MAILBAG: President Trump PLEASE Stop the Self-Sabotage Before Election Day!

As a longtime and deeply committed supporter of President Donald Trump, I feel compelled to speak out about some of his recent comments. With just days to go until the election, the stakes couldn’t be higher. Our nation stands at a crossroads, and the outcome will likely come down to a few undecided voters in key states. Now is the time to focus on the issues that matter most, not to risk alienating potential supporters with offhand, inflammatory remarks.

But on Sunday, Trump made two remarks that left me—and many others—scratching our heads and feeling frustrated. First, he said he thought he “shouldn’t have left” the White House after losing the 2020 election. And then, in what I’m sure was intended to be a joke, he added that “someone would have to shoot through the fake news” to get to him, which he “wouldn’t mind so much.”

As a diehard Trump supporter, I know the man doesn’t truly mean this. We’ve seen him mouth off before, trying to fire up his supporters at rallies with heated words and exaggerated rhetoric. It’s part of his style and charisma. But comments like these, just days before the election, are beyond frustrating. In a political climate where every word is scrutinized, anything that can be twisted into a negative soundbite is a gift to his opponents. Trump’s recent remarks are an unnecessary distraction from his policy accomplishments and vision for America, and they risk turning off crucial undecided voters.

The truth is, I’m confident Trump wasn’t truly suggesting he should have stayed in office against the will of the people, nor was he encouraging any sort of violence against the media. He’s always been outspoken, and his supporters know that. But many voters on the fence don’t know him as we do, and they take his comments at face value.

Right now, what the campaign needs is laser focus on the issues: the economy, national security, healthcare, and more. His record should speak for itself. Voters need to be reminded of how strong America was under Trump’s leadership and how he plans to bring that strength back.

Mr. President, please stay on track. You’re your own worst enemy sometimes, and these careless remarks only distract from the real issues. We’re praying and working for a Trump victory on Tuesday. Let’s not leave this to chance or give the media or undecided voters any reason to look the other way.

Yosef Levenson – New York

NOTE: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of YWN.


(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

16 Responses

  1. “As a diehard Trump supporter, I know the man doesn’t truly mean this.”
    “It’s part of his style and charisma.”
    “I’m confident Trump wasn’t truly suggesting he should have stayed in office against the will of the people.”

    If Harris said the things Trump says, you’d believe her and wouldn’t attribute it to her charisma. As a “die hard,” you give Trump a pass, even though he DID try to stay in office, it’s well documented. He’s been saying and acting on these things for years, but your programmers shield you from most of it, spinning things to keep you in the cult. Thanks for reminding me to vote for Harris.

  2. If you don’t see by now that’s it’s all pure השגחה, there’s nothing to say.

    Trump is great because he says the TRUTH. Nothing in those “earth shattering” quotes is untrue. He’s right that the Media is a real enemy of all good people.

  3. If he had kept his mouth shut for 2 months prior to the last election he would have beaten Biden easily
    Self sabotage is his mehus

  4. He is so ready to shoot himself in the leg sometime during this 11th hour. He did it last time and it cost him the election. He is so eager to do it again. If only he can shut his mouth: if only! Time will tell.

  5. To er:,
    Just remember Notorious White Supremacist And Neo-Nazi Richard Spencer is in Harris’ corner. That says a lot of what she is made out of. You may vote for the Zoina Harris, but remember, you’re voting against yourself and ultimately against America because you won’t recognize this place in 4 years if she wins.

  6. NO NO, he should continue on and on . . . And you should be ashamed for supporting him throughout!!!

    All Jews supporting him “should have their head examined”

  7. Faceit,
    If you are supporting Kamala Harris and the Democrat Party you are mentally deranged. It takes no brains whatsoever to vote for a Democrat. The Democrat Party is all about touchy feely. In fact if you look at the current president, he does a lot of touchy-feely but we’re not going to get into that right now.

    Only Republicans have brains and use their brains when they vote, use your brain! Vote Republican.

  8. The comment about shooting threw Fake news was Pure Leitzunus & thats what got him where he is, and that will get him over the edge this time!

  9. He is משוגע לגמרי רשע מרושע it’s a embarrassment that we must vote for him but no כבוד no אמת in this לץ narsisicst בעל גאווה

  10. Veyizmir: you suffer from the same flawed logic as Mr. Levinson (who wrote this open letter). Spencer used to support Trump. Did that indicate what Trump is made of? No? Oh, so why the double standard? Remember: Trump has met privately with unabashed anti-semites, Kanye West and that holocaust denier.

  11. Jersy Jew;
    Great, so you are consumed with so much hate and you are throwing it up at me, she’s winning this election regardless, you’ll be doing perfectly fine, don’t worry,

  12. what a disgusting format from America…thankfully I am not one of these lentil soupers nor an america…israeli , yes….shut up….leave our country alone…

  13. This is the key:
    Whether it’s good talk or bad talk about him, as long as you’re talking and making him the center of the world, he wins!

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