Curtis Sliwa: “Antisemitism Is In Our DNA. I Have To Hold Myself Back Sometimes”

Curtis Sliwa, a Republican candidate for New York City Mayor, is being accused of antisemitism over comments he made at a pro-Trump rally.

“I tell the Jews all the time – I’m a Gentile, it’s in our DNA,” Sliwa said about antisemitism. “You need to wake up and understand that we always blame the Jews no matter what happens, and no matter what peace agreements you make. They will always hate you. That’s how it is in America and that’s how it is in other places. I also have to hold myself back sometimes, and I have two Jewish children.”

Sliwa’s statements imply that anti-Semitism is inherent to non-Jews, and he struggles with these feelings himself.

It’s not the first time that Sliwa has been accused of being an anti-Semite. In 2021, Agudath Israel of America slammed Sliwa for antisemitic comments he made.

Also at the rally, Congresswoman Nicole Malliotakis blasted Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer for delaying bills aimed at combating anti-Semitism on campuses.

Additionally, a House Education Committee report released on Thursday revealed that Schumer advised universities, including Columbia University, to ignore the backlash they were receiving over antisemitic protests on campus related to the Israel-Hamas war.

Such a “Shomer Yisroel,” isn’t he?…

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

14 Responses

  1. He’s 100% right. Not sure why you are bashing him. At least appreciate his honesty. Any gentile that claims otherwise is either really Jewish or lying. As we know eisav sonei es yaakov

  2. Christians and Muslim culture are historically anti-Semitic except when they aren’t. For example, when the Muslims were busy fighting the Christians, they tended to get along very well with the Jews. America was founded by a bunch of religious “weirdos” who tend to found new religions and often went for radical ideas including tolerance of religious minorities (unlike Europe where until the mid-20th century most countries had state churches and persecuted everyone else), and that weirdness is why anti-Semitism had been less of a problem (and why Jews and civil rights in America long before other countries). One aspect of American culture the “Progressives” reject is tolerance of religious ideas other than their own, usually secular one. Now that they are a minority in much of the country, the religious Christians are almost all embracing tolerance.

  3. This is the most beautiful thing I’ve seen said by a goy. We are zoche to this amazing eye opener to be told first hand how real the words of chazal and decree of hashem is. We all know the halacha of eisav sone es yaakov and why it is a beracha. We just never really got to hear from someone who is generally a “good gentile” but admits to us that it is something internal he struggles with. Like he says “built in our DNA” it’s not something he wants nor brews, it’s just there and he doesn’t know why. How much more proof do u need of hashem. This is beautiful thank you ywn for this great article even though the intention was shame him

  4. He’s great for being honest.
    הלכה היא בידוע שעשו שונא ליעקב

    If only all the Jews recognized this as well and gave up falling at the feet of gentiles and begging for acceptance, and instead focused on being better, prouderJews.

  5. Agudath Israel is slamming him for what? For being honest and truthful? Frankly, I dont agree with Slimwa that all non-Jews have it in their genes. That is nonsense ….. there are many many non-Jews who genuinely love their Jewish friends to the point where they even marry them.
    Lastly I take Agudath Israel and all those large Jewish Organization for lacking the courage to endorse Trump or Harris. This is arguably the most important election in decades and these coward are afraid to take a position.
    The irony is that the Satmar Rebbe who is anti Zionist came out and endorsed Trump and yest these large donation begging supposed leaders of the Jewsih people remain silent. Truly pathetic, dont you think?
    papa j

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