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The Beis HaMikdash Guide to Sukkos – 9 Things to Know

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman

Reb Dovid Leibowitz zatzal, a great-nephew of the Chofetz Chaim who learned and helped write the 6th chailek had a fascinating conversation with the Chofetz Chaim with reverberations and connotations that still exist today.  Where and what should we be learning?  Should our kids (and ourselves) focus on Kodshim and Beis HaMikdash topics like they do in the Brisk Yeshivos or should we stick strictly to halachos that apply now?  This article is recommended based upon the view of the Chofetz Chaim and the question that we are asked l’achar me’ah v’esrim – Did you long for the Ge’ulah?

In 1922, Rav Dovid responded to the call of the Alter of Slabodka to join his newly formed Kollel – Kollel Beis Yisroel.  It was headed by the Alter’s son-in-law HaRav Isaac Sher zt’l.

Reb Dovid informed the Chofetz Chaim of his plans to join the kollel which was to be learning Hilchos Shabbos,  tried to convince him to learn Kodshim instead, saying, “Dovid’l, Dovid’l, you’re a Cohen. What will you do when the Beis Hamikdosh is rebuilt and a Jew brings you a lamb for a chattos and you don’t yet fully know the halochos of the sacrifices?”

Reb Dovid responded somewhat jokingly, “Yes, but what will I do if a Jew tells me he did something on Shabbos and asks me if he has to bring a chattos?”

The Chofetz Chaim responded immediately, “For that we already have the Mishnah Berurah Chailek Gimel.”

Reb Dovid’s talmidim explained that Reb Dovid held that we still need to study Hilchos Shabbos at much greater depth. 

What follows is the author’s understanding of the procedure of the Mitzvah of Lulav in the Beis HaMikdash –  based upon four sources:  HaKosel HaMaaravi by Rav Rabinowitz (Chapter 14), Dinei Aliyah L’Regel by Machon Avodas HaMikdash, oral rulings given to a friend from Rav Elyashiv zt”l, a personal analysis of the sugya. Please consult your own Rav or Posaik as to how to conduct oneself. Please also note that this article does not include a discussion of the Mitzvah of re’iyah, chagigah and simcha and ensuring that one is pure.

  1. We learn from the Psukim in Vayikra (23:39-40) that there is a Torah Mitzvah to use the Dalet minim for the entire seven days of Sukkos in the Beis HaMikdash – and for the first day of Sukkos elsewhere. There is also a Derabanan Mitzvah to perform it for the other six day elsewhere.
  2. The Psukim indicate that when the Mitzvah is performed in the Beis HaMikdash it must be done with a special level of Simcha.
  3. There is a great debate as to whether the seven day Torah Mitzvah also applies in all of the sanctified Yerushalayim (Yerushalayim HaMekudeshes) – the areas of Yerushalayim that existed in the time of the first Beis HaMikdash. The Yerushalmi (Rosh HaShana 4:3) holds that it applies all seven days to sanctified Yerushalayim   This is also the view of many Acharonim in their reading of the Rambam (Bikkurei Yaakov, Aruch LaNer, Sfas Emes).   The opposing view is that of Rashi (Sukkah 41a), the Ritva, and the simpler reading of the Rambam (in Hilchos Sukkah 7:13).
  4. For non-residents of sanctified Yerushalayim, the Torah Mitzvah applies only to one who finds himself in the Beis HaMikdash. Some have the view that all residents of sanctified Yerushalayim  are obligated to perform the Torah Mitzvah.
  5. What are the geographic boundaries of sanctified Yerushalayim? [Still in progress]
    1. Southern Boundary – From Har HaBayis down to Nachal Kidron
    2. Northern Boundary – See Tiferes Yisroel Midos (1:3) that it includes all the residential areas during the time of the first Beis HaMikdash.
    3. Eastern Boundary – the eastern boundary may end at the wall of the mountain, it is a debate in the meforshim.
    4. Western Boundary – from the Kosel until 100 meters
  6. In terms of what defects render the Arbah minim invalid on the first day, render the Arbah Minim invalid in the Beis HaMikdash for all seven days, with the possible exception of the requirement of “Lachem” that it must be owned and not – “borrowed.”  [The exception may be the view of the Chacham Tzvi in Siman 9.]
  7. The specific part of the Mikdash where was done and is to be done is the Ezras Yisroel (Turei Even RH 30a) and Minchas Chinuch #324).
  8. The six step specific process was and will be:
    1. that they arise early in the morning with the Arba Minim in hand to the Mikdash
    2. the Naanuim were performed in the manner that we perform them now.
    3. After the Korban Tamid was brought and the Nisuch HaMayim was done, the Mizbayach was encircled once each day – with exception of the seventh day where it was encircled seven times. The Ohr Zaruah 315 states that everyone – Kohanim and Yisroel too did this.  The Bach (660) and the Kol Bo are of the opinion that it was only Kohanim and no Yisroelim.  Some are of the opinion that the encircling was only done with Aravos (See Tur 664).
    4. They then went down to Har HaBayis to Daven Shacharis.
    5. They returned to the Mikdash to offer the Korban Mussafs.
    6. They returned to Har HaBayis to daven Mussaf
  9. If the first day of Sukkos falls on a Shabbos – when the Beis HaMikdash existed, the Mitzvah pushed off Shabbos and they did perform the Mitzvah. However, when the FIRST DAY WAS NOT ON SHABBOS, the Mitzvah was NOT PERFORMED ON SHABBOS.


The author can be reached at [email protected]

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