YWN EDITORIAL: Woke Chicago Mayor’s And PD’s Deafening Silence On Anti-Semitic Violence – And That Of Jewish Orgs

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson’s glaring double standard in addressing hate crimes has reached a disturbing new low. Last Shabbos (the morning after Shmini Atzeres), a Jewish man on his way to shul was shot from behind in West Rogers Park, an attack that authorities describe as unprovoked and marked by the shooter’s shouts of “Allahu Akbar.” Yet, in his public statement, Mayor Johnson avoided any mention of the anti-Semitic nature of the attack. His response was disappointingly vague, calling the shooting merely a “tragic event” and declaring that “all Chicagoans deserve to feel safe,” without a single word acknowledging the apparent targeting of the Jewish victim.

This isn’t just disappointing; it’s an insult. Compare Johnson’s muted response to his strong condemnation following the brutal murder of a Muslim child in nearby Plainfield last year. Then, Johnson swiftly and unequivocally decried the crime as a “despicable hate crime” and highlighted Islamophobia’s “destructive role” in our society. Yet, when a Jewish resident is shot on his way to shul—in a clear act of anti-Semitism—Johnson sidesteps, effectively dismissing the targeting of Chicago’s Jewish community.

It’s not just Mayor Johnson’s failure. The Chicago Police Department has remained disturbingly silent as well. They have yet to publicly acknowledge that the victim was an Orthodox Jew, that the attacker yelled “Allahu Akbar,” or that the shooter deliberately traveled ten miles to a Jewish neighborhood to carry out this horrific act. Why are these critical facts being withheld from the public? This lack of transparency – which is clearly intentional – only adds to the impression of indifference and cowardice.

Rep. Ritchie Torres pointed out Johnson’s glaring oversight, questioning why the Mayor failed to even acknowledge the victim’s identity as a Jew or the hate-driven motivation behind the attack. “Any Mayor who cannot be bothered to acknowledge the antisemitism of a hate crime against a Jewish man heading to a synagogue is unworthy of the office he holds,” Torres rightly observed.

It’s equally disheartening to see Jewish organizations like Agudath Israel soft-pedal their responses. Why is it that Rep. Ritchie Torres—a non-Jewish Congressman—has taken the lead in calling out this crime’s anti-Semitic roots, while organizations that claim to represent us merely urge “action” without pressing Johnson or the police for accountability? Is Jewish blood somehow cheaper, unworthy of the same forceful advocacy we’ve seen when other communities face attacks?

Agudath Israel’s statement referred to the incident as “an act of violence” without even mentioning the shooter’s cry of “Allahu Akbar” or the suspect’s targeting of a Jewish neighborhood. Moreover, Agudah’s failure to call out Mayor Johnson’s evasiveness, or the Chicago Police’s reluctance to name the victim as an Orthodox Jew, is nothing less than stunning.

The suspect, Sidi Mohamed Abdallahi, an illegal immigrant from Mauritania, had been caught and released by Border Patrol in California before making his way to Chicago, shielded by Cook County’s sanctuary policies. He now faces multiple felony charges, including attempted murder. And yet, in the face of this violent anti-Semitic assault, Johnson, the police, and Jewish organizations tiptoe around or completely ignore the real problem at hand.

For Johnson, hate crimes should not be acknowledged selectively. His silence on this anti-Semitic crime is a betrayal to his Jewish constituents and speaks to a deeper disregard for unbiased justice. If the Mayor can’t find the courage to denounce anti-Semitism, then perhaps he doesn’t deserve the trust or the office he holds. And if police department officials don’t have the guts to call the shooting what it was – an antisemitic terrorist attack – then they should find another job.

[STUNNING: No Hate Crime Charges For Man Shouting “Allah Akbar” Who Shot Jewish Man In Chicago]

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

6 Responses

  1. This is false. The Agudah of Chicago and the Midwest has sent representatives to speak out against the Mayor on this. Please take this article down or edit accordingly.

  2. While the Mayor’s actions were definitely hypocritical and disgusting, the Agudah is the wrong target here. The frum community are not a bunch of whiney babies who go around blindly screaming at anyone who upsets us without consideration, no matter how much they deserve it. We should be very cautious not to become like society at large who do conduct themselves that way.

    The Agudah can’t call out the mayor and Ritchie Torres can because next year, when YWN is writing more furious editorials about tuition, bussing, and whatever else, Ritchie Torres doesn’t have to meet with the mayor of Chicago to push for school vouchers. When yidden need help with cost of living, extra cops in the wake of terror attacks like this, or any number of things, the Agudah is there as friends with the movers and shakers and a bipartisan force to help us. I guarantee you the Agudah is in middle of 15 conversations with 15 different senators and law enforcement agencies on how to react to this. Most of those will probably result in genuine improvements for the klal, instead of feel good “owning the libs” style statements that make us feel good for a moment and harm our chances for a better future.

    Also, who do we think it was that got Ritchie Torres involved in Jewish matters in the first place? I doubt it was an angry editorial targeting him- it was probably the Agudah or other frum organizations being slandered in this article. We want more security in the frum community- who’s doing that? Chicago police officers, that’s who. Officers who won’t be placed in the community if the chief of police, being attacked by us, doesn’t want them there. We will be much more secure if those police feel welcomed, and any problems can be dealt with politely and behind the scenes, where they won’t make powerful politicians into lifelong enemies.

    Temper tantrums like those in the last paragraph are helpful to no one. Even in NY, we don’t control who is mayor or police commissioner, and definitely not in Chicago. Those people will likely be in those positions whether we like it or not. We can chose to be positive people who have reasoned conversations about our concerns (which is the Agudah’s whole thing) or we can be another group of shrill slacktivists who sometimes get the statements they want, but never actually accomplish anything.

  3. He’ll probably be deported from jail. I’d imagine if he sits longer in prison, the taxpayer will have to pay more. It would probably be easier if they send him back today.

  4. Love it! Some dude at a keyboard in NY, who has probably never been to Chicago outside of O’Hare airport, opining on the community. YWN, stay in your lane.

  5. NOYB,
    “The frum community are not a bunch of whiney babies who go around blindly screaming at anyone who upsets us….”
    I guess you never heard of the former (Frum) NY politician who has made a 2nd career doing exactly what you described.

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