TEAMWORK: Collaboration Between Shomrim And Police Leads To Arrest In Crown Heights Postal Worker Robbery

In a remarkable illustration of the power of collaboration, two Shomrim organizations and two law enforcement agencies successfully apprehended a suspect involved in a gunpoint robbery of a USPS postal worker in Crown Heights.

The incident traces back to last week Monday night, when a USPS postal worker was accosted by two men on Union Street, between Brooklyn and Kingston Avenues, in Crown Heights. The suspects held the worker at gunpoint, stealing a large quantity of mail from her bag. The brazen crime quickly caught the attention of the U.S. Postal Police, who sought assistance from local law enforcement.

Upon being notified, Crown Heights Shomrim obtained an image of the suspects’ vehicle and issued a BOLO (Be On the Lookout) alert, sharing the license plate and description with fellow Shomrim organizations. This crucial information set the stage for the next major development.

On Thursday, the vehicle was spotted by Boro Park Shomrim as it passed through their neighborhood, heading back towards Crown Heights. Boro Park Shomrim began tailing the vehicle, also notifying Crown Heights Shomrim of the sighting. With real-time coordination, Shomrim volunteers provided minute-by-minute updates to the NYPD, who moved to intercept the suspect.

The operation culminated in the arrest of the driver at 95th Street and Rutland Road in Crown Heights.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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