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WATCH: Bill O’Reilly Rips Into New York Leadership, Declares City “Out Of Control”

In a fiery segment of his No Spin News show, former Fox News host Bill O’Reilly slammed New York Gov. Kathy Hochul and New York City Mayor Eric Adams, declaring that the situation in the state and city has reached “Armageddon.”

Pointing to recent polls, O’Reilly highlighted growing frustration among New Yorkers with their leadership. A Siena College poll released last month showed Hochul with a favorability rating of just 34%, compared to 54% unfavorable. O’Reilly attributed these poor numbers to the state’s high taxes and crumbling infrastructure. “New York City is out of control,” he said. “She is doing nothing to improve the situation. New York state is the highest-taxed state in the union. The infrastructure is falling apart, that’s why she has a 34% approval rating.”

O’Reilly also referenced a recent Marist survey showing Adams with an even lower job approval rating of 25%, with 74% of respondents disapproving of his leadership. According to O’Reilly, Adams has done little to improve the quality of life in New York City since taking over from what he called the “worst mayor in the city’s history,” Bill De Blasio. He argued that De Blasio’s policies, particularly the no-bail law for non-violent offenders, have left the city’s infrastructure and criminal justice system in tatters.

“Adams came in, and everybody hoped that he might improve the situation, but he has not improved it at all. Quality of life in New York City is worse than when he came in,” O’Reilly claimed.

O’Reilly was particularly incredulous at how Hochul and Adams have failed to garner better approval ratings despite following figures like De Blasio and former Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who resigned in disgrace. “If you are a New Yorker, tell me one thing, I just want one, that either Hochul or Adams have done to improve your life. One! I bet you can’t because I can’t,” O’Reilly urged his audience.

Describing the situation as “crazy,” O’Reilly noted that both Hochul and Adams had a low bar to clear after their predecessors, but they have failed to meet even basic expectations. “They started so low that you’d think they could have come up with something that would’ve improved what De Blasio and Cuomo left,” he said.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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