Music Video: Still Your Child

sd.jpg(VIDEO LINK AT END OF ARTICLE) The following video titled “Still Your Child” was composed by Yitzy Waldner, and was sung by Shloimy Daskal on his new album titled Poseach Es Yadecha. 

This song was inspired by a story that happened to someone Shloimy Daskal knew who had a falling out with his parents at a very young age. The situation deteriorated to a point where he could no longer stay in his parents home.

He was not reconciled with his parents until a number of years later when he was in the hospital with a terminal illness R”L……..

“It is my hope that this song will help people realize that we don’t always get a second chance to work out our differences. We need to treat each day in a relationship as if it is our last since there might never be a tomorrow,” Daskal said.

The Lyrics in this touching song were written by Chaim Reinman.

VIDEO LINK: Click HERE to watch this moving video.

37 Responses

  1. I don’t get it. Video and song does not in any way explain why his father kicked him out. Son is wearing a yarmulka throughout. Seems like the song/video is bashing frum people in a way that i do not believe is realistic. I know MANY families where the son does not dress like the father but still remains frum and part of the family. What was the point here??

  2. My son had a very turbulent childhood. He became irreligious at 14 years old and lived through many difficult times. I never left him. I never gave him up. He is still not frum and I don’t know what will be later on, but I do know that he will always be a child of HKBH. I am not waiting for him to pick up a sefer in order to love him. I tell him all the time how precious he is to me and that the day he was born was the most beautiful day of my life and I mean every word I say. Yes, it was very difficult to change my mindset, after all, all I yearn for in my life is to have bonim talmedei chachamim and tzdikim. However, I knew I had to make a choice in my life. I could either throw him out because he did not live up to my dreams and hopes, or I could begin to look at this as my nisayon to love unconditionally. I am hoping that I can live up to the great nisayon put forth to me by HKBH and if you ask my son, he will tell you that his mother and him share a loving bond that can never be broken.

  3. WOW!!!

    Can someone please forward this video link to the principals of the Lakewood Bais Yaacov’s. Maybe they will get back to doing their jobs.

  4. To guess who, if you think drugs, alcohol and smoking aren’t issues, watch the video again. Onr thing leads to another. Walk up and down Ocean Parkway, Coney Island Ave. or the pool hall and you’ll see lots of yarmulkas but that’s just for show. All teenagers should watch this.

  5. Wow, so many of us have children who are not fulfilling OUR dreams. Love them, thats all they really want from us. Teach them to the best of our ability and then be there for them.

    This boy has the face of too many children.

    Please don’t it get to THAT that makes us love them again.

  6. This video was a powerfull piece. There are so many young people out there who dont always see eye to eye with their parents. Usually a fight breaks out and in the fit of Kas the young man or woman is thrown out of the house. Although they themselves have been rebelling the last thing they expect is for their parents to rebel. this shock can send them into the lowest elements of society. There are some parents like “Phoenix” who take this as a test to love their child unconditionaly. They never get angry or mad, they buy them cloths for “their” “style”, They dont pressure them to do useless things. Just continue to love them “Bchol livavchem UB’chol nafshachem” A big thank you to The yeshiva world for putting this out, as well as a thank you to Chaim Reinman, Shloimy Daskal, and a special thank you to N.S. for a superb acting job!!

  7. message is powerful however the acting is so bad it should have been left out altogether it is a diversion from the story .Heiligue Yidden don’t try to immitate holywood you don’t have the tumah for it

  8. Wow – I cried when I heard this song. The video is just a representation of this issue. I think that anyone can relate and translate the message of this song in their own way – girl, boy, yarmulke, no yarmulke, chasidish, litvish – it does not matter. It is the message that matters. I myself was involved in such a situation – it is very painful. Btw, shloimy, I am very suprised that you are speaking so good english – you really did a nice job with alot of chasidishe hartz. Phoenix, my heart goes out to you and I hope that your story has a happy ending.

  9. The “son” in this video (do not know his name) but he is a phenominal drummer and is part of the Piamenta band. Yes, at this young age. I see him at chasunas all the time.

  10. to “the commissioner” thanks so much for commenting on my e mail. You stated “they never get angry or mad, they buy them clothes for “their” style.” You are mistaken oh, I was angry, and mad and I never bought my son anything that I did not agree with him wearing. My principles never changed. What did change, was my attitude. I became humbled by this nisayon. Raising a frum child today is much more difficutlt than it used to be, but if a child does grow up to be irreligious, you must love him as equally as your other children. His religion becomes something between him and HKBH and you cannot judge him. Yes, I wish things were different, but that does not stop me from being a mother to my beautiful son with the deep blue eyes and neshama that seeks the truth in a world that is difficult for him to comprehend.

  11. Kudos and job well done:

    This video was moving beyond a doubt.

    As someone that b’h was never thrown out of the house but has worked and watched many children go thru this stage its a marvelous video.

    Thank you Shlomie Daskal

    Ps. Chaim Rieman sang at my wedding two month ago what a phenomonal singer he rocked my wedding:)

    Thank you Nechmia you perfomed amazing

  12. to #19, are you trying to say that living on the street while being at odds with your parents is worse than being dead?! wowee! or lets try to put it another way: are you trying to say that it is better for one’s child to die prematurely r’l rather than frying out? are there parents out there whose love to their children is conditional like that?! Is Hashem’s love to HIS children conditional? We messed with His standards in the past and He kept us!

  13. Now that we are in elul, we need to feel that we are that child. We left our Father’s way. We were tossed out of Yerushalayim Ir Hakodesh. Dont let us be tossed out forever.

    On a more down-to-earth note: A parent should always love their child, no matter how far they have swerved. A parent’s love is what may be the last thing that can bring them back. Keep loving and showing that you care. The fact that the child will still communicate with the parents is a sign that there is still hope. You never know when they might come back, or how it will happen. I know someone who’s child was sent out of the house because they were completely forsaking Torah, shabbos, kashrus, tzniyus–even at the point of drugs–everything and publically too. This child was not even embarrassed! There were other children in the family to think of, but they kept this child in the house as long as possible. And the parents still keep in touch with their child, make sure she is safe, and the child knows that her parents care and love her. She may still come back, IY”H.

  14. I watched the video with tears in my eyes.

    BUT, it’s cliched and unrealistic, because it portrays a situation of finality. It shows a kid dying, the father coming back to love him, the son doing teshuva to Hashem and his father.
    That’s almost easy.
    What’s hard is when it’s not a situation of finality, where there’s no end in sight, where your child is making continuous, ongoing stupid, embarrassing decisions, and you don’t see any light or even any tunnel.

    (I’m not assigning blame to anyone, not father and not son, just pointing out kind of like Living Al Kiddush Hashem is harder than dying Al K”H, so too living with a rebellious, angry, often-foolish teen is harder than “dying” with one.)

  15. I think the frum world better take a good look inside itself before it criticizes anybody because the rest of the world would never do anything like that, throw a child away. It is the child’s aspirations that matter nor the parents! One of the most sad videos I have ever seen.

  16. i cant begin to tell you how this applies to all the schools and especially yeshivas wakeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee up you don’t want hashem to wake you up attention all rsbbayim and hanhala just because its not you does not mean you can ignore this horrible crisis.

  17. I just read this article thought would be appropriate here:
    Until a few years ago, I didn’t take anything very seriously. I had graduated from a Yeshiva high school, and, unlike most of my
    class, I didn’t feel I had what it took to be a learner. I didn’t want to go to college right away, and I thought I would get a
    job and have a good time before I settled down.

    My parents were not very pleased with these decisions, but at that point in my life, what my parents wanted was not terribly
    important to me.
    Regrettably, during this time I fell in with a group of friends who were not orthodox. At first, I told myself that they would
    not influence me; but this turned out to be very far from the truth. In a very short period of time, I became exactly like them,
    and maybe worse, as I should have known better. Shabbos meant nothing, Kashrus meant nothing, and my life was spent in a haze
    which even today I have trouble remembering.

    My parents were devastated maybe they didn’t expect me to be the best of the best, but they certainly didn’t expect this. As well
    as having destroyed my own life, I was on my way to destroying my family as well. Because of the bad influence I was having on my
    younger brothers, my father asked me to leave the house. When I moved out, I said some really cruel and spiteful things to him. I
    can remember him standing silently at the door, with my mother crying at his side. I realize now that what I had seen in them as a
    weakness was actually enormous strength. I had no contact with anyone in my family for almost a year.

    Deep inside I missed them very much, but I foolishly thought that I could be seen as weak, if I contacted them.
    One morning, I was shocked to find my father waiting for me outside of the apartment building I lived in. He looked at me with
    tired, worn eyes and asked if we could talk. Stubborn to the core, I only nodded, and we walked to a corner coffee shop where we
    sat down.

    He told me how much everyone missed me and how I had been in their minds and hearts every second that I had been gone. He told me
    how my mother agonized over what had happened, blaming herself for not having been there for me. While he was talking, tears began
    rushing from his eyes. He told me that he wasn’t here to lecture me. He just had one request. He wanted me to drive with him that
    afternoon to Monsey, NY, and say one chapter of Tehillim at the grave of a certain Tzaddik. As far removed as I was from
    Yiddishkeit, I was still moved by his request. I told him that I couldn’t go that day, but that I would go with him any other time.
    In truth, I had plans to go with some friends to Atlantic City that evening, and I didn’t want to break them. When I told him that
    I couldn’t go that day, he reached across the table and took my hand in his and just looked at me with his tear streaked sad face.
    I felt my own eyes begin to water, and, rather then have him see me cry I just agreed to meet him later that day. I made the
    necessary apologies to my friends, and, later that day, I met my father. We didn’t talk much during the trip up. I remember
    getting out of the car with him, and walking over to one of the graves. He put some rocks on top of the grave and gave me a
    Tehillim. We must have looked quite strange. My father in his long black coat, a black hat perched on his head, and me, with my
    leather bomber jacket and jeans. We didn’t stay long. Ten minutes after we had arrived; we were on our way back. The return trip
    was as quiet as the trip there. My father let me off in front of my apartment building. I still recall the words he said to me as
    I got out of the car. He told me that no matter what may have happened between us, and no matter what may happen, I was always
    going to be his son and he would always love me. I was emotionally moved by his words, but I was not experiencing the spiritual
    inspiration he may have been hoping for. I simply nodded at his words and we parted company.

    The next morning, I woke up to some shocking news. On the way back from Atlantic City, my friends were involved in a head on
    collision with a tractor-trailer. There were no survivors.

    As I write this letter, I am overcome with emotion. I made a bris today for my first child. My father was Sandak and, as he held
    my son on his lap, his eyes met mine and we smiled. It was as if we had finally reached the end of a long journey. We had never
    talked to each other about that trip to Monsey, nor had I never told him about the death of my friends. I just walked back into
    their home that evening, and was taken back with open arms and no questions asked. I don’t think I will ever understand what
    happened that day. I just know, sitting here late at night, with my son in my arms that I will try and be the father to him that
    my father was to me.

  18. #19
    Do you really think that death is a good solution for such a problem?
    Don’t we know as yidden that even one day of making brochos and putting on tefillin is a great zechus… when someone is still alive they have many chances, but when someone has left the world it is hopeless forever!
    Let’s hope that b’korov all those lost to our religion will return, and we shall return to our father in Yerushalayim speedily!
    A gut gebencht yur

  19. By the time I finished watching this amazing,powerful video I was so choked up… that I had to watch it again! It had such a meaningful lesson to it! (especially in our days…) We should be able to bring moshiach speedily in our days!!

  20. To the moderators of this forum.

    I just read this thread and I am very moved by the story of bored@work. I am wondering if it’s perhaps possible to find out if this kever that he went to in Monsey was the Ribnitzer Rebbe’s ZT”L kever. I know you have the email addresses of all your subscribers. I don’t need it, all I’m asking if you can contact him and ask him. I know someone who’s enstranged from her parents and would like to know where they davened so perhaps a similar miracle can happen.

    Tizku L’Mitzvos!

  21. Reeeeeeealy powerful video and i think the acting is very good unlike what #13 rdc said, and i really dont think that was a nice comment! anyway i think everyone should be made aware of this problem and try their hardest to help the teens at risk get back on track. Even if this problem doesnt apply 2 u there are plenty of ppl. who go thru this nisayon, and the lucky ones who baruch hashem dont shouldnt look down at the families who do. Everyone has their own nisyonos.its not the parents or familys fault when this happens and ppl. should not blame them. i feel very strongly about this issue bec. i myself experienced it with a member of my family.
    we all need moshiach to come already amen!!!!!

  22. dont judge anyone until your in their shoes because you never know the other side of the story and dont think its the kids fault for being at risk there are many circumstances that coudve made this happen like being emabarresed by teachers or being abused or……… i could go on and on so always remember to be dan lkaf zchus !!!!!!

  23. to #28:
    did you ever publish your story in a book? It deserves a song or a book of its own!
    Yasher koach.
    did you ever think of mentoring boys? Those who ‘have been there’ are the best mentors since they have seen both sides.

    May you have much nachas from your child and you are certainly going to be a wonderful father to him!

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