BD”E: Owner Of Gottlieb’s Restaurant, R’ Shulem Yosef, Niftar Hours Before Trump Visit

YWN regrets to inform you of the petirah of R’ Shalom Yosef Gottlieb z”l, the owner of Gottlieb’s restaurant in Williamsburg, which Donald Trump was scheduled to visit later today.

R’ Shalom Yosef, 75, was the longtime proprietor of the popular food establishment, and widely known as a kind and caring man who performed tremendous amounts of chesed b’tzina.

His sudden petirah on Thursday morning has sent shockwaves through Williamsburg and the Orthodox Jewish community in the tri-state area, who had expected him to be standing alongside Trump today.

YWN previously reported that Secret Service agents scoped out the restaurant earlier this week to ensure it would meet security protocols ahead of the Republican nominee’s visit.

Trump’s visit to the restaurant has been canceled. R’ Shalom Yosef’s son, Menashe yb”l, had been very involved in preparing the restaurant for the former president’s visit. The sudden petirah of his father has sadly precluded his plans.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

18 Responses

  1. BDE
    Was this caused C”V by the proverbial עין הרע?
    Or was there something more sinister going on?

    Who knows! The bottom line is a yid’s life has unfortunately been cut short, Oy vey!!!

    We need Moshiach, big time!

  2. We need Moshiach for the Kovod of the RBS”O.
    We seem to have this kneejerk reaction that whenever things appear bad, we said “Oy, we need Moshiach”; but when things are going smoothly, we tend to forget all about it.
    HaMokom yenachaim osom b’toch sha’ar aveili Yisroel v’Yerushalyim.
    And may we taka see the Goel b’miheira, as I am sure that the previous commenter meant b’lev sholaim.

  3. I think everybody would agree that this is as open as it gets while we are still in galus that hashem is speaking to us.
    Having understood this I would suggest that it is everybodys obligation to try to understand on their level what hashem is trying to say to us.
    Is it not to put our trust in anybody besides hashem is it not to get carried away praising….as I think the רמב”ן says on the פסוק הוא תהלתך or whatever one may understand.
    Meanwhile we definitely wish the family
    המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבלי ציון וירושלים and we should all be נתעורר בתשובה .

  4. BDE OMgosh was it sudden, i feel suspicious. May Hashem give all his friends and family an abundance of comfort among all the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem until Mochiach and the resurrection of the dead

  5. אין לנו להישען אלא על אבינו שבשמים says:
    We don’t know, but the gemara indicates that the former is more likely.

  6. Reading the comments wondering where did basic human sensitivity and respect go??
    Somebody was Niftar Lo Aleinu, an ehrliche yid that has a family and loved ones who care about him and are grieving their loss.
    Instead of showing compassion or just saying BD”E you freaks gotta go straight to the conspiracy theories etc.. If you believe them then you’re poshut mentally ill and if you’re trying to be cute it’s not the time or place to joke about it. Shame on you heartless animals.

  7. BDE what a tragedy and loss to klal yisroel of such a special person.

    I think we need to remind ourselves that all these politicians worldwide from presidents to governors To local small town Mayor’s are in truth just messengers of Hashem-which means they are just actors-and Hashem king of kings is ruler of the entire world and already decided years ago who will win the American presidential election race for 2024 and yes 2028 also has been decided by Hashem already.

    May his neshama have an aliya

  8. I heard that he was sick for for the past year and that he was hospitalized with pneumonia for the past week. BDE a really sad loss.

  9. “I heard that he was sick for for the past year and that he was hospitalized with pneumonia for the past week….”

    Please don’t confuse the conspiracy theorists by introducing real facts.

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