Top Causes of Car Accidents in New Jersey and How to Protect Your Rights After an Injury

Sadly, car accidents in New Jersey are somewhat frequent; complicated legal questions and major injuries follow most of the times. Rising threats on the road are shown by 27% rise in fatal accidents in 2024. Protecting your rights is crucial should you be in an accident. One may make a big impact working with a seasoned New Jersey Injury Lawyer like Thaddeus P. Mikulski Jr. Having more than thirty years of expertise in personal injury litigation, their staff provides individualized, sympathetic legal assistance to assist you in obtaining the compensation you are due for medical bills, missed income, and more.

Major Causes of Car Accidents in New Jersey

1. Distracted Driving: Distracted driving is the most common cause of traffic collisions on the roads of New Jersey. Examples include texting, eating, adjusting the music, or using a GPS while operating a vehicle. Taking one’s attention away from driving, even for a brief second, may produce a disastrous collision. New Jersey Statutes prohibit the form of driving, and owners may be held liable for damages resulting from such accidents.

2. Over-Speeding: Driving at a speed higher than the legally posted limit is another major cause of accidents. The heavier the vehicle, the graver the crash. In New Jersey, speeding is one of those familiar kinds of traffic violations that frequently put people into danger, especially on highways and busy roads.

3. Driving under the Influence: Driving under alcohol and drugs is one of the leading contributors to critical accidents. The state of New Jersey considers the act of DUI as offense that is subjected to strict, broad-based fines, license suspension, and possible imprisonment. Unfortunately, some drivers still get on the roads while drunk and go as far as to place their lives and the lives of other people in danger.

4. Bad Weather: The weather condition in New Jersey is pretty unpredictable and involves snow, ice, and heavy rains that make driving conditions hazardous. Accidents due to poor visibility of the road or slippery roads are common. Since the weather cannot be controlled, drivers are supposed to adapt their speed and driving habits to the circumstances of the case or could otherwise be held liable for an accident.

5. Reckless Driving: Aggressive behaviors, tailgating, running stop signs, and making sudden lane changes-all these are different forms of reckless driving in contributing towards accidents. Reckless driving is not only hazardous but also illegal, and whoever commits these actions will be held liable under both civil and criminal charges should a crash occur.

How to Protect Your Rights After Injury in a Car Accident

In the event of a car accident where you get injured, you need to take all necessary steps that will protect your legal rights, with the goal of trying as much as possible to be fairly compensated.

  • See a Doctor: Immediately Your health is the foremost concern after any kind of accident. Even if you feel your injuries are minor, it is vital to seek medical attention immediately. Injuries may not be immediately noticeable but could be grave later. Medical records are also important in proving your injury in any compensatory claim.

  • Document Accident: Scene Whenever possible, take evidence from the scene of the accident. Generally speaking, it is a good idea to take photographs of all vehicle damage involved in the accident, any personal injuries, and general road conditions. You will also want to share and obtain contact and insurance information with the other driver and obtain contact information from any witnesses if necessary. This evidence will be very important in substantiating your claim.

  • File a police complaint, report: Should the collision result in injury or major property damage, New Jersey police should be notified. Usually utilized as evidence in the injury claim, the police report is among the most important ones in terms of fault building. Ask to get a copy whenever the report becomes available.

  • See a Personal Injury Lawyer: Especially in relation to insurance, the aftermath of an accident may be somewhat taxing. A personal injury attorney may help you negotiate for your rights in guaranteeing you receive what you are due, guide you through the claim process, and assist in obtaining required documents. Generally speaking, New Jersey law lets one submit a personal injury claim simply two years ago; so, it is advisable to act quickly in such regard.

  • Watch out for insurance firms: they can attempt to get in touch to give you a quick settlement for less than you are due. Till you have reviewed it with your attorney, refuse any offers and sign nothing. Along with any further damages, your attorney will make sure you get fair pay for all your injuries and medical bills.


Common causes of accidents in New Jersey include distracted driving, speeding, DUI, poor weather, and acts of reckless driving. These accidents do happen-almost anywhere and anytime-and if you happen to be on the road when they do, there is much that lies between success and failure in the result of one’s claim: appropriate medical treatment, consultation with the right personal injury attorney afterward. Experience has taught us how accidents occur. That should prepare one for their legal aftermath and how to protect one’s rights to secure fair compensation.

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