MAILBAG: Shame On YWN For Their Last Mailbag; There is Only One Candidate To Vote For: TRUMP

To Yeshiva World News,

It’s frankly shocking that you, an outlet representing the Jewish world, would publish any piece in favor of Kamala Harris or the current administration. There’s no “balance” here—only one clear choice in this election: Donald Trump. By giving a platform to opinions that contradict this, you’re misleading your readers and undermining what you claim to stand for.

Publishing praise for someone as hostile to Jewish values and Israel’s interests as Kamala Harris is an embarrassment. Kamala Harris and her administration have consistently aligned with the most anti-religious and anti-Israel voices in American politics, blatantly pandering to anyone willing to side against our values. By publishing that letter, you’re legitimizing those viewpoints and encouraging readers to ignore the very real threats her policies represent.

Let’s not forget who Kamala Harris is supporting—those who sympathize with groups that wish to see Israel harmed and seek to degrade religious freedoms. And to paint her as “principled”? They’re nothing of the sort. The reality is clear: the current administration bends to whatever side of public opinion is convenient, no matter the cost to Israel or moral integrity.

Donald Trump is not perfect, but his policies and his administration’s support for Israel have far surpassed any recent president. He’s backed by advisors and allies who genuinely understand the importance of Israel and Jewish security. I never expected YWN to so blatantly allow support for a platform that runs counter to the values you claim to promote.

Shame on you for undermining your own credibility by publishing this piece.

Yosef S. – Jackson, NJ

The views expressed in this letter do not necessarily represent those of YWN. Have an opinion you would like to share? Send it to us for review

35 Responses

  1. Shame on this letter writer. Why is someone not allowed to have another opinion? This is crazy.

    I support trump, but this is the United States of America!

  2. @Ferd – That is your mistake. This is NOT the USA. This is the new Yiddishkeit. My way or the highway. If you think differently, you will be trashed and treated like garbage.

  3. I actually think YWN is entitled to post letters from anyone. When did this become communist Russia?

    Oh right. I forgot. Thsi IS communist Russia. I live in Lakewood.

    Should we list hos this town operates like Russia? From getting into yeshivos, positions of power, phony “asknaaim” with long hair who are filthy noyafim running around “helping” divorcees and other shmutz? Banning simchas bais hashoeva one year, and now embracing it because a wannabe billionaire now makes one and the Roshei Yeshiva kiss up to this guy…

    The list is very long.

  4. I am a trump supporter 100%. But just know that he will shut off the funding to Israel in 17 and a half seconds. While Biden and Harris will keep that faucet turned on.


  5. The rabbis should put a cherem on anyone who votes Kamala. It should be a mandatory question for any shul membership or Shidduichim . Don’t marry into the family were the parents or any kids for Kamala , don’t let Kamala supporters into any shul. You cannot any Jew who voted for Kamala in a minyan.

  6. The rabbis should put a cherem on anyone who votes Kamala. It should be a mandatory question for any shul membership or Shidduichim . Don’t marry into the family were the parents or any kids voted for Kamala , don’t let Kamala supporters into any shul. You cannot count any male (xy- I have to specify bc of the sick democrat policies) Jew who voted for Kamala in a minyan

  7. @Moreyeshivishthenyou100 – I have been saying this for a long time. You are 100% right. Finally someone who said it publicly. If you vote for kamala harris it means you are really not Shomer Shabbos and likley don’t beleive in the yug gimmel ikrim and there is a good chance you eat treif.

    We need the yeshivos to start asking people who they voited for. In fact, they need to show proof who they voted for.

  8. Trump Derangment Syndrome is real!

    Maybe the Geodlim have a point after all. Even the “kosher sites” are full of nonsense and trash!

  9. how can anyone think otherwise? don’t you all know that all ournewspaopers and magazines for the fum community ahve made decisions for all of us ages ago?

    dont you know that rabbi frankfurther who has been peddling insane conspiracy theroies in his magazine for many years decided for us? dont u know that the mishpacha magazine (who chose an election of the front cover this week instead of the levaya of a gadol biyisroel) told you what to do?

    follow marching orders, you ignorant flock of sheep.

  10. YWN will burn in gehenoim for posting the last mailbag. The hottest gehenoim possible. Disgusting. You are terrible horrible people. Shame on you. You should never wlllow anything to be posted that veers from our mesorah hakedosha like trump and anything else the marching orders are given.

    follow orders and maybe hashem will fogive you.

  11. @fester fallsburg guy . Thank you, Hashem bless you!
    I have spoken to many rabbis about this and everyone is scared to do anything.

    We need mashicah to come a get rid of this leftist Jews.

  12. * These, once and for all. Biggest enemy to the true Torah Jews and the righteous gentiles in the world is not hamas or jihadist ( they are all secondary ) to the primary enemy which are leftist woke liberal Jews. They are truly evil.

  13. This is just so funny, you people are treating Trump like a messiah.
    Do your part, vote for your candidate, and move on with your life. Nobody is changing anybody’s mind in a letter to Yeshiva World News or in the comments.

  14. Trump is NOT messiah he is just the much much better candidate. No one said he was the messiah. When the true messiah comes he will get rid of the leftist liberal woke Jews once and for all. They are a shame to Judaism and to the world.

  15. Supporting Harris is not just “a different opinion” or “just thinking differently.” Certain things cross that line and become obviously evil, and she has many of those…

  16. Perfectly said!!
    This is not about another opinion. When the stakes are so high- as to be pikuach nefesh for our lives & the lives of our brothers in EY, we MUST follow the words of the gedolim! (As we must do all the time!)
    (N if a comment writer is mad at lkwd, there are many other places in the US to live that will accommodate you. No needs to live w resentment! plus no one is perfect

  17. Shame on YWN. Every Gadol says to vote for Trump. He’s good to the Yidden (as he proved during his last presidency). How dare you post a letter going against all the Gedolim. There’s not one Gadol that says to vote for Harris. All the Gedolim in Eretz Yisroel and America say to vote Trump, and here goes YWN countering those efforts. YWN will stubbornly leave their article up, despite it going against the efforts of all the Gedolim. That’s anti-Torah. If the Gedolim are unanimously advocating for something, and you post a piece that aims to convince people to do the opposite, you are a rasha.

  18. @TTH – Please list the names of “every gadol.

    No one seems to have this in writing. And we all need to know.

    Please post this list asap as I still have not made my mind up if I should vote for Grover Cleveland, or Woodrow Wilson

  19. TTH – Please send the list to YWN so he can post it. Or at least post a comment with the list of every gadol that said to vote Trump.

  20. Anybody who dares to use his own mind to decide about voting (and does not follow the dictates of the Frum magazines/askanim, etc) deserves to be expelled from the Jewish community and have his children rejected from all yeshivos/beis Yaakovs, etc. His wife should not be allowed to use any mikveh in any community ever. Who does the first letter writter think he is to dare say he thinks Harris is a better choice. YOUR CHOICE WAS MADE FOR YOU BY YOUR BETTERS!!! Just do what you are told.

  21. @Koifer BIkur – FINALLY someone with seichel hayashar! Been saying this for years. No one shoudl veer from our helige mesorah shoved down our throats by our leaders and newspaper editors. This is a one party system. Nothing else. You are not allowed to think for yourself. Just shut up and do what you’re told.

    This disgusts me.

    PS: I voted Trump 3 times.

  22. @08703 – Don’t worry! All those fools who dare to think they are entitled to have their own opinions will be paid back in full for their chutzpah!!! As for people like ourselves, we can rest secure in the knowledge that because we do what we are told (I also voted for Trump 3 times; in this election!) we will be allowed to sit in the “nosebleed alley” seats at the next Siyum HaShas while our beloved leaders/askanim and all those with “protectzia” will sit on the dias. BH!!! Mi K’Amcha!!!

  23. Everyone needs to relax. Orthodox Jews will vote for Trump 4-1.

    But its ok to have a different opinion.

    And ultimately, as much as we think we know, we don’t know anything and Hashem ultimately runs the world. How many of our kind were so wrapped up in Fetterman v. Oz and were led to believe that Oz was the greatest and mightiest choice for the Jews and that Fetterman would be another squad member? We were all wrong!! So everyone needs to just relax and let Hashem drive his bus.

  24. Notwithstanding the fact that Trump seems to be better for Jews than machshefa harris would, the witch that she is, the comments here perfectly outline another coffee room forum here on YWN (maybe mailbag don’t remember) that discussed whether the voting in the USA was getting near a boundary of avak d’avoda zara.

    Seriously, comments like cherem for harris supporters, harris supporters are not really shomer shabbat, just proves that this has become a religion.

    GAURENTEED 100%, this is not what the Gedolim meant when issuing the Da’at Torah to go out and vote. Ask any Gadol, be it a Rebbe, Rosh Yeshiva, Chacham or your local Rav.

    However sharp they would be about who to vote for, they definitely do not take on this religion of USA voting for Trump/Harris.

    Chill out guys, go vote for the one your Rav/Gadol told you to, go back to what your doing and forget about it.
    Voting is not one of the 13 Ikrim.

  25. The original article was beautifully written, articulate and coherent. It made a strong logical case for Harris. This response is a pathetic attempt to cancel opposing views and shut down voices of reason.

  26. I was also surprised at the letter for Harris. She’s the most left wing candidate ever. She panders to whichever group she’s speaking to. How could any frum person support her when she has not done her prior jobs ( border control) and has shown incompetency since she’s been the candidate. Remember she ran last time and did not get support from the public?
    Zero compassion for Israel post October 7 and calling for a 2 state solution is her go to answer. She’s not capable of succeeding herself, so who do you think is going to make decisions? The same folks who brought you Unrwa and billions to appease Iran. This isn’t about personality cults, it’s about doing a job well. Trump will go back to trying to make more deals in the Mideast to create business opportunities and peace for Israel and it’s neighbors. She is utterly incapable of that. Do you really look to the government for “joy”?? Please!

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