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Must One Wash for Chol HaMoed?

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman

It is the time when most Yeshiva students are back home, and the invariable question comes up – does one have to wash for Chol HaMoed?  And if there is no obligation – is there an inyan to do so?

The Shulchan Aruch (OC 188:7) writes that if one forgot to insert Yaaleh v’Yavo – we do not make him go back and re-recite it.  It is like Rosh Chodesh, since you are not obligated in eating bread on Rosh Chodesh.

However, the Vilna Gaon (sub-paragraph 15) cites a view that Chol HaMoed is like Yom Tov and one is obligated in washing for bread.  This is indicated in the wording of the Gemorah in Sukkah 27a where Rabbi Eliezer says that one must eat 14 meals in the Sukkah.  It further states in Sukkah 42b that Hallel and Simcha apply for 8 days.  It also states in Toras Kohanim , “Honor it with food and drink.”  However, the Vilna Gaon does add that it is not muchrach – clearly indicated.

Rabbi Akiva Eiger in his responsa writes that there is no obligation. The Mogain Avrohom (OC 530:1) writes that even though the Shulchan Aruch (188) indicates that there is no obligation – ideally, lechatchila one should wash on bread.  The Mishna Brurah (530:1) also rules that ideally it is a Mitzvah to wash.

In the Mishna Brurah’s Shaar HaTziyun he writes that the Mitzvah, lechatchilah, is to wash once at night and once in the day like Yom Tov – and not to just rely on two meals in the day.


It is not an obligation, however, there is an inyan to wash.

The author can be reached at [email protected]

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