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HYPOCRITES: Democrats Suddenly Warming Up to Election Challenges They Once Called A “Threat To Democracy”

It seems the Democrats, who have spent the better part of the last three years railing against election objections, are now playing a different tune when it comes to a potential Donald Trump victory in 2024. Despite their constant reminders about the horrors of January 6 and their claims of upholding democracy, some of the party’s senior members are suddenly showing signs of hedging on whether they would certify a Trump win. Hypocrisy, anyone?

Rep. Jamie Raskin, who once styled himself as the champion of democracy during his stint on the January 6 committee, told Axios that if Trump “won a free, fair, and honest election, then we would obviously accept it.” But, of course, Raskin couldn’t resist throwing in a caveat. He immediately cast doubt on the legitimacy of any future Trump victory, claiming, “Trump is doing whatever he can to try to interfere with the process.” Looks like Raskin is already setting the stage for objections, despite all his huffing and puffing about election integrity.

And he’s not alone. Rep. Jan Schakowsky, another high-ranking Democrat who objected to electors back in 2005, is singing a similar tune. Schakowsky said of Trump, “I don’t know what kind of shenanigans he is planning,” and emphasized the need to make sure the election rules are followed. This from a party that has spent years branding any skepticism of election results as an existential threat to democracy. Now, it appears they might be gearing up to play the same game if their side doesn’t win.

But don’t worry, Schakowsky was quick to remind everyone that she’s still a good Democrat, later issuing a statement saying she was “proud to… certify the 2020 election” and looks forward to doing the same in 2025 — assuming, of course, her preferred candidate wins. How convenient.

Even Rep. Jim McGovern, who had no problem objecting to Trump electors in 2017, is hedging his bets. While he told Axios that Democrats would likely certify a Trump win “assuming everything goes the way we expect it to,” he couldn’t help but throw in, “We have to see how it all happens.” You know, just in case things don’t “go the way we expect.”

The irony is rich, especially given that the Democrats have spent years lambasting Republicans for questioning election results. Yet, here they are, laying the groundwork for their own objections should Trump find a way back to the White House. Remember, these are the same folks who cried foul after Republicans challenged Biden’s win in 2021, calling it a threat to democracy itself.

Of course, Democratic leadership like House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries is trying to keep up appearances, saying there’s no chance of an organized effort to decertify electors. But you have to wonder how long that stance will hold once their worst nightmare—Trump’s return—becomes a reality. After all, it seems that election objections are only a problem when Republicans are the ones making them.

And let’s not forget, while Democrats love to point fingers at Republicans for their supposed election-denying, it’s the Democrats who have a long history of futile election objections. Back in 2005, they challenged George W. Bush’s Ohio win. And in 2017, they objected to Trump electors in multiple states, though their efforts were little more than symbolic grandstanding.

So, as the 2024 election approaches, Democrats are already positioning themselves to challenge any Trump victory—because, apparently, it’s okay to question election results when they’re the ones doing it. Looks like their commitment to “democracy” only goes so far when the results don’t go their way.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

4 Responses

  1. Trump will win but Harris will be presidnet. Wondering how ???

    They will rigg the elections as they did very skillfully in 2020

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