MORE DETAILS: Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva Issue Kol Korei For The Atzeres Tefillah On Sunday

With the impending implementation of new Israeli draft laws that threaten to force thousands of bnei torah into the military, posing an unprecedented threat to limud hatorah in Eretz Yisroel – the very lifeblood of the Jewish nation, the Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva have issued a Kol Korei for everyone to join this monumental Atzeres Tefillah on Sunday in the heart Lakewood.

The Atzeres which will be attended by leading gedolim and Roshei Yeshiva, will start out with Mincha, and then Tehillim for our brethren in Eretz Yisroel and around the world, as the unprecedented threats continue to endanger Klal Yisroel. The Atzeres will also feature short speeches describing the gravity of this new law, and the threat it poses to the Olam Hatorah. The Atzeres will culminate with one of the Gedolim leading the thousands gathered with Kabolas Ol Malchus Shamayim to beseech Hashem to nullify the decrees and hasten the Geulah.

The atzeres is set to take place in the large parking lot across from Bais Aharon, bordering 9th and 10th Streets, and Clifton and Lexington Avenues. It will begin at 1:30 PM. 

22 Responses

  1. I was planning to go, but last time, I was already halfway to the rally when the Gedolim released a kol korei advising against it. So, I don’t want to take any chances this time—I’ll stay home.

  2. Note what they really consider the important part of this rally – see which issue they have in larger font than anything else.

    With leadership like this……

    an Israeli Yid

  3. …. to the extent that all praise him, love him, and find his deeds attractive – such a person sanctifies [God’s] name.

    Mishneh Torah Yesodei HaTorah 5:11.

  4. an Israeli yid..

    irs not the font its the words it says achron hichbid the most severe

    there is one rashi I know you disagree with

    and its the one that says gadol hamachtio yoser min ha’horgo

    they quote the founder of their institution who says like most gedolim do that the greatest tragedy is shikchas hatorah

    what say you

  5. @anIsraeli…

    Let me finish off your sentence:
    …….With leadership like this……We don’t fall for nazionist kefirah.

    But hey, israeli…, with leaders like yours, you only end up with trouble, wether it is bombs, drones, missiles and bloodshed.
    But with all of that, doesn’t matter how many bloody noses or bashings big-shot haughty but silly and dependent israel is, they will carry on digging their grave because they are a bunch of kofrim YEMACH SHEMAM.

  6. “posing an unprecedented threat to limud hatorah in Eretz Yisroel…” It’s much more than that. The Zionists are “posing an unprecedented threat to ” the Torah-observant Jews ” in Eretz Yisroel…”

  7. I will be davening at the same time those attending the Lakewood Asifa do teshuva and Hashem brings them around to realize what a chilul Hashem their opposition to a milchemes mitzvah is. I truly hope that they do not suffer in the fires of gehinom for their sins.

  8. Lurking..

    First of all it is not a milchemet mitzvah you don’t know what you’re talking about.
    if only dati leumi poskim call it a milhemet mitzvah than you know right there there’s a good chance it is not

    2nd of all this protest is not about the war in Gaza this protest is about yeshiva boys not going near the idf

  9. @pure narishkeit – YWN censored the end of my statement, where I referenced a Korban brought when the Sanhedrin made an error in Halacha.

    an Israeli Yid

  10. There are Torah Jews and there are Israeli yids the difference is clear ones primary allegiance is to Israel and the others primary allegiance is to the Torah it’s practically 2 religions and that’s why we have dissenting comments on this issue.

    There’s no eylu va’eylu. one is divrei elokim and one is divrei Israel.

  11. @lbj – yup, my way or the highway – exactly what Yiddishkeit stands for. Have you ever looked at actual Piskei Halacha that support serving in the army for the purpose of defending Klal Yisrael, particularly during wartime so that you can be so certain that there’s no merit to the argument? Once you’ve actually gone through that – including looking at the Mekoros (yes, including the Rambam and Mechaber), come back to me and say why it’s not also part of Torah – the real Divrei Elokim Chaim. And no, Chareidim do not have a monopoly on Torah or being “Torah Jews” – there are many other Jews, especially in Israel, who are at least as faithful to Torah as any Chareidi – and I’d venture are more faithful than many.

    @lurker – kol hakavod to you, and you’re a better person than I am in hoping that they are not punished after 120 for their vile protest. Given the skin that I have in this game, I can’t say that I’m at the level where I share you hope – though I should probably work on myself to be dan these Tinokos Shenishbe’u l’kaf zechus. I suppose that my failure so far does give a certain amount of justification to @lbj’s comment that I’m not as true to Torah as I should be – though I’m always trying.

    an Israeli Yid

  12. @naki – with respect to your question as to why I post here – it’s pretty simple. There are some here who actually think rather than blindly follow – and giving another perspective that is in accordance with Torah for their consideration is important. You – and they – may not agree – but it’s important to at least understand that there is another side to the argument that is based on Halacha. Haaretz? Please – don’t make me nauseous.

    an Israeli Yid

  13. It is so sad that they picked this time for such an asifa, when there is a serious war in Israel on many fronts. It is no time to say we will NOT participate in the defense of our nation. I was initially happy to see that there was going to be an asifa in solidarity with our brothers in Eretz Yisroel who are standing in the face of danger, and then I became angered and disgusted that they were going to make a statement that we have NO PART in their pain and wouldn’t dare participate in our physical defense.

  14. Just curious, what’s the rush to have this asifa now on the first day of selichos? Why didn’t you do it over summer Bain Hazmanim? Or on Chol Hamoed Sukkos when there is less learning anyway? What’s the point in making this machaa now?

  15. I just want to point out that הגאון רב אהרן ליכטנשטין Rosh yeshiva גוש עציון also הגאון רב נחום רבינוביץ who I can personally testify is תלמיד חכם מופלג he was the ראש ישיבה in מאלה אדומים also many other יראים ושלמים they held that ישיבה בחורים could steig in learning and go to the army as well. Now of course most of our gedolim were against (albeit Rav Shach said if there would be a prolonged war we would reevaluate) but to me halachikly the opinion of these גדולים is not אידחי מהילכתה and we cannot say that there talmidim are wrong חו”ש , they are אדרבה being מקיים a mitzvah as it says in rambam hilchos melachim from the gemora in sota . Mr pure yiddishkeit am not sure which Rambam you have but if you are objectively interested in emes look it up. (Granted even a mitzvah I believe can have a heter if it’s a crazy challenge to yiddishkeit as you say, but its important to note that number one the mitzvo is correct number 2 like in any halacha you have to really clarify the מציאות if you want to grant a heter)

    Also somone mentioned that it’s not הצלת נפשות if they can leave , actually that is not true see אורח חיים סימן שכח absolutely it is סכנת נפשות even if people can leave, and its mutar to be מחלל שבת for that. That’s the halacha, also I am a full time כולל אברך and I am yeshivish but if you think that every תלמיד of gush and merkaz harav is doing the עבירות that you are alleging without any proof you are being מוציא לעז , I have met quite a few who are ממש מדקדק בהלכה

  16. It is also important to note that תורה is emes, and that is the דבר השם is the תורה so if people say that מלחמת מצוה is not relevant nowadays(which totally is against the sugya in sotah) that is שכחת התורה בעצם rather they should say they believe that there students cant handle the challenges of that environment. Also its good that it doesn’t say גזירת שמד as the intent that the government has is not שמד rather its to strengthen there army and to make equality, the fact that they are רשעים does not make it שמד see rambam hilchos kiddush hashem do define שמד as being very technically specific to להעביר על דת

  17. @Honest spirit – I agree with most of what you said, but note that most here will reflexively dismiss anything from Rav Ahron Lichtenstein ZT”L of Tav Nachum Rabinovitch ZT”L (whom I, too, knew personally), since they were both Zionists – and therefore “can’t be real gedolim”. The one point I would disagree with you on is calling government members Resha’im – there may be a few who qualify for that title, but most would be Tinokos Shenishbe’u – and they do have the zechus of truly caring about and trying to protect the lives of their fellow Jews.

    an Israeli Yid

  18. @anisraeliyid I’m not sure why haaretz makes you nauseous you just like them hope/think that charedim with their leaders are going to hell.
    And it’s not a milchamos mitzva, I never learnt the sugya and barely know where it is. But our rabbanim paskend it’s assur. Which makes sense because it is a place full of זנות and hatred to הקב”ה

  19. @naki – Oh, really? Haaretz is pretty much atheist, so I highly doubt they think anyone is going to hell – or anywhere else, after 120. Definitely not my Hashkafa. And that’s aside from their general post-Zionist approach – while I am proudly Zionist. In fact, the approach to Zionism of many of their lead writers is more in line with your views than mine – they do not believe if the State of Israel as a Jewish state, but as a “state of all its citizens”, with no special recognition of its Jewish character.

    Your proud acknowledgement of ignorance of an area of Torah and Halacha is sad. Even if you follow your leaders on their Piskei Halacha, you should at least try to understand their reasoning – and the reasoning of Poskim who may hold otherwise. Do you do the same thing in all other areas of Halacha – do you not bother to learn Gemara because we only pasken like one of the sides in a Machlokes, so the other side is not important? Assuming you’re Ashkenazi, do you ignore the Mechaber and not try to understand his shita when the Rema disagrees with him? When there’s a Machlokes in Psak between the Chazon Ish and Rav Moshe, do you say, “well, my Poskim hold like the Chazon Ish, so I’ll ignore Rav Moshe”?

    You may not like or agree with the Piskei Halacha I follow, and that is your prerogative – but to abrogate any responsibility to understand an area of Halacha is not what is expected from one who considers himself a Ben Torah.

    an Israeli Yid

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