmuel encouraged people to vote for Trump in 2020. My point is that Rav Shmurl did NOT tell say that people should vote for Trump in 2024. You are extrapolating from 2020 to 2024 and that is your own opinion. You ignore all the events that happened post-2020 such as J6, dining with Kanye and Fuentes, blaming Jews for loss, etc. Furthermore, there is now much hakoras hatov for Biden and Harris as well. There is really no need to argue this point. The recording is clear. Reb Shmuel did not say vote Trump.

  28. @crazykanoiy You are right there is no point because you are wrong and you can’t admit it and you still can’t name any Gadol that said not to vote for trump why not???? the man wants to decide who to vote for and he is asking for a gadol who said not to vote for trump.

  29. @crazy kenoiy Biden and harris are terrible people and terrible for the jews and they are against everything the Torah stands for Hakoras Hatov what are you saying? You need some help my friend.

  30. Yaakov4523: Rav Brudny has spoken critically of Trump on many occasions and when asked refused to endorse Trump for people voting in NY. This is just one of many.

    Yes, there is hakoras hatov for the only president in history to deploy US forces in defense of Israel and for his instructing the US military to shoot down incoming Iranian missiles and for record amounts of money and munitions sent to Israel. Apparently you are commenting on an article that you haven’t read.

  31. When Trump was running against Hilary Clinton, Rav Kanievsky said that no woman will be president of the United States. So take a guess who will be the winner….

  32. Your daas yachid Anonymous opinion is absolutely worthless especially when it goes against non-anonymous gedolim. Even if I wasn’t aware of their announcements, #9 is all need. If you’re still kofuy tov, get your yichus (or according to Trump, your head) checked.

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