This Sunday: Keser Yisroel Mordechai Hachnosas Sefer Torah

KYM.jpgK’hal Keser Yisroel Mordechai under the leadership of its Mara D’asra – HoRav Meir Platnick Shlita is looking forward to their very special Hachnosas Sefer Torah which will take place IY”H this Sunday afternoon – 14th of Elul. What makes this Sefer Torah special to the Tzibbur is that each of the Mispallelim in the Shul got together to dedicate a part of the Sefer. The new Sefer Torah is not a donation from a Yachid rather it is the efforts of the Tzibbur as a whole that made this possible.

A Nussach Ashkenaz Shul in the heart of Flatbush, NY, K’hal Keser Yisroel Mordechai (known as KYM) is a Makom Torah and Teffila to well over 100 families. With a Daf Yomi Shiur each morning and evening, weekly Shiurim in Gemora, Chumash and Ein Yaakov plus the daily Shiur in Halacha along with the various Chavrusa Shaafs both before and after the daily Minyonim there is a beautiful Kol Torah that comes from this young and vibrant Minyon of Baalei Batim who are Kovaya Ittim. Their Mispallelim walk from all over Flatbush each Shabbos morning to be a part of the great Achdus that permeates from this close-knit Tzibbur.

KYM invites the entire oilam to please join them for this wonderful Hachnosas Sefer Torah in order to welcome the new Sefer with the proper Kavod HaTorah of B’rov Am Hadras Melech. The Kesivas HaOisios of the final letters will take place from 2:30 – 4:15 in the Rov’s home, 1411 East 16th Street between N & O. The Rov Shlita will write the final ois at 4:15 and the procession will begin at 4:30 as everyone will be Melava the new Sefer to its home – the Shul itself – located at 1301 East 18th street between L & M. A grand procession with live leibidiga music, torches, plenty of flags and peckelach for all of the children who come is planned and the shul looks forward to everyone joining them for this great Simcha. Mincha will follow the festivities at 6:00pm in the Bais Medrash of KYM.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

4 Responses

  1. MAZEL TOV! MAZEL TOV! This is a wonderful shul, with an excellent kehilla. They should be zoche to continue to be marbitz torah and have simchos.

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