“Trump Tov LaYehudim” Sign Campaign Spreading Across Jewish Communities

On the eve of arguably the most critical presidential election in modern US history both for the safety of the American Jewish community and for the future of the US-Israel relationship, and at a time when a major political gathering in New York City with numerous Jews in attendance is labeled a ‘Nazi Rally’, many in the Jewish community are anxious about the future.

Support for President Trump is seeing a notable increase within Jewish communities, especially among frum Jews. For example, the Satmar Rebbe recently declared that “Trump is better for the Jews,” a rare endorsement signaling that traditional Chassidic support for Democratic candidates may be shifting. It is anticipated that other Chassidic groups will soon echo this sentiment.

In Teaneck, New Jersey—a hub for Modern Orthodox Jews—Trump signs are everywhere, many of them reading “Trump Tov LaYehudim” or “Trump is Good for the Jews.”

Gavriel, a local organizer who spearheaded the sign campaign, shared with YWN that he has personally visited over a hundred homes. “Just about everyone eagerly wanted the signs. Many even asked for additional signs for their friends,” he said.

“While this may not be a statistically exact method of polling, the overall sentiment is very clear. The community overwhelmingly favors President Trump,” he added.

“Many residents told me that while they traditionally voted Democrat, this year feels different,” Gavriel explained. “They feel that the Democratic Party no longer represents their values, and they are worried about the rise in anti-Semitism and the weakened support for Israel.”

The “Trump Tov LaYehudim” campaign is now spreading beyond Teaneck, resonating with Jewish communities across the country.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

4 Responses

  1. Of course this sign with no attribution to the campaign committee who approved it or who paid for it violates the law in many states

  2. The sign probably should be “Less Bad for the Jews”. Many of Trump’s proposed policies will be somewhat of a problem, though not as much as Harris’s.

    P.S. Given the changes in the Supreme Court dating in large part to Trump’s 1st term, I suspect a group of private citizens expressing themselves is protected by the First Amendment (though of course, if Harris wins and gets control of the Congress, one can expect an enlarged Supreme Court to hold that the 1st amendment does not protect politically incorrect speech).

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