Boulder, Colorado: Celebration For Completion Of New Eruv

eruv2.jpgApproximately 30 people gathered on Sunday evening at Boulder‘s Salberg Park for a small party for members of Kahal Aish Kodesh. They were celebrating the completion of an Eruv that encircles the park and a swath of north-central Boulder.

The park is the heart of the Eruv, R’ Gavriel Goldfeder told the Daily Camera. He also expects the Eruv to draw more Orthodox Jews to the city. “A young, Orthodox Jewish family would never move here without an Eruv,” he said. “It’s amazing how fast the word is spreading.”

Rachelli Sacks, who lives in Boulder with her husband and two young daughters, said she had to stay home most Shabbosim because she couldn’t push a stroller or carry a child and missed taking family walks. With the Eruv complete, she has more freedom. “I feel much more a part of my community,” she said.

It took almost four years to get the Boulder Eruv approved and built. The Boulder City Council granted a public right-of-way lease in December to the congregation for the Eruv. Councilman Ken Wilson spoke at Sunday’s celebration, crediting the support of Boulder’s wider Jewish community with helping secure the council’s final OK. “It was very indicative of a community that was sticking together,” he said.

R’ Goldfeder jokingly described the Eruv as “a very expensive string.” The congregation raised $30,000 to build it, which included the cost of tree trimming and obtaining permits. He also said the Eruv shouldn’t be viewed as the exclusive property of his congregation. “We want people to feel like it’s their Eruv,” he said. “When one part of the community is strengthened, the whole community is strengthened.”

(Source: Daily Camera)

One Response

  1. Wow!!! As someone who grew up in Colorado, I would have never dreamed that there would be a strong enough Orthodox presence in Boulder to justify an eruv. Its a beautiful city with a lot to offer anyone. Who knows, this may cause a big influx of Jews to move there.

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