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IMPORTANT COMMUNITY ALERT: If Your Children Are Going To Crown Heights Tonight – READ THIS!

Flatbush Shomrim has been contacted by the NYPD and asked to convey this very important message. Last night during the simchas Beis Hashoeva celebration in Crown Heights, several boys were arrested from the Flatbush Community. These are not Crown Heights boys, rather boys who decided to attend and cause havoc. This included fist fights with other boys and incredibly assaulting police officers.

This is a huge Chilul Hashem!

These boys who are going from Flatbush to Crown Heights to cause trouble, WILL be arrested, and will have records that will follow them moving forward. It’s not worth it!!

If you have a child / teenager that plans on attending, and you have reason to believe he might get involved in looking to get into fights and mischief, we urge you to keep him home or escort him to Crown Heights!

There will be zero tolerance on the part of the NYPD, and these boys WILL be arrested!

Let’s please avoid this! Let’s all have a happy and safe chol hamoed!

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

18 Responses

  1. I love my Flatbush brothers but last night your boys were out of control. There were at least 20 boys ( without exaggeration) who came not to enjoy the festivities but instead to provoke and antagonize CH boys ( and girls).
    Shockingly, when NYPD stepped in attempt to calm the situation they were attacked as well.
    I am not speaking about verbal etc. I’m talking about sucker punches, fist fights etc more appropriate for a goyish rock event etc. All attempts to calm down were shrugged off.
    What has happened to y’all???

  2. Unfortunately the flatbush boys that come to the festival will go with or with out they’re parents permission. But atleast they reached out to shomrim to give a fare warning that’s respectable.

    A gutten moed.

  3. The crown heights “bochurim” incite violence they throw fireworks and curse out Flatbush kids and I don’t blame them for retaliating with anger and violence it’s called self defense I saw it with my own eyes (askan from crown heights)

  4. Skdadon, I suppose it’s also called “self defence” when these Flatbush kids assault police officers. Really?! I guess they were just simply retaliating against the police for inciting them. Get real! You saw it with your own eyes, right? Maybe you need glasses. But tell me, you saw this after how many scotches (or vodkas)?

  5. @ah yid
    I’m sorry you’re feeling triggered but you gotta say it as it is. I don’t know if you’ve ever been there. I went once and I was shocked beyond belief. I felt like I was at some hippy festival with פריצות all over the place, drugs being used like it’s water, and massive fights between the יחי אדוננו guys and the other group. This is not what a שמחת בית השואבה remotely resembles. Someone’s gotta call it out and if you study ספר חפץ חיים you will see that it isn’t לשון הרע at all. The חפץ חיים would scream his lungs out had he been there.

  6. @anchuldiks

    Wow! That was one angry rant. That made you sound like a small and bitter man.

    Try looking for a bit of good and joy when visiting areas outside your confirmed and narrow spaces. It will make healthier and happier.
    Expanding your viewpoint beyond the tightly constricted and underdeveloped state it is currently in will allow your mental health to improve so greatly that your comments about fellow Yiddin will be positive and cheerful!
    So @anchuldiks, for the sake of your fellow readers, will you please exit the self-imposed mental bunker you have confined yourself to and breathe the air of acceptance and ahavas Yisroel? We will all be better off for it!

  7. @anchuldiks
    Pritzus you say! How dare you blame this on others! You complain about the ch girls, yet everyone knows that these girls who are never seen before in ch suddenly show up for sbh.
    Everyone knows that these sl*ts are the girls from Flatbush. They come 15 yearolds and even younger, with push up bras and v necks (if they bother wearing a shirt), pants and skirts so short you mistake it for belt. Don’t try pinning this on crown heights. While there are definitely crown heights girls who aren’t tznius they at least have some decency to avoid the main thoroughfares and keep their activities to the side. On the other hand these girls from Flatbush waltz up and dowm kingston like a victoria sceret runway. And they bring these boys with them. These hoodlums bursting with testosterone looking to act tough in front of their girlfriends. Picking fights and harassing regular people, kids and adults. And then these the boys who don’t girlfriends, so what do they do, they cat call and harrass the girls in ch. I saw with my own eyes last night a Flatbush boy harrass three frum tznius girls and when they ignored him he literally chased down the street like a wanna be r*pist until someone physically got in his way. You clearly have no idea about the kids in your community. Does ch have problems? Ofcourse, but we dont ship our hoodlums to the community next door to assault frum girl and fight the cops.

  8. Message to crown heights: you want to keep these off the derech Flatbush kids out of your party? THEN STOP CATERING TO THEM.
    What goes on is exactly what these kids want; drugs, alcohol and pritzus.

  9. @ah yid. For your information, the only פריצות that goes on there is the busses and busses of boys and girls that come from Flatbush and Lakewood. Obviously these communities are filled with very frum chareidi Torah yiddin, but there are like in every community some more modern yidden. These so to say “modern Yiddin” who are coming from other places not crown heights, are coming and making shtik, פריצות, הוללות,etc. Ok, שמחת בית השואבה in crown heights is Beutifull, with chasidishe, Yiddishe, uplifting dancing. The chabad girls are not acting פריצות׳דיק as you say, they are simply watching the dancing. But on the other hand other people are making הוללות and shtick on the streets near it. With a lot of קדושה comes unfortunately קליפה as well, that’s how ה׳ created the world. In the center of the dancing is amazing appropriate dancing. And so many people from Williamsburg and boro park come to שמחת בית השואבה. They join in and dance and it’s so beautiful and amazing to see the אחדות of all the yidden together. they come and enjoy and help out in the שמחה. And so do many people from Flatbush and Lakewood. They come and they also add in the שמחה in an amazing chasidishe yidishe environment. So I’m not trying to point out community’s, we also, just like every community have some people who are less Frum and chasidish. But those who are coming with the intention to make problems and הוללות, please don’t come. We love all yidden! So please only come to add in the שמחה and not the opposite. So please stop hating other yidden and stop hating chabad and throwing us always under the bus and blowing stuff up making them worse than it is, especially when regarding this it has nothing to do with us rather other communities. And regarding The Moshiach flags and “mishachistim” it’s not the whole Chabad, it’s a very small minority. We also have problems with them, but don’t you blame them on the whole chabad and stop looking for מחלוקת it’s not your problem. Maybe you should try again and come to שמחת בית השואבה, it’s really beautiful and an amazing experience. Let’s all just add in אהבת ישראל and always being דן לכף זכות and always being positive! With all the ברכות to the entire כלל ישראל may we come out with victory to the coming of משיח now! (Who ever it may be)

  10. anchuldiks gimme me a break. I go to flatbush motzei shabbos and drugs on the street corners flow like whiskey on simchas torah.

    You’ll find pritzus everywhere… flatbush no exception, I happen to know.

    Internet litvaks are the most sickening creatures. Yuck.

  11. The torah doesn’t like lashon hara, but it’s also against putting heads in the sand. If bad behavior is going on, it’s our responsibility to stop it. Focusing on positivity and other woke phrases doesn’t prevent any chilul hashems. Taking action does

  12. @anshuldick “I felt like I was at some hippy festival”, so, please share with us exactly how many hippy festivals you attended to know that this felt like you were at the hippy festival! You are a shakron and a motzi shem rah. Your head is so clogged with פריצות that you think it is all around you. That is all you see. Nebech on you, your parents and your teachers. They failed miserably.

  13. 17balfour, he is right. Have you ever been there? There are serious issues in that community. And they pretend they are perfect while ridiculing all other Jewish sects. Anyone who knows them sees beyond their PR smile and isn’t fooled. Of course I won’t say it’s everyone. But it’s the main hashkafa.

  14. Reb Sam, “they’re” is a contraction of “they are”. The possessive form of the third person plural is “their”. A place is “there”.

  15. @17Balfour
    Advocating for Ahavas Yisroel, huh? It’s quite ironic how you preach tolerance but show zero of it towards fellow Yidden with different Hashkafos. Maybe it’s time to practice what you preach, buddy.

  16. @andshuldiks “I felt like I was at some hippy festival with פריצות all over the place”. So if it felt like you were at some hippy festival, please share with us when exactly you were at a hippy festival, from which you make the comparative feeling!!! Shakron. The only “פריצות all over the place” is in your mind, which needs a good cleaning. Kol haposel, b’mumo possel.

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