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Cleaning Lady Arrested In Williamsburg – $10,000 Retrieved by WSPU

wspu.jpgOnce again a cleaning lady in a Frum home has been arrested for stealing jewelry, YWN has learned.

The most recent incident occurred this past Friday afternoon, when a Williamsburg woman was getting ready for Shabbos and noticed her jewelry missing. All eyes in the home quickly turned to their [Polish] cleaning lady who was still in the home at the time. Her husband quickly called Williamsburg Shomrim (WSPU) who arrived and attempted to question the cleaning lady. Upon realizing that she had been cornered, she attempted to flee the home, but Shomrim units managed to apprehend her until the NYPD arrived.

Her belongings were searched, and $10,000 in jewelry was found on her possession! She was placed under arrest, and the couple is pressing charges against her.

Williamsburg Shomrim are urging everyone once again to please watch their cleaning ladies. “No matter how many years they work for you, do not trust anyone besides your own family, Shomrim Coordinator Yanky Itzkowitz told YWN.

“These stories just don’t stop, and many times it’s large amounts of cash which is never retrieved from the thief. They also work for many years at one home and then suddenly steal all the jewelry on one day, and never return – many times leaving the country,” Itzkowitz says.

“This story had a happy ending, but there are many unfortunate sad stories where cash and jewelry are lost forever, please watch your cleaning ladies”.

Just a few weeks ago YWN reported an incident in Kiryas Joel where a cleaning lady was arrested for stealing cash from many homes. That story can be read by clicking HERE.

(Yehuda Drudgestein – YWN / YW-88 / YW-112)

26 Responses

  1. I refuse to have any Polish people to work in our house. I refuse to have any Polish men or women to enter our house even if they are in a coffin!

  2. Well this problem is not restricted to the Polish. My son had a Spanish cleaning lady who robbed all the jewellery which were hidden in the house.
    Don’t hide your jewellery in all those places where you think that those people are too stupid to find them. They will find them.

  3. my daughter checks the cleaning lady’s bag before she leaves and she doesn’t even complain! here’s a
    thought- don’t keep your valuables out in the open-what a novel idea! or keep one room locked & off limits to the cleaning lady- and clean that room yourself! what a novel thought!


    It’s very often your own fault, if you leave valuables in plain sight and create a temptation to steal.

  5. Another thing that people should be very careful with are their legal documents. US passports, Immigration papers, are like winning the jackpot for illegal immigrants. Be careful to hide all your documents even more than cash, they steal them and sell them for a fortune.

  6. Flatbush Bubby – why would you even think of having anyone in a coffin in your home?!
    I would only want Jewish cleaning help, if there were such a thing. I never had a cleaning lady at all in all the years since i got married (30+)and my house is clean enough, B”H.(I do work outside the home, by the way) There is nothing wrong with training your kids to help and not to rely on cleaning help to fold laundry, make beds etc. It teaches them responsibilty.My kids vacuum, clean bathrooms, wash dishes, fold laundry. Don’t worry they’re not overworked,they probably don’t help more than an hour each week and they have no complaints about my system. This generation is very spoiled. When I was a girl, I don’t recall anyone having cleaning help.(We also did not live in huge mansions either, even those of us who had the means to do so.)
    P.S. I am NOT from Brooklyn B”H.

  7. In Europe, a “GoyTe” was a part of almost every home. She was like a member of the family.

    There were no electric appliances and everything had to be done manually, with great time and effort.

    Today, we have access to automation to make cleaning, washing, and cooking easier. But, we have weak nerves and lack physical endurance.

    It’s a problem.

  8. What a shock…… These polish shiksas look at us and cant understand why we are still around. They were sure they gassed all of us! These people are lucky that all that happened was a robbery. These polish swine do not belong in any jewish home. There are plenty of others, of different ethnic backgrounds that can do the job, that are not so blatant about their hatred for us.

  9. If you have expensive things at home you can get at home depot a small safe starting from about $50 to about $300 They have many sizes, the one i got is about 15in x 15in x20in it is to heavy for one person to carry unless with a wagon wich makes it to hard for a cleaning lady to go out with it.

  10. Memo: I went to Home Depot and bought a small safe, they are also availble in Staples and many other stores.
    You can get a good, small one which is also fire proof for about $100

  11. asinburt! Finally, someone says, I understand Mexicans everywhere, but Polish. Being oringinally from the Former Soviet Union, I can not understand it at all. They are the worst anti-semites, I think worse than Ukrainians and their hatred for us is all over their face. I get shivers when I see them working all over Boro Park. Ukrainians are a lot better at cleaning anyway, but in my opinion if you really need it, then have someone clean basic things, floors, bathrooms, dust, vacuum. YOu don’t want a stranger poking their nose in your kitchen cabinets, dressers, or bed, right?

  12. #27 I am assuming you live in eretz yisrael where a jew has the attitude that you do your best to make parnassah whatever the job and Hashem does the rest. There was a Jewish woman collecting tzedaka outside one of the shuls here so needing some cleaning help in the house, I offered to pay her to come and help (and I offered more than the minimum wage!) but she refused. Polish may hate Jews but Mexicans have no work ethic. Whatever the ethnicity, easy money is always more attractive.

  13. To # 1

    What if they can work for you while in the coffin (and hands tied)-would u let them in? Because I think the one i tied up is still in the box..I just remembered..

  14. My husband can’t understand for the life of him why I refuse to have a cleaning lady. I think I’ll show him this article. The only cleaning lady I would be agreeable to take would be a Jewish one, and only on condition that she’s frum. If there is no yiras shamayim, nothing will stop anyone from possibly stealing. The only problem is… that frum Jewish cleaning ladies don’t exist! (in the USA, anyway). And if they did, they would probably charge an arm & a leg I wouldn’t be able to afford them anyways.

    Baruch Hashem, I am able to roll up my sleeves and have no problem doing the cleaning myself. (with the help of my kids, too…).

  15. I once had a Jewish woman cleaning my house before Pesach. She did an excellent job. However, it laid hard on my conscience being the one to give her menial labor. In the torah it does say ובאחיכם בני ישראל איש באחיו לא תרדה בו בפרך but over your brothers, the people of Israel, you shall not rule one over another with rigor. (Vayikra 25:46)

  16. #20-
    The problem with your idea is- how would one have the heart to have another Jew (especially someone frum) scrub their floors for them?

  17. We had our own crazy experience with our mexican cleaning lady. We noticed two black pj tops missing and socks and tights were shrinking! underwear and bathroom items… ect. We checked her pocket book and noticed it full with things. We confroted her and she said “sorry. missis i sorry. i have no money. i sorry. i need money…” We took her to house and told her to give us back everything she ever took from us! We told her if she doesn’t coopperate then we will call the police and immigration. She returned most of the things we felt were missing. & she was fired! That’s enogh for mexican cleaning ladies. Here in Lakewood, they are known to steal left and right. One has to be very careful when hiring a new cleaning lady and esp. with one comfortable with the family.

  18. Perhaps YWN needs to rethink posting comments. Some of the comments posted are very distasteful, if not a straight out Chilul Hashem. For this one person who stole, there are tens of thousands of honest people of various nationalities, employed as cleaning help in Jewish homes throughout the world. Is there no theft in other fields of employment? One can’t be careless with their $10,000 worth of jewelry when employing someone in their home. Just as one wouldn’t leave $10,000 worth of valuables unattended in their workplace, where others may have access to it. YWN needs to have a mediator screening these comments. Comment #1 should never have been posted as well as several other hateful comments about whole nationalities. There are good people and bad people in each nationality. Just remember, even for our less than four star stay in Mitzriam we were commanded to demonstrate Hakaras Hatov.

  19. I LOCK my Jewelry & all important documents in my Walk-In-Closet all the time!
    When we have a cleaning lady or when I leave my house.
    May Hakodosh boroch hu continue to protect us.
    We just gotta do “hishtadlus”

  20. Anyone can be a thief,from ANY background,including “frum” Jews. Some people are trustworthy,others not,no matter what their ethnicity.

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