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“ARE YOU JEWISH?” Jewish College Student Brutally Assaulted At University Of Michigan

A Jewish University of Michigan student was assaulted on Sunday in what police are treating as a bias-motivated attack. According to reports from the Ann Arbor Police Department and Hillel at the University of Michigan, the student was walking near Hill Street and South Forest at approximately 12:45 a.m. when a group of males approached him from behind and asked if he was Jewish. After confirming his Jewish identity, the student was assaulted by the group, who then fled the scene on foot.

The 19-year-old victim did not sustain serious injuries and did not require hospitalization. He reported the incident to the police later that day. The Ann Arbor Police Department (AAPD) has opened a hate crimes investigation, assigning the case to their bias-motivated crimes unit.

Hillel’s Jewish Community Security Coordinator was informed of the assault, and both the Ann Arbor Police Department and the University of Michigan Police Department (UMPD) were alerted. Hillel at the University of Michigan, in collaboration with the Jewish Community Security Inc., remains in regular communication with state and federal law enforcement agencies as the investigation unfolds.

Chief of Police Andre Anderson, in an official statement, reaffirmed the city’s commitment to combating hate crimes, stating, “There is absolutely no place for hate or ethnic intimidation in the City of Ann Arbor. Our department stands against antisemitism and all acts of bias-motivated crimes.” He further emphasized that the AAPD is working closely with the County Prosecutor’s office to ensure those responsible will face aggressive prosecution.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

2 Responses

  1. Nah, can’t be. With white female Gretchen Whitmer as governor, Palestinian American Rashida Tlaib as congressperson, and US Senators Debbie Stabenow and Gary Peters, ALL RADICAL DEMOCRATS, Yidden have nothing to fear.

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